-The Nights Are Better Anyway-: Chapter 1

Published Oct 13, 2006, 1:40:19 PM UTC | Last updated Oct 13, 2006, 1:40:19 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Yaoi M/M Day may be good, but sometimes we prefer to lie in bed with the one we love, free to think, and to cry and be happy at the same time..,'

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1


It was cold.

The air in the apartment was bitterly so, frosting the windows to the point where it was possible to spell out words with the touch of a finger.

Snowing on the inside.

There was no sound, just the breathing of two people, one in a slow rhythm that matched sleep, the other was awake, more deep and more lethargic.

It was dark.

There was a little light flowing through the fogged up window, it almost drifted through the room, making the room light up with a soft blue light, casting the room into an eternal afterglow.

But it was warm.

One body pressed itself up against another, savoring the warmth that it gave, treasuring it, revealing in the ache that it made in his heart to be this close to someone he cared so much about.

It ached?

Mint had to take a deep breath, and he nuzzled his face into the back of Jolloupā€™s neck, biting down softly onto his lip to try to suppress the burning feeling he felt at the back of this throat. He tightened his hold on the blonde in his arms, who was curled up at his front, molded perfectly to his lean frame; the blankets were pulled up around their necks, so Mint couldnā€™t see the rest of Jolloup.

He shuddered against Jolloupā€™s body, a single tear slipping down his cheek and was absorbed by the pillow underneath his head. The smaller demon responded to the movement and yawned sleepily, turning over in Mintā€™s arms and settling back down again with his front pressed firmly against the hybrids. One of his hands sliding underneath the thin shirt and creeping around Mintā€™s waist, fingers lazily running over a few of the pieces of shined metal that were in his skin. He took in a deep breath and slipped back into slumber.

Heā€™s beautiful.

Mint couldnā€™t help but smile through the tears that now blurred his vision; he threaded the fingers of his free hand through Jolloupā€™s blonde hair and sighed softly, loving the feel of his loverā€™s warm breathe on the side of his neck, hot puffs against cold skin.

He loves me.

Mint ran over this thought again and again in his head, but couldnā€™t come up with an answer why. Why did this demon love him? Love a half breed like him? Why would a demon give a hybrid with an overabundance of bodily piecing a second glance?

I love him.

The angel part of his blood kicked in and he could feel his own aura expand to encompass the beautiful blonde in his arms, who smiled in his sleep and pressed himself even closer still to Mint, sliding a leg over his hips. ā€œā€¦Mmm, Mintā€¦sā€™niceā€¦ā€

Mint tried his best to clear his vision, blinking a few times before staring back into space, his eyes suddenly spying the picture on their bedside table. He remembered that moment so well, that sudden urge to kiss his loverā€™s forehead, right there in front of everyone. He did just that, and it was a blessing and a curse, and thatā€™s how they ended up with that photo for Christmasā€¦ Courtesy of Priest Macrea and his camera.

ā€œMintā€¦? Whatā€™yaā€™doin? Too colā€™ to beā€™wakeā€¦ā€

The hybrid could feel his loverā€™s voice against his neck, slurred and broken from sleep, he wasnā€™t awake, although he wasnā€™t asleep either.

ā€œNothing Loveā€¦ Go back to sleep.ā€

ā€œHehā€¦ Loveā€¦ I like thatā€¦ sā€™niceā€¦ā€ Jolloup just managed to form a sentence before he fell asleep again, face turned into Mintā€™s neck.

ā€˜Unconditional loveā€¦ itā€™s more than I deserveā€¦ā€™ Thought Mint, ā€˜more than enough for a monstrosity like meā€¦ā€™

ā€œNot a monstrosityā€¦ā€ Jolloup murmured, awakening from his sleep once again, smiling sleepily against his loverā€™s neck, ā€œmineā€¦ all mineā€¦ā€

Mint couldnā€™t help the smile that spread over his face as he finally settled down, pulling the smaller demon as close as possible to his body. The both of them could feel Mintā€™s aura wrapping around them both like an extra blanket, this raised another murmur from Jolloup, his body gladly accepting the warmth.

ā€˜Screw memories of the better daysā€¦ the nights are better anyway.ā€™

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