Short Story #1: Two, Again: Gifted (Origins)

Published Dec 2, 2023, 2:50:33 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 2, 2023, 2:50:33 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

A written short story just about the two. This is to expand upon Stella and Käreitär's bond.


Let me write a short wholesome story with these two because I can't draw everything all the time, oof. Also, I might reveal some canon bits of the two here and there.

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Characters in this Chapter

Käreitär PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3251
63 total points
5 approved points
Stella PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3484
75 total points
5 approved points


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Chapter NaN: Gifted (Origins)

They say that one small act can ripple into a massive wave. 

But for a girl, who did nothing but to show her imagination and passion to the world, it was overshadowed by others who could do it better than her. Plenty of other people had put people like her under their shadow, even if she worked her hardest and her best to achieve her goals. However, it seems that she's not so loud enough, or perhaps even confident in themselves. The girl always felt like she was reading a script, and when she derails, she suddenly falls silent.

Her solace is always in her mind, where she always will be welcomed by her dreams and her imaginations. The girl speaks the loudest in her mind and heart, but not in the body. It's as if she has no room to even shout at the world. It's as if she is always constantly silenced that she could not be herself.


That is, until a single walk to the cold forest changed everything.


That day of a normal winter's night became unusual when the girl finds a strange rock under all the snow. She held it in her gloves cautiously, not wanting to ruin it. But the rock suddenly glows hot, the girl reacting in sudden shock. She stomps on the heated rock, crushing it until the heat is extinguished. However, it shoots a sudden burst of fire, almost rendering the girl burned and bline. Her sudden reaction to the rock releases an ancient being from her prison. The entity looked around her surroundings, breathing and relieved. She finally sees her savior, who stands before her fiery spirit.

The girl can see the entity's eyes show a look of joy, despite lacking a mouth. In an ethereal voice, she told her:


"Thank you, kind human, for freeing my prison."

The girl tilted her head in confusion.

"I'm sorry, I freed you? That rock was burning hot! What was I supposed to do? Not crush it?"

The fiery entity kept showing that joyful expression. She took the girl's hand in hers, and knelt to the snowy ground. The flames disappeared, revealing a woman with long red hair, fair brown skin, and piercing red eyes that looked like she was once a merciless goddess.

However, she smiled at the girl.

"Do I know you?" asks the girl, "Because we never met."

The goddess answers, her voice as calm as the winter night itself.

"I am Käreitär, the goddess of flames. I have been trapped in that stone for thousands of years, left buried in the snow, forgotten by many. What you crushed on accident is called the 'Rune of Fire', but my captors had placed a special spell that prevented any form of magic from releasing me."

"So I just found a loophole and crushed it physically?" interrupts the girl.

"I never heard a single word from the humans that imprisoned me that such a possibility of physical desecration can free me," Käreitär chuckled sweetly.

She paused, standing up from the ground before looking at the human girl with loving eyes.

"May I know the name of my mortal savior?" she asks.

That... was awkward. Yet what else can the girl do? Käreitär seems so eager to know who she is. It's not like any powerful deity would ask anything other than mere worship. But this goddess is asking something entirely.

The girl hesitates, before responding. "I am Stella. Nice to meet you."

"Stella..." Käreitär muses, "A lovely name, for a lovely girl."

"Okay?" Stella seems almost awkward in the presence of the fiery goddess.

The two were quiet for a while, until Käreitär was the first to break the silence.

"In return of you granting my freedom-"

"-on accident," adds Stella.

Käreitär giggled at the response. She didn't really care if it was on instinct or accidental. What matters is that she is free, and she can finally see the world around her.

"I want to bestow upon you a special gift. It's a kind of offering no normal human may be able to take, but you seem to deserve it. After all, I cannot simply leave my savior empty-handed."

"Should I really trust you?" asks Stella to Käreitär.

"I don't want to disappoint you. I know it seems too early, but I want to give you what you desire the most. It's what a goddess does to mortals."


Stella took time to consider this offer Käreitär wanted to give her. It feels too early, but she didn't want to make the fiery goddess feel bad for herself, not after she crushed the Rune of Fire on instinct. Maybe she can at least try?


"Does it hurt?" asks Stella.

"You won't feel a thing, I promise."

"You know that's a lie."

The goddess sighs calmly, "It may be a little sting, but you won't feel any pain after. You might feel irritated, but that's alright. You'll soon get used to it."

"Fine, I'll accept your offer."

Käreitär's eyes glimmered with joy. She places two fingers on Stella's heart, closing her eyes to concentrate on her magic. A surge of energy flows from Käreitär's arm to Stella's chest, imbuing her with her divine power. It feels like she was burning. It feels like her chest tightens as the energy flows in her body. After some time, Stella gasps for breath, distancing from Käreitär once the energy is completely transferred.

"What was that?" questions Stella, panting for air.

"I gave you a piece of my raw divine essence, which empowers your soul to new heights," explains Käreitär.

"Did you just-"

Käreitär glimmers with excitement. "Yes, my little Stella! I gave you magic!"

She was dumbfounded. So this goddess is true to her word. She just did what no other god would do to a mortal, without even asking for anything in return. Stella shakes her hand to see if anything came out. It's just a visible trail of white light. She moved around, leaving more white lights behind.

Käreitär was right.

Stella has been gifted with magic!

"Is this real?" Stella asks Käreitär, her tone growing with excitement.

"A hundred percent, my dear!" replied the goddess, the same excitement on her face and body language.

She ran to Käreitär, hugging her tightly.

She almost looked like she wanted to cry on her chest.

"Thank you," sobbed Stella, quietly.

"Anything for you, my precious Stella," replied Käreitär, holding the girl close to her. "I'll always be by your side, until the end of time."

"It feels so real, Käreitär."

The goddess smiled at Stella. "I know, my sweet little girl."


Ever since this mortal girl freed her, Käreitär wanted nothing more than to stay by her side. She looked so young, so precious, yet so fragile and willing to learn. Her mind is filled with things no one can understand, except for those who share the same passion as her. What sets her apart from most mortals is that Stella needs utmost support from a real friend.

Or if it would help her open up to the goddess, Käreitär can be her mother-figure. She swore to herself that she'll help Stella adapt to her newfound blessings in life; she'll raise her to be as loving as she is, and to grow happy and wise. Yes, this feeling that many gods shun is what Käreitär is full of right now.

Could this be the true divine love between humans and gods that many wish for?

Can a god really love a human like how a parent cherishes their child?

It seems that will soon be proven in time.


The two began to walk back to the city filled with snow. Many people didn't mind the strange red-haired woman walking with Stella as they head straight to where she lives. There is a house that Stella managed to buy, while residing in the natural spots of the area. The city path was the quickest way to her home so far. Once she enters the house, both sighed in exhaustion from the long walk in the cold. Stella reassuringly looks at Käreitär, giving her a nod to make herself warm.

"Don't feel so bad about being here," says Stella, "Go ahead and make yourself at home. At least I'll have someone to be with me-"

Käreitär was looking at the rooms like an eager child exploring their first move-in to a new home. She looked so active, from sliding down the staircase rails to sprinting to the kitchen. Then she entered the bathroom to wash her face with warm water.

"This is where you humans live now?" asks Käreitär, "There's so many beautiful colors in your place, that I want to explore them all!"

Stella tilts her head in confusion. "Do you even know what a city is?"

"Of course I do! I have felt the evolution of humanity in my little prison. It's just that I wish to learn more of your advanced lifestyle and cultures." Käreitär at least managed to calm down a bit. "Sorry if I get a bit hyper, it's been so long since I've seen the world."

Stella began to smile at the goddess's continuous chatter. She was also talkative when she's around people who would enjoy a long endless talk. Käreitär seems to be loud, energetic, and very eager for anything, but she enjoys at least having her around when she needed someone to listen. Perhaps she can finally stop taking the world alone, and have someone to talk to.

"You can help me set a room that will be your place to sleep," she said.

"Does that mean we can live together?" asks Käreitär.


"Yeah. You and me, living like two best friends, or... mother and daughter?"


All that Stella gets in response is a squeal from Käreitär, and her happily prancing around the wide living room as she hugged the girl.

"That's so kind of you, but don't stress yourself out for me. I want to save you the pain from doing stuff for me. I'll handle my own personal space, and you can handle with yours." Käreitär winks at Stella.


"Man that escalated fast." comments Stella.


From that day forward, Stella taught Käreitär the modern lifestyle that humans have adapted to. Surprisingly, Käreitär managed to blend in as if she has been waiting her whole life to do this. She managed to listen to every genre of music up until the modern age, even bopping her head to the beat and melody. Stella even showed Käreitär the stores of the bustling city. It took her a long time until the goddess came back with so many kinds of clothes, from the most formal to the most wild and upbeat designs.

She helped her get all the things she needed to start her new life in the modern world, and in turn Käreitär began to tell Stella stories of her life back in the ancient days when the gods co-existed with humans. The two slowly grow to rely on one another, while still maintaining their individual lives. After all, no one can live alone, can they?


This is the beginning of how a simple encounter of fate would turn into a bond beyond divinity and humanity.


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