the way i feel: how can i ?

Published Apr 5, 2007, 7:04:47 AM UTC | Last updated Apr 5, 2007, 7:04:47 AM | Total Chapters 1

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it's just feelings

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Chapter NaN: how can i ?



IF you think to leave me alone ..

or just want to go on I want you to stop and think for a moment if you gone then what I have something worth living for

, how can I breath again , who will make me move on because you are my light , you are my shiny star in a calm night and you are my everyday, tell me how can I live with out your love, how can I feel with out your touch and I do not know where my heart will be ….


I know I said a lie a strong one I did not mean to hurt you it just… I was afraid from losing you ..

it was hard on me to say the truth and see you leave me alone ..

It just I can not see these broken tears in your eyes when you know that I love someone else more than you …

Do you know who?

I love the old you

He used to take my breaths away

He used to show me his love

He used to wipe away all of my tears

I still love you but I wish to take off this devil mask and go back to the angle ′s one..

I wish that from my heart..

A simple smile come on my lips when I remember all the words we used to say , the crazy things we used to do and the funny fights we used to be through ..

But this one is not funny at all

What can I do to fix you , what can I do to make you come back

And what can I do to get back our love..


It is the valentine day some lovers are together dislike to calibrate…

Some of people are alone or do not have someone to share this holy feelings..

And some of them would die to see his love …

But they are spread a way ,,their heart is screaming loudly from being in miss

They wish a moment to say (I love you)to each other…they wish a moment to have a big huge then a tender kiss following by crying on shoulders and saying goodbyes..

Every one of them could not hold on his tears ..

When They see the lovers holding each other

, listen to a romance song it is just add more Paine in them..

I wish if every love goes on as it begun

I wish every couple enjoy themselves and drop the sad feelings …I wish that we can stay with our love forever…


The door will opened after four months I must pass it , I must move on and start my new life . it is on front of me I must go for it .

I will spread my wings and learn how to fly ..

But I will not forget all the people that I love

I will not forget my dear friends ..

I will not forget my teachers whom lead

me to this way

And first of all I will not forget my family

I am thankful for every one support me in good and bad ways

if I say thanks from the moon to the sun that will not be enough

I promise you dears I will not forget the sweet things that you did it to me and who can do that…


We fought that day .. I am alone now if

I could meet you again , if I could say I am sorry to you , if we can back to one…

I will be brave and come to you I want to say that I do not want to fight any more .. I know I hurt you , I know I let you down and I know I need you..

You are part of my soul , you are a part of my heart.. and you are a part of me..

My friend every thing with out you is a lie

There is no beat in the heart when you are a far …

I want to say that I am sorry for every thing and I never needed a friend like I do now …

Can you forgive me again you are my one true friend and I did not mean to hurt you ..

I kill myself now to arrive these words for you that I am sorry…


Today I wake up like any another day , thinking that if yesterday was my worst day then today will be better ..

I wash my face then I look into the mirror and when I look I found this strange woman who was standing behind me ..

First I scared then she seem like a nice person I asked her : who you are? What are you doing her ?

She says: I am a fairy and I will make three wishes come true for you..

I do not know what to say .. what can I lose I said : first I wish if I get all the science of the world ..

She says : done ,what is your second one?

I said I wish if I could speak one hundred language ..

She make it true then I thought about my last wish…

I want it goodness to spread all over the world I thought and thought and thought..

Then I found it I wished that the peace ,health and goodness spread all over the world..

I thought that she will say "done" but she did not ..

She said : are you expecting from me to change the heart of seven billion people?

I have always asked myself why can not we grow up?

Why can not we be peaceful, living in love and swept away all the bad thoughts from our minds and hearts?

That was a hard wish to become true ..

every one of us have a power to change the people around him so let us give it a try..


The all universe stopped unless us …

nothing but silence surround us …

If it is a dream I wished it last forever ..

I looked into your eyes then I know the reason why I am a life …

Everything I ever knew is a lie without you …

Holy angels full the place to be sure that we are fine …

All that happen when you tell me that you love me …

I will never be alone again …

I will never cry a tear on some one left me …

Some people wait a life time for a moment like this …

And it happens to me …


Suddenly she is leaving .. suddenly breathing is hard to do …

There is so much to say , can you hear me if I spoke from the heart…

I know I hurt you but I am a human I will always do mistakes …

Why can we talk about it …

can not you hear it in my voice that I am sorry with every meaning to this word …

pleas , do not let me go …

it does not work out this way …

I need you to know that I will never forget our friendship…

I will cross the world looking for a friend as true as you …

I will failed 'cause you are so special nobody is like you …


For my leader my sister Lila you are the best keep on what you doing I am with you on the line…

My father and mother you are the coolest parents that anyone could have …

My family there is a wise man who used to say '' when you have no family then you have no life '' …

And really there is no life without you ..

My tiny booboo nephews I love you sweeties ……

My friends ''SBNZM'' ,

Yours faithfully :

Nada .S.J 2007


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