The Mentor: The Mentor

Published Dec 9, 2023, 4:28:12 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 9, 2023, 4:28:12 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Prompt: Did your character have a mentor who taught them how to use their element? Explore that relationship through art or story.

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Kino PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3643
22 total points
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Chapter NaN: The Mentor

Prompt: Did your character have a mentor who taught them how to use their element? Explore that relationship through art or story.

Kino was always excited to start her training for the day. Most other guards dreaded the long arduous days of training, but she very much enjoyed it. Especially the days that they worked with their elements. Using fire was so thrilling, feeling the heat pulse through her body as it found its way out through her limbs. Nothing topped that sensation, it was just so freeing. She was also one of the lucky people who got to train with the great Abraxas; he was one of most highly regarded elemental mentors in the underworld and it was an honor to be under his tutelage. 

Even though Kino had long since been done with basic training the Royal Guard was required to continue training at least 2 hours a day 5 days a week on top of their normal duties. They need to be in good shape and keep their skills as sharp as possible so everyone trained regardless of how long they had been a Royal Guard. A few months ago Abraxas had taken a liking to her and offered to give her private lessons for a time. Kino had accepted immediately feeling honored that he thought she was worthy of such attention and training.

As she entered the room Abraxas looked up at her and smiled. “Good morning Kino. Are you ready to get started?” He asked her cheerily.

“Yes,” Kino replied enthusiastically. “I’m always ready.”

“That’s what I like to hear.” Abraxas praised. “Let’s start with your basic steps please. I want to see how you’ve improved.”

She nodded before setting her bag in the designated corner and shucking her jacket. Kino took a deep breath and began moving through the movements. Confidently she flowed through each movement with practiced ease and reveled in the way her mentor watched her proudly. Once she was done she turned to face him bowing deeply and respectfully. 

He clapped for her. “You are doing very well Kino,” he purred. “I think you are ready.”

“Ready for what?” Kino asked him curiously.

“Ready to take back what is ours,” Abraxas said with dark satisfaction.

Kino just looked at him not understanding what he meant. “What do you mean?” She asked him, feeling uneasy. 

“You know the prophecy of the Princess Akiara right?” He asked her, still smiling pleasantly.

“Of course I’m her personal guard for most formal events,” she replied stiltedly. “The prophecy that on her 16th birthday she will be given the true powers of the underworld.”

Abraxas nodded along as she spoke. “Yes, but there is more. There are parts they didn’t tell the general public of the underworld.” As he said this she saw he features morph into something…evil. “She is to be the eternal queen of the underworld, but if she were to die the power would go to the most qualified of the warriors. That means if she were to die her power would surely be yours.”

Kino didn’t like where this was going. “What are you trying to say?” 

“You and I both know that brat is not worthy of the power she’s going to receive,” he said matter of fact. “She is cruel just like her father. I know you’ve seen it. If we were to rid the kingdom of her that power would be yours. You could have all of that for yourself and with me by your side to help you, you would be invincible.”

She recoiled at that. “What is wrong with you?! Akiara is a child!” She declared angrily. “It’s not her fault that she is only doing as she was taught!”

“Is it not?” Abraxas said his tone taking a slightly darker note at her apparent outrage. “I mean your parents were horrible to you, but you still have kindness in your heart. Isn’t the sacrifice of a life worth the power you could gain? You could rule Kino! With me by your side as your mentor and adviser. Or perhaps maybe one day as King? Surely you could come to care for me Kino? You are such a lovely woman, one of the most gorgeous creatures I have seen in hundreds of years.” He said this as he stepped forward, taking her hand and kissing the inside of her wrist.

Kino yanked her hand away from him. “Life is sacred I will take it to serve myself,” She yelled in his face. “I will not do this! I will not help you with your evil plans. This isn’t right, you can’t kill a child!”

At that Abraxas’ face darkened with anger. “If you won’t help me you are of no use.” And with that he unsheathed his sword running forward intending to slash at her. 

She quickly side stepped his attack and tried to run for the exit. He rushed at her again blocking her exit, sword raised to swing at her once more. Kino dodged to the side and felt the sword nick her ear as it passed by. Abraxas’ brows furrowed in further anger and he swung at her once more. This time Kino grabbed the end of the sword and bit her lip as she felt the blade slice into the skin of her hand. She pressed forward through the pain ripping the sword from his grip. Thankfully he was not a particularly strong man. 

The sword fell from his grip with little difficulty and she quickly flipped so she could grip the handle. It was bulkier than the Katana she normally used so she knew she would be at a disadvantage using an unfamiliar weapon. Before she could make a move against him he lept in the air sharp icicle of his making in hand as he came down on her she fell to the ground eyes closed and sword pointed up  in a last ditch effort to protect herself.

Kino lay on the ground under the man who had been her mentor waiting for the pain of his elemental weapon to cut into her skin and perforate her heart. A pain that never came. She tentatively opened her eyes and did not expect what she saw. Abraxas lay still and limp on top of her skewered on his own toward. With a choked sob she threw his body with the sword still in it off of her.

Kino felt panic rising in her throat as she looked down on her clothes that were covered in Abraxas’ blood. Another sob ripped out of her throat and she covered her mouth to stifle it. Her mind was reeling with panic and pain. Kino could hardly believe how cruel the royal family was, but Abraxas was even more cruel. She had to calm down and think. She had to think. She had to get out of there. 

Quickly Kino collected her things and began running back toward her quarters. She needed to leave.


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  • Dec 10, 2023, 5:28:33 AM UTC
    AHHHHH Finally got to reading this! Poor Kino. If only she knew how attached I already am to her! And shout out to her for refusing to kill a kid, even if the kid might turn out to be evil and bad and stuff. Wonder if that might come back to nip her in the bud >Smile