The Difference:

Published Dec 1, 2006, 1:59:31 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 1, 2006, 3:46:21 AM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

A girl goes through life facing strange unusual things. But what more would you expect from a wolrd that thinks everyoen who wears all black is a satanic goth?

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Chapter NaN:

           Entrance to Our Lives - Prologue   

         It was a cold day in our small town. Me and my two cousins were waking up and steadying ourselves for the hell to come once we get to school. We were mocked, made fun of, and on occasions, beaten. We were used to our punishments for being different from every one else. We couldn't deny the fact that we loved the darkness, that we enjoyed the feeling of seeing nothing but black around us. But, it was not our fault. We embraced our differences from all the other girls. We enjoyed knowing that our presence brought fear into their lives. But, as you may have guessed, there were a few things that we didn't love. Not being able to smile at girly things, like when a boy flirts, or when a cute puppy is growling in its sleep. We hated pink, we hated dresses, we hated everything that most typical girls would love. It's just how we were. 


                Chapter 1: School 1st hour

           â€śShay Face! Wake up! It's 7:30 already! We're going to be late for school!” Brittany yelled. She was the second oldest of us. She was short, and well had a little more to love, if you catch my drift. But she was a good person. “Shay Face I'm not going to say it again!” she screamed one last time before stomping back down the stairs.


“I'm up, I'm up.” I shouted back down to her. I always dreaded going to school, I hated the looks I got and the way all the girls whispered whenever I walked by.


            “The damn taxi's here already! Why do they always come so early? Do they just want to make us late for school.” Amanda groaned as she grabbed her mint green bag and ran out the door.


“You know as well as I do that's why they come so early Manda Face. They hate us, if they had a choice they'd probably not come at all!” Brittany replied.


            I threw on some pants and a shirt. I jumped nearly down all our stairs, grappled my bag and flew out the door behind my older cousins.


… Later Once they got to school…


We said our good-byes and parted to our classrooms. I was in 7th grade and my cousins were in 10th and 11th. My first hour is science. And to be honest it was the only class I liked. I love the way my teacher accepted me for who I was, unlike the other teachers. He always protected me from the other students whenever I got into a fight. Also, I was always the first one he'd choose when we did gross projects like dissecting frogs and fish and other slimy slippery animals!


“We're going to learn about the reproductive system today, along with heredity.” Mr. Bearfield announced. Most of the girls in class giggled as they're blonde heads filled with thoughts of boys. And the guys all smirked looking towards girls they liked.


“Um, Mr. Bearfield, what heredity?” a girl named Linda asked.


“Heredity, is the genetics of families. As in traits that are passed from your parents onto you.” He stated.


“Oh like eye color and hair color you mean then?”


“Exactly Linda, very good.” He said with a bit of smirk. I was the only one who got it that he was surprised she knew that because she was a blonde.


“So does that mean that like..well..does being weird like Marshae come from your parents too then?” Blake, an orange headed jock, asked.


I bowed my head in embarrassment. I didn't know I was that weird. I mean sure, I wore black everyday, and I didn't smile or laugh. And I wasn't a rosy cheeked blonde, like most girls were, but, I was smart, quick witted and had a few moments were I sort of smirked.


“Um well no. Not as far as we know yet. Scientists are trying to figure out what makes everyone different. Not as different as Marshae,” He looked at me and smiled, making sure I knew it wasn't an insult, “But different as in your personality, or what color you like. Stuff like that.”


The class got quiet. They wanted to know why I was different, hell I wanted to know why I was different. And yet, even the greatest scientists couldn't even figure it out!



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