Respite: 1

Published Dec 1, 2023, 10:49:00 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 1, 2023, 10:49:00 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Alzoru rescues a person

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Alzoru PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3532
102 total points
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Chapter NaN: 1

Hurricane season. Those two words always annoyed Alzoru. Sure, shi wasn’t super bothered by them, being aquatic and living in a cave where most everything was waterproof by design. That wasn’t the issue. No, the real issue was that the storms made a huge mess of the fruit trees! Those trees were a major source of income for hir, dangit! Shi sighed and decided shi might as well patrol the coast for any land-walkers.


Hir tail swished behind hir as shi kept to the depths, away from the roiling waves, and more importantly the lightning Shi swam gracefully, passing through holes in the rocks and reefs, and keeping an eye at the surface… Shi stared forwards and up, until shi saw a shape in the water. A human shape. Shi rocketed to the surface, and wrapped hir arm around the individual before swimming back home on the surface, trying to keep the person alive and breathing. Shi had to punch a reef shark in the nose to make it leave hir charge alone, and shi growled at this. Shi took the unconscious individual, and realized that hir cave’s entrance was totally submerged. Shi took the person’s neck, and melted parts of their skin, forming a set of gills on them to make sure they didn’t drown.


After about 5 minutes of swimming, Alzoru was able to bring the poor sap into hir cave and set them on the couch, finally getting a good look at the person. It was a blonde elf man, and shi returned him to normal, taking the gills away as shi let him rest. Shi began to cook up a meal for hirself and hir guest, hoping that the elven male would be well-rested.


Seafood pasta with garden salad and crepes, a fine dinner. The scent of food was enough to awaken the elf, which got him sitting up. His green eyes darted about and saw the cave and he hyperventilated a bit, “Am I dead? Is this hell?” He asked, panting and holding himself.


“I saved you. You are alive.” Shi said, and sat at the table. “Come and dine with the lord and lady.”


“A sexy dragon?! But… Okay, I must be dreaming, dragons are never this hot!” He told himself.


“Shut up and eat your pasta,” Alzoru demanded, and the elf walked to the table, slurping up the pasta and shrimp.


He smiled and ate with gusto, finding the meal quite a treat! He slurped up more of the magnificent pasta with its secret sauce, and he ate the salad as well. “Wow! That’s really good! If only I wasn’t dreaming!” He said with a satisfied smile.


“Oh you poor elf. I’m very real. Kobolds, pinch him, please.” Shi ordered, and they obeyed by pinching him on the butt, which he screamed to.

“OW!” He yelled, “Okay, I guess I’m awake… Thank you, miss dragon.” He said with a blush and ate his crepe dessert.


“You’re welcome. Stay here for a few days until the hurricane passes, elf boy. You’ll be safe in my cave.” Shi offered.

“Thank you, you’re too kind. I’m Auron. Who are you?”

“Lord and Lady Alzoru.” Shi answered and ate hir crepe.


After a few days, she sent him off and gave his a few potions of water breathing along with potions of swift swimming just in case he needed them. After all, the sea could be treacherous!

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