Convergence...: One-shot

Published Aug 25, 2007, 5:47:04 PM UTC | Last updated Aug 25, 2007, 5:47:04 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

The Assignment for IYficexchange on LJ What pairing would you like?: Inu/Kag What rating would you prefer? R or NC-17 What would you like your fic to include? A new moon, a confession, and a light/happy ending What do you NOT want included in your fic? Character death, non-con. Nothing overly dark or too angsty.

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Chapter NaN: One-shot

Convergence on a Moonless Night

Convergence on a Moonless Night

Prompts:You are writing for: Inufan625
LJ username: Inufan625

The Assignment

What pairing would you like?: Inu/Kag

What rating would you prefer? R or NC-17

What would you like your fic to include?  A new moon, a confession, and a light/happy ending

What do you NOT want included in your fic?Character death, non-con. Nothing overly dark or too angsty.

Inuyasha groaned as he sank down beneath the steaming water. Normally he didn't like to be caught with his pants down when he was human, but the entire village where they were spending the night had no reason to think he was anything other than just that. Human.

They'd arrived after sunset and stumbled upon a summer wedding reception already well underway. Not wanting anything to do with a large crowd of people, he'd done what he did best, acted surly and huffed in a corner. Until she came. She just had to point out that he was drawing more attention to himself by being grumpy than he would by minimally participating in things. Then she offered to stay with him at the fringes of the party, mingling with the poorer or single guests and the children. Inuyasha hated to admit it, but he did have a soft spot for kids. They were never out right mean to him when he was a child, not until an adult came along and explained that it was okay to taunt a half-breed. That you should throw things at one and hit them. That you should make sure there was no one around to play with them or that it's okay to steal their toys because they aren't real people.

So, he ended up spending his time with Kagome and the village working class, commenting about the heat and the lack of rain, watching the miko make flowerings with Shippou and the children and being dragged into dancing games.

Still, he couldn't help but be glad the party was over. Kagome would be curled up in her room with Sango, Kirara, and Shippou. Where Miroku was could be anyone's guess, but he doubted the slayer would sleep until she tracked the wayward monk down. Miroku honestly wouldn't cheat on Sango with another woman, he hadn't since he first met the slayer, but Inuyasha was getting the sinking suspicion he liked being hunted down and hit a little too much for comfort.

A snapping branch caught Inuyasha's attention and he stood and turned, drawing his sword in one fluid motion. Tessaiga wouldn't transform, but just the fact that he could draw his weapon that quickly should cause whoever dared to sneak up on him to pause.

“Ummm, Inuyasha?”

“Damn it, Kagome.” He dropped back into the hot spring with a blush. “Why didn't you say something sooner?”


Kagome stood at the edge of the tree line sporting her own blush. She knew she couldn't say anything coherent at the moment, so she wasn't even going to try. She was mesmerized. With only the stars and the soft glow of a lantern cutting through the steam, Inuyasha looked like some sort of virile water god. Water rolled over the planes of smooth flesh, dipped into the ridges of muscle, only to tangle in the soft line of hair that began at his navel.


“What?” Her head snapped up. “Oh, I didn't want you to tell me to go back to the rooms. Sango found Miroku and…well, let's just say there's no way that I'm going to get any sleep right now. What are you doing?”

“Besides taking a bath?”

She laughed. “Yes, besides that.”

“Just sitting here thinking. I should have brought some of that smelly soap you always use. My hair is tangled from that brat trying to braid it.”

“You liked it, Inuyasha. And you made her so happy.” She drew a deep breath. “Why didn't you bring soap from the bathhouse? There was plenty there and the headman said we were welcome to whatever they had.”

She heard his familiar snort. “Keh. I've gotten so used to your flower smelling shit that the stuff here smelled like…” he trailed off.

“Crap?” she suggested smiling.

“Yeah, that too.”

“Inuyasha? I have my soaps with me. I was going to soak in the spring and try to relax enough to go to sleep. I'll wash your hair if you want. I don't mind.”

He was quiet for so long she was sure he would refuse. “What about your bath?'

“I'll wait until you're done. It's a beautiful night, after all.”

“You can get in behind me if you want. This hot spring is big enough to hold the whole damn village.”

“Inuyasha, are you sure?”

“Keh. Damn, it's not like I want you to or nothing. If you don't want to, then don't. I'm not the one who has to sit and wait-”

“No, it's fine.”


Inuyasha listened to the rustling sounds of clothing being dropped. He could feel Kagome approaching as well as hear her, so he moved forward, away from the rock bank, making room for the miko. She slipped in with a sigh, her slight body barely making a ripple in the mineral water.

“Dunk under so your hair is wet.”

Obeying without complaint, Inuyasha wet his hair and sat still, waiting for the caress of Kagome's fingers. He didn't have to wait long. The scent of wildflowers filled the air as she worked the liquid soap into a thick lather. Her hands and fingers were much stronger than when she first came here, to his world. At first, she had trouble just holding onto his shoulders when he ran full out, gripping the fabric of his firerat like a lifeline. Now, countless rides and battles with her bow had strengthened those tiny hands and delicate fingers, giving her hands better suited to a warrior than the school girl she was in her world.

“How is it that your hair is so perfect? Is it a hanyou thing or are you just lucky?”

“What do you mean?”

“Tip you head back. I mean, as soon as I worked in the shampoo, the knots came right out. Your hair is like silk. I have to constantly comb mine or spray stuff in it too keep it from tangling in the weather here. You never seem to have any knots.”

“Just lucky I guess. I never really thought about it. I know my mother was always brushing out her hair when she had the chance. Hers was even longer than mine, to her ankles, if I remember right. I used to love helping her brush it when I was a pup.”

Kagome's fingers stilled. “You miss those moments don't you? The peace?”

“Sometimes.” He leaned back, letting his body rest against Kagome. He did it slowly, so she had more than enough time to scoot away, but she didn't. She let him pillow his back against the soft flesh of her breasts, her body heat seeping in, relaxing him better than any hot spring. “Sometimes, when it's just you and me, it's not so lonely.”

He shook is head and tried to pull away. “That don't make no sense.” Damn it, he hated how sappy he got when he was human. And the worst part was, he was getting more like this around her when he was hanyou, too.

Her arms came around his waist and locked him in place. He could feel the increased heat pouring off her and knew Kagome was blushing as badly as he was.

“No, Inuyasha, it makes perfect sense. You don't have to be surrounded by people to feel like you're a part of things. Sometimes that's when you feel the most alone.”

“You sound like you know the feeling.”

“I do.”

“Kagome?” He found the thought of his Kagome being lonely hard to believe. She was good, and pure, and perfect. Everyone felt better when she was around.

“Remember the last time I was home? When I found out I was probably going to have to make a choice between here and the future? I decided that I was going to spend the weekend acting just like my friends. No single dates with Hojo that they set me up on, only going out in a group. Going to movies, to dinner, to clubs or coffee shops. We went out shopping for clothes and shoes and had a sleepover and gossiped.”

Inuyasha shifted uncomfortably. He hadn't realized he was making her miss all that. Sure, he got a certain…male joy…at keeping her from that school of hers, but hearing all the other things she was missing with her friends made him feel like a bigger ass than he did when he insulted her.

“Sounds like you had fun.”

She shifted behind him, seeking a more comfortable position. Drawing her knees up on either side of Inuyasha's hips, she rested her chin on his shoulder.

“Sounds like it. But I didn't. I missed you. Oh, I missed the others, too, but I missed you the most. I kept coming across things when we were out that I thought you would like or find useful. Or when we were out to eat, I thought about how I could try and bring some of the food back for you to try. When we first started traveling together, it used to make me so mad that I couldn't get you out of my head. Now, it keeps me from being so alone when I'm with my friends.”

He couldn't help it, he laughed. “I used to piss you off even when I did what you said and stayed here?”

Kagome slapped her hand against his chest, splashing his face with water. “When you put it that way, it sounds stupid.”

Twisting, he grabbed the miko and deposited her on his lap, careful to keep her submerged in the water. “Keh, it is stupid, wench. You can't get mad at me for doing what you say.”



Blue eyes twinkled. “Kiss me then.”

He didn't even think about it. He could blame it on being human and having his emotions out of control, he could blame it on the conversation they were just having, but he'd be damned if he missed the chance to kiss Kagome.

The first brush was tentative, like butterfly wings, just a taste. The second pass was deeper, enough to feel that her lips were damp, but slightly chapped from the hot water and steam. Inuyasha ran his tongue along the seam of her lips and tasted sugar and spices, the dessert that was served at the celebration. Nibbling slightly, he tried to taste more.

With a puff of moist air, Kagome's lips parted and he wasted no time in delving inside. His tongue found hers and tapped, encouraging her to play. Her hands tangled in the black mass of his hair and pulled him closer. With a growl, one hand gripped the nape of her neck while the other moved to cup a breast. The skin felt like satin beneath his calloused fingers, the flesh wrinkling until he reached a straining peak. She moved around until she was kneeling on his thighs, her slight weight being buoyed by the water.

Kagome broke away with a gasp. “Inuyasha, I…you…we…”

“Kagome,” he panted, burying his face in the crook of her neck while his arms banded behind her. “I don't want to say I'm sorry for this. Of all the things I've ever done, this is not something I'm sorry for.”

He felt her lips brush over his temple.

“I'm not sorry, Inuyasha. The truth is I've wanted something to happen between us for a long time. That's why… that's why, even though I'm going to take my high school exams and finish out the year with my friends, I'm going to stay here. I'm gong to take on the responsibility of the jewel. With your help, I hope.”

Inuyasha looked up with a smile. “You're staying?” Without waiting for a reply, he kissed her again, pressing her full out against his body and letting her know exactly how happy he was that she was going to remain here. His hand ran up and down the full length of her back, brushing through the length of her raven hair to cup gently below the swell of her bottom.

The sound of voices and rustling branches broke the two apart. The crack of flesh on flesh echoed over the bubbling water. Inuyasha smiled.

“Sounds like Sango got tired of waiting for you. Grab my firerat when you get out. I'll get dressed and say that I hung around to keep an eye on you while you bathed.”

Kagome smiled. “Do you think either of them will believe that?”

“Probably not, but at the rate the monk's going, he'll be unconscious when he gets here.”

He watched with a feral looking smile as Kagome lifted herself out of the water before tugging one her arm and bringing her lips back to his for another kiss.

“We're not finished with this, wench.”

Kagome smiled back. “I was counting on that.”

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