A Happy Moment: A Happy Moment

Published Jan 8, 2024, 2:20:00 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 8, 2024, 2:20:00 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Kino finds herself reflecting on the moment captured in the image kept in her locket. She clutches her talisman close finding comfort in the happy moment forever captured in it.

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Kino PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3643
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Chapter NaN: A Happy Moment

Prompt: Draw or write about a talisman for your character. It can be something that is sentimental, magical, or in some way meaningful to your character. It's not required, but many adventurers who journey to these different worlds keep their Portal badges on their talisman as a way to showcase all of the places they've journeyed to.

Kino had been running for a long time. She hadn’t been keeping track of how long exactly and she didn’t care to she was just so tired. Finally she slowed down to a jog as she became aware that she was no longer being followed. Looking around as she continued to slowly jog through the dense forest she had found herself in she saw a cave off to the side hidden behind some vines that looked like suitable shelter from the pouring rain.

Finally Kino got to the cave and pushed the hanging ivy out of the way and promptly collapsed inside the entrance to the shallow cave. Laying down she curled in on herself and shivered as she felt the cold of bare stone ground leach what remaining heat she had in her body. Kino couldn’t bring herself to care though, she was just so tired. Vaguely she could feel tears slip from her eyes and down the side of her face soaking into her hair. She slowly sunk into sleep.

Waking with a start Kino shot up to a sitting position momentarily confused by the unfamiliar surroundings. Slowly the events of the previous day came back to her and after rubbing sleep from her eyes she stood wincing as her stiff joints protested the movement. It looks like it was still dark out, but thankfully it stopped raining. Kino shivered again and decided that it would be best if she gathered a bit of wood to start a small fire. Hopefully that the cover of the ivy at the entrance would cover up any light and smoke created by it.

After gathering some damp wood she set up a small little pile big enough that it should help her warm up. Kino just hoped that she had enough heat to light the damp wood because otherwise she would be out of luck. Taking a deep breath she focused on channeling the heat left within her and was able to successfully like the little fire. She smiled to herself proud that she was able to finally get some warmth back in her bones.

Curling up next to the little fire she dug in her shirt and pulled out the little locket that she kept tucked in there. She opened it watching the picture inside that was animated by magic. It was a picture of her and her late husband on their wedding day. Kino brought it with her everywhere as a sort of talisman or good luck charm. It always brought a smile to her face and warmth to her chest to watch the two happy people in the picture. Those were happier days before everything went wrong. If only Ase had been there that fateful day maybe he could have vouched for her and she wouldn’t have had to run. Maybe he would have come with her. She could really use some company right now.

Kino laid there watching that picture for what felt like hours. She watched as a past version of herself leaned in to kiss the handsome man across from her. The couple kissed through huge smiles that they couldn’t seem to hold back as petals fell around them. She continued laying there watching that happy moment until she once again fell back into sleep.

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