Rufus' Revenge (Laid-back ver): Chapter 1

Published Sep 23, 2007, 10:26:41 AM UTC | Last updated Sep 23, 2007, 10:26:41 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Rufus wreaks his revenge on Cloud and Reno. Official sequel to the other 3 R/C fics.

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

This is the OFFICIAL sequel to ‘Polite Thing to Do’, ‘Special Delivery’, and ‘Business Call’. This one has after-AC epiphany!Rufus. People say they don’t understand the change in Rufus, but I think getting your nuts blown off by Diamond Weapon would change anyone. (What I don’t understand is the change in Cloud/Tifa/Barret/Cid’s accent >_>;;). But like I’ve said before that’s just my opinion and you don’t have to agree :p. And I assure you that even though I have written two versions of the same story that they are quite different. There’s a trickle-down effect. You’ll see how Rufus’ attitude effects his decisions which effects the outcome of the story.

Also, I’m under the impression that Rufus is a year older than Cloud, Cloud and Reno are the same age (Reno is 16 in Before Crisis and Cloud seems to be roughly around that age at that time as well), and that Reno is a few inches shorter than Cloud. If I’m wrong… tough shit for me :D

Cloud stifled a yawn behind his hand and checked the address on the package once again. It was late and he was worn-out. The blond had been delivering packages all over Junon since his arrival via Cid’s airship that morning.

“Damn…” He cussed silently, looking up at the street sign overhead.

He couldn’t find the address on the very last package. The map said it was close around here, but he hadn’t found it yet. Cloud cursed quietly and chose a direction, walking down a narrow alley. The blond knew he was close to the harbour, he could smell the ocean and hear the distant tone of a foghorn. Fog was collecting around his feet and a light drizzle had started. If he didn’t find this address soon he was going to give up for the night, head back to his hotel, and try again in the morning. With yet another curse Cloud turned yet another corner.

“Here we go. Finally.”

He’d found it. Prince Street. Now… he just had to find Warehouse 7. With a sigh Cloud walked over to the nearest Warehouse and walked around the side until he found a door with the number “10” printed on it.

“Right. Getting close.”

Cloud moved to another warehouse and found an “11” printed on it. The blond turned and went back the way he came until he found “9”. He was getting closer. The fog around his feet had thickened and the foghorn in the distance sounded again. The light rain was starting to soak through his clothes and make his hairstyle wilt. The blond trudged down the way until he finally reached Warehouse 7. Cloud let out a sigh, the warehouse was dark. Nevertheless he went around the side to where the door was just in case there was still someone working inside. As he walked closer he saw a note and an envelope tacked to the door. Cloud ripped the note off the door and read it,

{Sorry, but I couldn’t wait any longer. You can just leave the package outside the door. I left you a bonus in the envelope for your troubles. Thank-you.}

Cloud carefully set the package down, setting it as close to the building as he could so the rain wouldn’t ruin it. He straightened up, ripped the envelope open, and some kind of powder exploded out of the envelope in Cloud’s face.

“What…the hell?” Cloud coughed.

The blond dropped the envelope. He was starting to get very, very sleepy. He tried to walk but his legs felt like they’d turned to rubber and he swayed, falling against one of the warehouse walls. The blond couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore and they slid shut. As he slipped off into a deep sleep Cloud was aware of someone’s strong arms catching him.

When Cloud came back to consciousness he had no idea how much time had passed. He could hear rain, but not feel it so the blond knew he must be indoors somewhere. He was sitting, there was something heavy in his lap, and… he couldn’t move. As more awareness came to him Cloud realized that he was tied up. His hands were bound behind him and his feet tied to the chair he was sitting on. There was even a wide strip of leather clenched between his teeth and fastened behind his head as a gag. Slowly, Cloud’s eyes slid open. He waited until his vision cleared, looked up, and got quite a shock. The heavy something in his lap was Reno. The redhead was unconscious and slumped against him. The Turks’ arms had been threaded under Cloud’s arms. The man couldn’t see behind him, but he was sure Reno’s hands were tied there. He looked down to see that Reno’s legs were tied to the back legs of the chair while his (Cloud’s) were tied to the front. Cloud couldn’t see Reno’s face, but saw a buckle at the nape of the redhead’s neck… he was gagged too.

“Rnnu.” Cloud mumbled, trying to bring Reno into consciousness.

After a few moments of unsuccessfully trying to revive Reno Cloud looked around at their surroundings. They were smack dab in the middle of a penthouse office. It was lined with bookcases and exotic-looking plants. At the far end of the office Cloud could see a desk and a chair. A single lamp on the desk’s surface provided a soft yellow light. Behind the desk were four large, rain-splattered windows. The blond could see the foggy, bustling Junon harbour perfectly from this perch.

“Uuh…” Reno moaned, rousing slightly.

Cloud nuzzled his head against Reno’s to bring the redhead’s attention to him. The Turks raised his head and looked at Cloud with bleary and uncomprehending eyes. Reno was still fairly drugged up and collapsed against Cloud’s chest again, falling back into unconsciousness.

[What the hell is going on…?] Cloud wondered.

“Hmn. Seems those who got the Soldier treatment can break drugs down quicker. That doesn’t really surprise me of course.”

Cloud jumped and looked around, his eyes flaring slightly as Rufus entered the office from a side door. The blond pulled the door shut behind him and flicked the lock closed. Rufus paused, in the dimly lit office he could see Cloud’s eyes glowing faintly. It was quite eerie. The man quickly regained his composure though and straightened his jacket.

“Oh don’t look at me like that. You only have Reno’s gloating to thank for the position you’re in now.”

Cloud looked down at the redhead then back up at Rufus. The blond walked over and ruffled Cloud’s hair. Cloud jerked his head away and growled.

“Reno was right. You are touchy…” Rufus chuckled.

Cloud pulled against his restraints and let out a string of muffled curses.

“I am not a bad man, Cloud.” Rufus said, absently cleaning one of his fingernails. “I am just owed some payback. At first I was just going to exact my revenge on Reno, but he just had crow about what an amazing fuck you are and I could not resist including you.”

Cloud’s cheeks turned red, mostly from embarrassed anger, but a little bit from knowing that Reno had described him as an ‘amazing fuck’.

“I have a proposition for you.” Rufus said.

The younger blond inclined his head, letting Rufus know he was listening.

“I won’t lie to you. I want you to fuck me.” The man said bluntly.

Cloud blinked, surprised by this admission.

“However, I am easier-going than I used to be. I do not want to force you to have sex me.” Rufus continued, starting to clean his other fingernails. “I want you to *want* to fuck me. Understand?”

“Mn.” The blond nodded.

Rufus moved closer and leaned down, nibbling on Cloud’s ear. The man moved his head away again though not as quickly as the first time.

“But, at the same time, I simply *must* have my revenge. And so, my proposition is this: no matter if you want to screw me or not you’ll have to earn your freedom. Once Reno isn’t so comatose I want you to do naughty things to him. If I like what I see I will free you from one of your bonds. If I do not like what I see your bonds will remain on until I am satisfied. Reno will remain tied at all times. He will not be able to reciprocate… which will drive him absolutely batshit. That is my revenge. You understand?”

“Uh.” Cloud nodded again. The gag was starting to cut into the corners of his mouth, making him drool slightly.

“Once you are completely free you will have a choice. You can either leave or you can have both Reno and I. You cannot have just Reno this time. It is all or nothing. Got it?”


“And keep in mind that if you refuse to at least participate in my revenge that I will leave you both here until morning then fly Tifa in and have her untie you.” Rufus purred.

Cloud twitched then nodded slowly. He knew Rufus would follow through with his threat, but… it wasn’t really needed anyway. Gods help him, this whole situation kind of turned Cloud on. It was all Reno’s fault of course. Being around the redhead made Cloud prone to, as Reno once eloquently put it, ‘fits of the hornys’.

“Excellent. Now all we have to do is wait for Reno to rouse. I didn’t pour too much of the drug into his drink. He should be alert soon.”

Cloud glanced down at Reno and the redhead stirred a bit, but didn’t wake. Rufus slowly traced his finger over the back of Cloud’s neck and the man didn’t try to move away this time.

“Hn…” Reno moaned, lifting his head up.

The Turks looked up at Cloud. His eyes were still foggy, but clearing quickly. The drug was wearing off and Reno was waking up.

“Wddufuk?” Reno muttered, chewing on his gag.

Reno stared at Cloud and the blond stared back. Rufus waited patiently, waiting for it all to sink in. The redhead finally noticed Rufus standing behind Cloud and looked up at him.

“Wddufuk!!” He repeated.

“All right, Cloud…” Rufus purred, gently scraping his nails over Cloud’s nape. “Entertain me.”

Reno looked back at Cloud, clearly confused and maybe a little bit wary. Cloud wasn’t sure where to start. He was restrained rather tightly. The blonde gave an experimental wiggle, but his body couldn’t move all that much. So instead he leaned forward as best he could and pressed his gagged mouth to Reno’s in a mock kiss. Rufus raised one intrigued eyebrow. He hadn’t been expecting that. Reno only hesitated for a few seconds before pushing forward into their simulated kiss. If Cloud was into whatever was going on he certainly wasn’t going to complain. The Turks had a better range of motion since his hands were merely tied behind Cloud and not to the chair. Reno used this to his advantage, rubbing up against Cloud. The man growled and moved to Reno’s neck. Cloud tried to scrape his teeth against Reno’s throat, but the action made the gag cut into his mouth and he abandoned that plan. Instead he just ran his upper lip over the redhead’s skin, making it wet with saliva. Rufus watched quietly. He was impressed with how well Cloud was adjusting and felt his belly squirm with imminent lust.

“Nnnn…” Reno moaned, tilting his head to the side. How he wished Rufus would just remove their gags so he could suck on Cloud’s tongue. The blond loved that and Reno loved doing it.

Cloud slowly ran his lips up over the other side of the redhead’s neck. Then suddenly Rufus’ hands were unbuckling his gag and the man gratefully allowed the strip of leather to slide from between his teeth. While Cloud worked his sore jaw and licked the bloodied corners of his mouth Reno looked up at Rufus expectantly.

“Sorry Reno. My revenge just would not be fun if you didn’t suffer a little.” Rufus replied, smirking and tossing Cloud’s gag onto the floor.

“Mmn!!” Reno cried angrily, wiggling against his restraints.

Cloud moaned softly as Reno writhed about in his lap. Rufus stood behind Cloud, watching with an amused smirk.

“Cloud…” He purred, slipping one hand under Cloud’s chin and tilting the man’s head back. “I am sure that you’ve noticed how you have pleased me so far. Do not slack off now.”

The younger blond didn’t reply. He merely leaned forward and attached his lips to Reno’s neck, sucking hard on the supple skin. The redhead stopped squirming in anger and starting squirming in pleasure instead.

[Fine. If Rufus wants to be a sore loser bitch I’ll just go with the flow. Cloud and I can fuck for real later…]

Easier said than done of course. Reno was already getting frustrated with being tied up. Cloud nipped at the patch of skin he was sucking on, making Reno jolt forward a bit. As he watched, Rufus slowly slid his coat down off his shoulders and tossed the piece of clothing aside. Cloud admired the dark bruise he’d made on Reno’s neck then gave it a lick. He kissed his way up Reno’s jaw line and nibbled on the man’s ear.

“Mmmn…” Reno wiggled and squirmed. Damn Rufus and his revenge.

“Stop moving. I can’t reach your ear.” Cloud murmured, nibbling on the redhead’s jaw.

Rufus chuckled. Reno glared up at Rufus, but stopped moving and was promptly distracted when Cloud’s tongue flicked at his earring. Rufus moved up close behind Cloud so he could see. The older man’s hands slid onto Cloud’s shoulders and the blond didn’t try to move away. It was hard for Reno to stop his head from tilting back. Having Cloud’s tongue flicking and playing along his earring felt so damn good.

“Cloud…” Rufus leaned down close to Cloud’s ear. “I will remove Reno’s gag long enough for you to kiss if you kiss me first.”

Cloud slowly pulled back from Reno and looked over at Rufus.

“Kiss you…?” The man gave Rufus a suspicious look.

“Just a simple one.” Rufus replied. “No tongue necessary.”

“Mmmmnnn….” Reno groaned.

Cloud looked back at the redhead. Reno tried to make his eyes as wide and pleading as possible.

A hint of a smirk played on Cloud’s lips, “You say it was Reno’s gloating that got me into this?”

Rufus chuckled, “Yes.”

[Oh damn. Rufus, you bitch.] Reno thought, trying to glare at Rufus and plead with Cloud at the same time.

“Make him wait a bit longer then.” Cloud said.

Rufus grinned, pleased that Cloud was playing along nicely. “Very well.”

“Fku.” The Turks mumbled.

“Shut up…” Cloud murmured, tongue snaking out to play with Reno’s earring once more.

Reno tried to pout, but failed miserably. Instead he melted into the blond’s touch and groaned softly, his eyes sliding shut. Rufus chewed on the inside of his lip. Things were going much better than he’d planned. Rufus moved in close to Cloud and pressed his lips to the soft patch of skin right under the younger man’s ear, kissing lightly. Cloud twitched, bit Reno’s ear lobe, but miraculously didn’t try and smash Rufus’ face in. This pleased Rufus even more and he sucked on the skin beneath his lips. Cloud growled and, curious, Reno opened one eye. The redhead moaned and his cock throbbed at the sight in front of him. His boss was sucking on the neck of his favorite fuckbuddy. Now Reno wished he had his phone and one free hand. The pair would’ve made a good picture for his ‘spank bank’. Panting softly, Cloud kissed his way up to Reno’s mouth. He kissed the Turks’ lower lip, top lip, then the leather strip forced between them. Reno whimpered and rubbed up against Cloud, silently pleading with the blond.

“All right. Before he explodes.” Cloud said, trying not to smile.

Reno glared.

“All right…” Rufus replied, straightening up and tilting Cloud’s head back. “But first things first…”

Reno whimpered, moaned, and wriggled again as Rufus pressed his lips to Cloud’s. The older man was quite surprised when he felt Cloud’s tongue poke at his lips, but certainly didn’t object. Reno watched, wide-eyed and breathing fast, as Rufus and Cloud’s tongues slicked together in plain view. Now he REALLY wanted his phone. He could feel Cloud’s semi-erection pressing against his own hardening cock and writhed against it. Cloud moaned slightly, twisting his tongue with Rufus’.

“Well, that was a nice surprise.” Rufus murmured, pulling away and wiping his mouth. “Reno’s gag will come off now, but for only as long as it takes me to free one of your legs. I suggest you use that time well.”

Rufus walked around behind Reno and unbuckled the redhead’s gag. As soon as it slid off Reno surged forward and kissed Cloud, coaxing the blond’s tongue into his mouth and sucking on it. The redhead let out a satisfied moan, he could taste Rufus on Cloud’s tongue. Rufus smirked and knelt by Cloud’s left leg, slowly untying the knotted rope. Reno rubbed his groin against Cloud’s as he gently scraped his teeth over the man’s tongue. Cloud was starting to get frustrated with being tied up too. He could barely move enough to buck against Reno. Rufus finished untying the blond’s leg and tossed the rope aside.

“Let go of his tongue, Reno…” The man murmured.

Reno let out an irritated growl, but broke his kiss with the blond. Rufus put the redhead’s gag back on, buckling it up. Undeterred, Cloud wasted no time in choosing a spot on the other side of Reno’s throat and sucked hard enough to leave another deep purple mark. Rufus smirked, unbuttoned Reno’s shirt, and pushed it open. With a grunt Cloud ran his tongue down Reno’s neck and over his collarbone. It was a difficult task because of his limited range of movement, but Reno helped out by tilting his head back out of the way. Rufus slowly circled around the pair, occasionally reaching one hand out to touch one of them.

Cloud’s lips found their way back up to the Turks’ pulse. He paused there, feeling Reno’s heart beat against his lips. Cloud would never, ever, EVER admit it out loud, but he had been reading up on things to try with Reno during one of their monthly fuckings. One of the books had said that some people had sensitive pulse points and the man wondered if Reno was one of them. Well, only one way to find out…

“Hmmn…” Reno shivered.

A feeling he never felt before made Reno’s lower belly tingle as Cloud gently sucked on the redhead’s pulse point. Rufus observed the pair intently, rubbing himself lightly through his pants. Reno squirmed as close to Cloud as he could get. Cloud slowly and deliberately lapped at the sensitive point, making the Turks whine. Rufus sighed softly and squeezed the growing bulge in his slacks. Cloud could see the older blond out the corner of his eye and was rather surprised to find that watching Rufus was turning him on even more. Rufus wandered over and began untying Cloud’s hands.

“Pick a hand. Right or left.” Rufus murmured.

“Left.” Cloud replied.

“Nnn…” Reno whined, nuzzling his face against Cloud’s shoulder. He wanted his gag off. Now.

“Whining won’t help, Reno.” The older man said, releasing Cloud’s left hand then retying his right to the chair.

Now that his hand was free Cloud wasted no time in grabbing a hold of Reno’s ass and yanking the redhead towards him, rocking his hips forward and rubbing their cocks together. Reno moaned and tilted his head back. With a shady smile Rufus straightened up and moved close to nibble on Cloud’s ear.

“If either of you cum I will tie you back up and leave you here.” He murmured.

Cloud growled, but slowed the pace of their rocking. Reno growled too and glared at Rufus who just continued to smirk and he kissed the Turks on the forehead.

“Having fun, Reno?”

The redhead grumbled. Cloud was nearly desperate for friction, but he didn’t fancy being left tied to a chair only to be rescued by Tifa in the morning. And so he gave Reno’s ass an almost affectionate squeeze before releasing it. The redhead whimpered at the loss of delicious friction and wiggled in Cloud’s lap. The blond pushed Reno’s already open shirt off his shoulders, letting it puddle down by his elbows. He tried to lean in and lick one of Reno’s nipples, but their current position just wouldn’t allow it. Rufus chuckled as both Cloud and Reno let out frustrated grunts.

“All right. I’m not that cruel. Hold still, Reno.”

Reno wanted to defy Rufus so badly. It was itching inside of him. On the other hand he wanted Cloud to lick and suck on his nipples until they were sore.

“Nngg…” Reno muttered, finally giving in to being a ‘good boy’.

The smirk still hadn’t faded from Rufus’ lips as he untied Reno’s hands.

“All right, Reno. Give me your hands again.”

The redhead took his arms out from underneath Cloud’s and held them up to Rufus. The blond tied Reno’s wrists together tightly then nodded.

“That should do it.”

It was still going to be a difficult venture, but at least possible. Reno hooked his arms over Cloud’s head and tensed his thigh muscles so his body rose up enough for Cloud’s lips to touch his chest. The ropes cut painfully into Reno’s legs and he whimpered. Cloud gripped hard onto the redhead’s hip, steadying him, and taking a bit of the pressure off the Turks’ legs. Rufus was wholly amazed and amused with the pair’s determination, especially Reno’s, Rufus knew those ropes had to be smarting like a bitch even with Cloud holding Reno up. Cloud could feel Reno trembling and he glanced up at the redhead who nodded.

[Fuck the pain, baby. You’ll make me feel good soon enough.]

Cloud made sure he caught Rufus’ eye before he slowly lapped at one of Reno’s nipples. The redhead moaned and tried to get a grip on something, but Rufus had tied his hands with his palms facing outwards. Rufus’ erection twitched at the look Cloud was giving him, it was a mix between lust and frustration. Reno let out a muffled yelp as Cloud scraped his teeth over a nipple before tugging lightly at it. The gag was cutting the corners of Reno’s mouth and the taste of coppery blood flooded over the redhead’s tongue. The Turks shuddered as Cloud switched to his other nipple, sucking hard. He bucked his hips forward, which sent a wave of nauseating pain shooting up his legs, and he collapsed back in Cloud’s lap. He couldn’t stay up in that position anymore. Cloud pulled Reno forward and he kissed the redhead’s face as his one free set of fingers toyed with the man’s nipple. Reno purred and leaned into Cloud’s touch. The blond felt Rufus’ tongue slide along his jaw line and then the older man was kneeling on the floor, untying his other leg.

[Okay. Let’s try this again.]

Cloud tried to force Reno back down, but the redhead wouldn’t hear of it. He rose up again, panting hard against his gag, bringing his chest within reach of Cloud’s lips. The blond didn’t hesitate and he ran his tongue over Reno’s nipple. Rufus tossed the rope over his shoulder and stood. He was pleased to see Reno half-standing once more. Cloud flicked his tongue over one pink nub then licked his way to the other, giving it a bite. Reno tried not to buck his hips, but it was easier said than done. Every time Cloud’s teeth scraped against one of his nipples the redhead’s hips twitched automatically. With a muffled groan Reno sank back into the blond’s lap. Cloud ran his hand up Reno’s side.

“Only one more rope left, Cloud.” Rufus said.

The younger man nodded briefly and pulled Reno’s pants’ zipper down, extracting the man’s erection from his slacks. Reno moaned and pulled himself close to Cloud as the blond’s fingers loosely wrapped around his penis. The blond fondled Reno’s cock lazily, teasingly, with barely enough pressure to please. The Turks moaned again and nuzzled Cloud’s neck. Rufus watched, running his tongue over his lower lip. The man released Reno’s erection long enough to open his own pants and free his aching cock. Cloud gently pressed their dicks together then wrapped his hand as best he could around both, stroking slowly. Reno tried not to wiggle and groaned into the side of Cloud’s neck. The blond panted softly and nibbled on Reno’s throat as he massaged their cocks. Rufus bit into his lip to stifle a moan as he caressed his own erection. Lightning sparked and thunder rumbled outside, but none of the three men noticed.

“Mmmn…” Reno moaned as Cloud’s thumb rubbed against the tip of his penis.

“Enough…” Rufus murmured.

The blond gave Reno’s cock head one more rub before stopping and he looked over at Rufus. The older blond walked over and untied Cloud’s right hand, completely freeing the blond.

“All right, Cloud.” Rufus said. “You have earned your freedom. Now you can choose. You either leave or stay and have both Reno and I.”

Reno let out a long, pleading whimper and writhed against Cloud.

“If I leave?” Cloud asked.

The redhead growled and butted his head against Cloud’s shoulder in annoyance.

Rufus shrugged, “Reno and I will have our fun without you.”

The office was silent except for the sound of thunder and rain. Reno let out an impatient snort and wiggled against Cloud, brushing his cock against the blond’s.

“If I stay Reno’s bonds have to come off.” The younger blond said, stilling Reno with one hand.

“Fair enough.” Rufus replied.

Cloud reached up to unbuckle Reno’s gag while Rufus knelt to untie the redhead’s legs. The Turks’ let out a contented sigh as the gag finally slipped from between his teeth. The corners of Reno’s mouth were bloodied and sore, but he didn’t care. He laid a wet kiss on Cloud’s lips and grinned.

“Thanks, Strife.”

Cloud nodded in response. Rufus checked the redhead’s legs. They were rope-burned like hell from half-standing, but no cuts. Reno took his arms from around Cloud’s neck and the blond reached up to release them.

“Now I can touch your cock.” Reno purred, moving one free hand down to rub Cloud’s erection.

“Not *yet*, Reno.” Rufus said, smacking the Turks upside the head.

Reno made a noise like an angry cat and shot a glare at Rufus. The blond just smirked and ruffled Reno’s hair.

“We are going somewhere more… comfortable. Come on.”

Rufus turned and headed for the side door he came in earlier. With a groan Reno shakily got to his feet. Cloud rose too and headed towards Rufus. His legs were stiff and sore from sitting so long, but his discomfort was really nothing compared to Reno’s.

“Rufus… you bitch.” Reno muttered, hanging onto the back of the chair. “My legs are killing me.”

Without a word Cloud turned back and scooped Reno up into his arms, carrying the redhead over to Rufus.

“Hn. I don’t know what you are complaining about, Reno.”

“Me either.” Reno replied, flicking his tongue at Cloud’s cheek.

Cloud rolled his eyes and followed Rufus through the side door, finding himself in a bedroom. It was a massive room, but it was oddly empty. There was only one large bed in front of a floor-to-ceiling window and a small table with a lamp on it in the corner. Rufus turned the lamp on, then took a couple of things out of the table’s drawer and set them aside.

“You can set me down now, Strife.” Reno said.

Cloud nodded and carefully set the redhead on his feet. Reno's legs were already feeling better, but he still wobbled a bit. A smirk came to his lips as Cloud’s arm caught him around the waist, steadying him on his feet.

“I didn’t know you cared so much, Cloud.” The redhead teased.

“Hmph.” Cloud replied, the corner of his mouth curling ever-so-slightly.

Smirking, Reno wound his arms around Cloud’s neck. He pulled the blond close, pressing their mouths together and sliding his tongue between Cloud’s parted lips. Rufus watched the two kiss for a moment before moving behind Cloud and wrapping his arms around the younger blond’s waist. Cloud inhaled sharply and bit Reno’s tongue, making the redhead moan. Rufus ran his hands up Cloud’s stomach and over his chest, grasping the zipper on the man’s shirt and pulling it down. Reno’s hands pushed into the blond’s open shirt, running his palms slowly over his chest, teasing the blond’s nipples with his thumbs. The man growled and bit Reno’s tongue again. Rufus’ busy fingers moved over Cloud’s abs and down to his hipbones. Cloud reached back and slid his hand onto Rufus’ bum, pulling the older man closer.

“Mmm…” Rufus purred as his erection pressed up against Cloud’s rear.

Rufus’ hands continued on their downward journey and he loosely wrapped his fingers around Cloud’s penis. The younger man moaned and squeezed Rufus’ ass. Reno broke his kiss with Cloud and bent his knees, running his lips down to the man’s collarbone. Rufus watched Reno over Cloud’s shoulder, his hand stroking the younger blond’s cock.

“Reno…” Cloud muttered.

“Mmn.” Reno answered, moving lower to lick at one of the blond’s nipples.

Rufus leaned in to suck on Cloud’s neck as his free hand came up to toy with the nipple Reno wasn’t licking. Hands, lips, and tongues everywhere. Cloud had never felt anything like this before. The blond braced his free hand on Reno’s shoulder and a shiver ran down his spine. Rufus swept the pad of his thumb over the tip of Cloud’s dick, making the blond shiver again. Reno licked his way downwards until he was on his knees in front of Cloud. Rufus’ hand returned to massaging the shaft of Cloud’s cock while Reno slid the head into his mouth.

“Fuck…” The man cussed, hooking his free arm around Rufus’ neck.

Reno swirled his tongue around Cloud’s cock head, making the blond moan. Rufus squeezed Cloud’s erection briefly before moving his hand down to fondle the man’s balls. The blond could feel Rufus’ dick throbbing against his ass and all he ground back against it. Rufus growled and bit the younger man’s neck, pinching the flesh between his teeth. Reno watched the blond duo, flicking his tongue over the tip of Cloud’s erection.

“I hate to interrupt this, but I think we should make use of the bed.” Rufus murmured, running his tongue over the spot he’d just bitten.

In response Reno licked his way up Cloud’s body as he stood then grinned at the pair.

“Sounds good to me.”

And with that the redhead turned and bounded towards the bed. Rufus urged Cloud forward and the blond followed after the Turks. Reno examined the things Rufus had left on the bedside table, snatching one up immediately.

“My phone!” Reno said with an almost elated moan. “Now I can take spanktastic pictures.”

Rufus stopped in his tracks as Cloud turned to face him, convinced the blond was going to punch him for giving Reno his phone back. But instead Cloud began to unbutton his vest.

“Mmm. Edible lube. Peach-flavoured this time, Strife.”

Reno tossed the lube onto the bed then came up beside Cloud and Rufus.

“Can I get a picture of you kissing Rufus?” He murmured in Cloud’s ear. “Please?”

Cloud didn’t reply. Instead he began to unbutton Rufus’ shirt now that his vest was open.

“You’re such an asshole.” Reno muttered, nipping at Cloud’s earring. “You make me beg or every little thing.”

“One picture.” Cloud replied, a ghost of a smile on his lips. “That’s it.”

“Prick.” The Turks smirked.

Now that his buttons were all undone Rufus shrugged his shirt and vest off, letting them fall onto the floor.

“I want to see tongue too, please.” Reno said.

Cloud rolled his eyes, but grabbed Rufus and threw him down onto the bed. He climbed on top of the older blond and brought their lips together. Reno was only momentarily stunned before he jumped onto the bed beside the pair. Rufus’ hands slid down Cloud’s back, pushing the man’s open shirt right off as they kissed.

“Tongue…” The redhead prodded.

The blonds complied, rubbing their tongues together in full view for Reno. With a wide, Cheshire grin Reno aimed and took a picture.

“Mmm yes, my lovelies.” Reno nearly drooled, snapping his phone shut and very carefully setting it aside.

The Turks removed his own shirt before crawling over to the kissing blonds.

“Want to share his cock, boss?” Reno smirked.

In response Rufus rolled him and Cloud over so the younger man was on the bottom. Rufus broke the kiss, running his tongue over Cloud’s jaw line before making his way downwards. Reno moved in to place a quick smooch on Cloud’s lips before joining Rufus in running his tongue down the man’s body.

“Hn!” Cloud writhed and fisted the blanket beneath him as the pair attacked his nipples, lapping at them roughly.

Rufus and Reno already had a little competition going, seeing who could wring the loudest noise out of Cloud. The blond bit back a purr and clenched at the sheets again tightly as Reno’s tongue twirled around his nipple. Rufus was determined to win this struggle and gave the hard nub beneath his lips a good bite. Cloud reached down to squeeze the older man’s shoulder, but didn’t react otherwise.

“Heh…” Reno chuckled. “I’ll show you how you wring a noise out of Cloud.”

Reno carefully rolled Cloud’s nipple between his teeth while his tongue flicked over its tip. The blond let out a loud (for Cloud) moan and grabbed a hold of the Turks’ hair.

“I win.” The redhead smirked, licking his way down towards Cloud’s navel.

“Hmph.” Rufus snorted, tracing Reno’s path downwards.

Cloud bit the inside of his lip as the pair drew swirls and patterns over his abs. Rufus and Reno’s tongues met on their journey over the blond’s skin and they kissed briefly. Cloud watched them, lazily playing with Reno’s ponytail. The redhead smirked up at Cloud and swirled his tongue around the blond’s navel while Rufus licked his way down further to his dick. Cloud shivered as Rufus’ tongue ran over tip of his penis before sliding it into his mouth and sucking. After another lick to the blond’s bellybutton Reno followed after Rufus, lapping at the base of his erection.

“Fuck…” Cloud cursed through gritted teeth.

His entire body was tingling. Not even his wildest dreams had Cloud ever imagined this scenario or this feeling. He lifted his head up and nearly cursed again. Both Rufus and Reno were giving him smouldering looks as their mouths moved over his cock. Wanting to watch Cloud released Reno’s hair and propped himself up on his elbows. Up, down, up, down. Rufus and Reno worked in perfect sync, running their tongues over Cloud’s shaft and taking turns sucking on the head. Right now it was Reno’s turn and he was licking teasingly at the slit on the tip of the blond’s dick. Rufus had moved lower to suck and lick Cloud’s balls. The man’s head tipped back and a quivering sigh escaped his lips. He could feel Reno’s hard cock pressed against his leg and nudged it gently with his shin. Reno moaned, sending small tremors up Cloud’s spine. Rufus' own erection was pressing almost painfully against his fly. He reached down to carefully open his slacks and free himself. Reno watched Rufus out the corner of his eye while he bobbed his head over Cloud’s erection. With an almost relieved sigh Rufus fondled himself briefly before smirking at Reno. The Turks pulled back and grinned as well. Among the haze of lust Cloud felt a bit of nervousness. What were they grinning about? It didn’t take long for his question to be answered.

“Hn…!” The blond moaned, clutching the blanket tightly as both Reno and Rufus’ tongues flicked rapidly over his cock.

Then slowly, so very slowly, did both of them lick right from base to tip. A tremor ran through Cloud’s entire body as the two men took turns lapping at the slit there. Then they were leaning in close and enfolding the tip of his penis between their mouths in a succulent kiss, both of their tongues rubbing lazily against his cock head. Cloud’s entire body tensed and he could barely keep himself propped up. The spectacle of Rufus and Reno kissing around his dick nearly made him cum right there. Rufus’ hand closed loosely around Reno’s throat and he pushed the redhead back. There was no way in hell Cloud was coming before he got good and fucked by the man. Reno smirked and licked Cloud’s pre-cum from his lips.

“Strife…” He purred, teasingly running one finger down Cloud’s erection. “I think Rufus wants you to fuck him.”

Cloud just shuddered in response, straining his hips against Reno’s light touches. Rufus slid his pristinely white slacks down off his hips and tossed them aside.

“Show him what you’ve got, boss.”

Cloud’s mouth went dry as Rufus moved onto all fours, facing away from him. The blond spread his knees wide apart, giving the younger man a good view of his ass.

“It’s not as tight as mine of course.” The Turks continued, smirking. (This earned the redhead a not-so-subtle kick from Rufus.) “But it’s still very nice. Plus he moans like a whore.” (Another kick.)

The man’s gaze wandered from Reno to Rufus’ ass. The redhead could tell that Cloud was nearly convinced, but not quite.

“You can ram into him as hard as you like…” Reno continued, sitting up to fondle Rufus’ backside. “He likes it rough. That’s why he wants you so badly.”

Rufus let out a little moan. Cloud swallowed hard, his eyes were glued to Reno’s hands. With a devilish smile on his lips Reno parted Rufus’ ass, giving the man’s opening a swift lick. The older blond jolted forward and groaned loudly. Cloud sat up. He was biting into his lower lip hard.

“Say it, Strife.” The redhead said, giving Rufus another lick. “I know you can do it.”

“I want to fuck him.” Cloud replied.

“And where do you want to cum?” Reno drawled, nudging Rufus’ hole with his finger.

Cloud didn’t reply.

“Nearly there, Cloud. For all he knows you want to jizz in his ear. *Where* do you want to cum?”

Reno pushed just the very tip of his finger into Rufus making the man growl softly.

“…Buried deep inside his ass.” Cloud murmured, sighing shakily.

“Excellent.” The Turks’ chuckled, leaning over to kiss Cloud. “Your dirty talk is coming along nicely. I didn’t think any of my teachings were penetrating your thick skull.”

Cloud had to bite back a smile and Reno chuckled again.

“I’ll get him ready for you, baby.” He said, nipping Cloud’s upper lip.

Rufus turned back to face Cloud and he picked the lube up, flipping the cap open. He squeezed some of the gel-like substance onto Cloud’s cock head before tossing the tube to Reno. The redhead caught the tube and swiftly removed his own pants before moving around behind the man.

Rufus’ mouth plunged down on Cloud’s cock, coating it with lube. The younger blond growled and cupped the back of Rufus’ head. Reno grabbed onto his boss’ hips, urging him to raise them higher. Rufus complied, arching his back and lifting his bum higher into the air. The devilish smile was back on Reno’s lips again and he put some of the lube on the end of his tongue. He then spread Rufus’ ass once again and lapped slowly at the man’s hole, smearing lube against it before briefly dipping his tongue inside. Rufus moaned around Cloud’s dick, making the younger man shiver. Cloud looked from Rufus to Reno, not knowing who he wanted to watch more. He finally settled on Rufus and buried both his hands in the older man’s hair. Rufus sucked Cloud just hard enough to spread the lube over his erection. He didn’t want it to be over before they even started. The man jolted forward as Reno’s tongue darted into him again only to be replaced a few moments later by two of the redhead’s slick fingers.

“Mmm…” Rufus licked his lips as he pulled free from Cloud’s cock, idly stroking it with one hand.

Reno scissored his fingers inside Rufus, stretching the man out, and he couldn’t resist dipping his tongue inside once more.

“Hurry it up, Reno.” Rufus murmured, squeezing Cloud’s dick.

“Always so impatient…” Reno murmured back, giving Rufus one final lick. “Do it on your back. Strife gets good depth in that position.”

The older man looked up at Cloud for confirmation of this and the younger blond inclined his head.

“That means ‘yes’.” The Turks smirked.

Rufus lay on his back, spreading his legs and sinking two of his fingers into himself. Reno grinned and snuck up behind Cloud, reaching around to massage the blond’s cock.

“Rufus’ ass is really sensitive. He likes to make sure he’s good and ready first. Doesn’t trust anyone to prep him right.” The Turks whispered against Cloud’s ear.

Rufus moaned and tilted his head back, scissoring his fingers. Cloud didn’t take his eyes off Rufus as he reached back to fondle Reno’s ass. The redhead purred softly and nibbled on Cloud’s shoulder, his hand still stroking the man’s dick. Rufus stretched himself again and groaned.

“Now, Cloud…” The older blond panted, removing his fingers from his ass.

“Fuck him *through* the mattress, baby.” Reno smirked, biting Cloud’s ear.

Cloud shuddered. He didn’t need to be told twice and he positioned himself between Rufus’ legs. Reno watched for the time being, moaning along with Rufus as Cloud slipped the head of his cock into the older man’s ass. Rufus’ legs hooked loosely around Cloud’s hips, urging the man forward. Another few short thrusts and the blond had slid in to the hilt.

“Mmm…” Rufus purred.

Cloud unhooked Rufus’ legs from around his waist and bent the man’s knees, pushing them up towards his chest. Reno licked his lips, fingers lightly teasing his cock, as he watched Cloud dominate his boss. Holding tightly onto the backs of the older man’s knees Cloud began to thrust. He didn’t waste time in heeding Reno’s advice, pounding hard into Rufus’ ass. Reno grabbed the lube and moved to kneel where both Cloud and Rufus could see him. Both blonds turned their attention to him as he squirted some of the lube into his palm then began to stroke himself.

“Mmm… Cloud…” Reno panted. “You have no idea how fucking sexy you look right now, ramming your cock into Rufus’ tight ass.”

Cloud growled in reply, surging his hips forward, fucking Rufus thoroughly.

“Don’t think I forgot you, boss.” Reno’s other hand moved down to massage his balls. “I love it when you want to be dominated. There’s nothing hotter than watching you moan while someone fucks you good ‘n’ hard…. just the way you like it.”

Rufus shuddered and reached up to claw at Cloud’s back. The younger blond moaned and leaned forward, putting more power into his thrusts.

“That’s it…” The redhead purred, thumb rubbing against his cock head. “Rufus likes a little sting to it.”

The blonds growled in unison, their bodies working furiously together. Reno’s fingers moved from his balls to his asshole and he pushed one slick digit into himself. Rufus groaned as he watched Reno finger himself, his muscles clenching firmly around Cloud’s dick. The younger man’s head fell back and he bit his lower lip as his hips snapped forward into that luscious tightness. The bed springs were starting to squeak in protest but, just like the storm outside, they went unnoticed by the threesome.

“Fuck. Strife… boss…” Reno murmured, inserting a second finger into his ass while his other hand stroked his erection rapidly.

“Reno…” Rufus panted. “Get your ass over here.”

Reno removed his fingers from himself before crawling over to Rufus and hovering over the blond with a wide smirk on his face.

“Yes boss? You want to suck my dick or somethin’?”

“You know I- ah!” Rufus bucked against Cloud. “You know I do.”

Cloud watched as the redhead moved to straddle Rufus’ face. Both he and Reno groaned as the Turks leaned forward, sliding the tip of his cock into Rufus’ willing mouth. Reno shot Cloud a grin over his shoulder.

“Hi Strife.”

“Reno.” Cloud replied, still thrusting into Rufus’ ass.

Reno’s chuckle turned into a moan as Rufus’ lips tightened around his cock head. Bracing his hands on the bed, Reno started to move his hips. Rufus growled softly, working his tongue along the underside of the Turk’s dick. As he watched Reno fuck Rufus’ mouth Cloud got a rather wicked idea.

“Rufus, hand me the lube.” He said.

The man felt around beside him until his fingers found the lube. He grabbed the tube and tossed it in Cloud’s general direction. The blond released one of Rufus’ legs to catch the lube and pop the cap off with his thumb. With some skillful maneuvering Cloud managed to squeeze some of the flavoured gel onto three of his fingers. Cloud pitched the lube onto the pillows and worked his three fingers together, getting them slick with gel. His only warning to Reno was a small nudge before he pushed one finger into the redhead’s ass.

“Shit!” Reno yelped, arching his back and forcing his cock deeper into Rufus’ mouth.

Cloud immediately got a good rhythm going, working his finger in and out of Reno as his erection continued to ram into Rufus. The older blond moaned around Reno’s cock as Cloud shifted his angle slightly so his penis brushed against Rufus’ prostate with every stroke of his hips. Reno fisted the sheets and moaned loudly, the dual stimulation was almost overwhelming. Rufus reached down and, using his pre-cum as lube, started stroking himself. His other hand rested on Reno’s lower back, pushing the man to motion his hips faster. He opened his throat, letting the redhead’s cock slide in and out of it.

The sight before him was making Cloud hornier than he had ever been in his life. He thrust a second finger into Reno’s ass and changed his position again, pushing off on the balls of his feet, slamming into both Rufus and Reno hard.

“Fuckfuckfuckfuck.” Reno cussed, biting the inside of his lip. “I’m gonna cum…!”

Cloud could feel his own orgasm building as well. His balls were tensing up and his cock ached. Similarly Rufus’ ass was stinging pleasantly and his lower belly was quivering. Cloud inserted his third and final finger into Reno then twisted all three, moving them back and forth as well as in and out. Rufus tautened his lips further, his cheeks hollowing out, sucking fiercely at the base of Reno’s cock.

“Oh FUCK!” The redhead nearly screamed as he came, spilling his cum down Rufus’ throat.

Watching Reno cum sent a shudder through both Cloud and Rufus’ bodies. The blond swallowed all of Reno’s seed eagerly, sucking the man’s softening cock dry. With a moan Reno sank face first onto the bed, his dick slipping out of Rufus’ mouth and Cloud’s fingers sliding out of his ass. Rufus smirked and patted Reno on the bum.

“I think we broke him, Cloud.”

Cloud smirked as well and bent Rufus almost in half, thrusting his cock relentlessly into the man. Rufus groaned and brought both hands down to touch himself, squeezing his erection. Reno just lay there with his face in the sheets and his ass still in the air, smirking blissfully into the mattress. Cloud squeezed the backs of the older blond’s knees and snapped his hips forward rapidly.

“Ahh… that’s it.” Rufus moaned. “I’m so close.”

His boss’ urgent moans reached his ears and Reno finally moved, turning to face the pair.

“Lay him out flat, Cloud.”

Cloud did as Reno asked, moving back into a kneeling position so the older man was no longer bent in half. Reno crawled down Rufus’ body and batted the man’s hands aside He took the blond’s cock head into his mouth and rubbed his palm against the shaft. The older man moaned and dug his fingernails into Reno’s hips. The redhead pulled back to tease Rufus’ cock head with his tongue every time Cloud pulled back then slid the tip back into his mouth whenever Cloud slammed back in.

“Gods…” The blond growled, clawing at Reno’s skin.

He was so very close, teetering on the edge of orgasm. Reno looked up at Cloud and the blond nodded. Reno sucked fervently on the tip of the blond’s erection, pushing his tongue against the slit there. At the same time Cloud pulled almost all the way out then plunged back in. Rufus let out a strangled yell and shot his load into Reno’s warm, talented mouth. His ass constricted around Cloud’s cock and the intense feeling nearly gave the younger blond pause. His eyes slid shut and his mouth fell open in a silent “O” of pleasure as he thrust forward into that incredible tightness. Then Reno’s sticky lips were pressed to his, passing a taste of Rufus’ cum into his mouth.

“Fuck!” Cloud growled against the redhead’s lips, releasing himself inside Rufus.

“Mmm.” Reno grinned, rubbing one hand against Cloud’s abs. “Did you like your first threesome, baby?”

Cloud licked the gooey remnants of Rufus’ cum from Reno’s lips. “Maybe.”

The redhead laughed. “You suck, Cloud.”

“Reno, get your ass out of my face.” Rufus said from underneath the Turks.

“I thought you liked my ass, boss.” Reno teased, but moved off the blond anyway.

Cloud carefully pulled out of Rufus’ bottom, making them both moan.

“Ugh…” Rufus moved to sit up on his knees, feeling Cloud’s cum run down the insides of his thighs. “That was…”

“An amazing fuck?” Reno supplied, still grinning.

“Indeed.” The older blond moved over to Cloud and placed a kiss on his lips. “Thank-you.”

Cloud nodded. At that moment a particularly loud clap of thunder sounded, making the windows rattle.

“Better spend the night with us, Cloud.” Reno said. “Shitty weather for walking.”

“Hmn.” The blond half-smirked.

Rufus stifled a yawn behind his hand and crawled up towards the pillows. Reno and Cloud followed and they all made themselves comfortable under the sheet. The redhead folded his arms behind his head, pouting slightly.

“How come you put out so easily for Rufus and make me beg for every little scrap?” He asked.

Rufus snorted. “Easy? I had to drug him, lug him back here, drug you, lug both your dead weight butts up here, tie you both up, threaten Cloud, and use you to get Cloud all hot and bothered to get what I wanted and you call that easy?”

“Besides…” Cloud rolled and hovered over Reno. “…hearing you beg gets me off.”

Reno blinked, surprised by this uncharacteristic admission, before a grin came to his lips. “Oh really? I’ll remember that…”

“…I do believe I just had another orgasm.” Rufus said.

Reno laughed and Cloud rolled onto his back once more.

And, despite the raging storm outside, none of the three men had trouble falling asleep.


The second time Cloud was awakened it was still raining outside, but the grey light of early morning was filtering into the room… and someone was touching his cock. He grabbed that someone’s wrist and jerked their hand away from his privates. The someone chuckled in response. He opened his eyes to see Reno grinning at him through the dimness.

“Reno…” He yawned. “What are you doing?”

“Hopefully waking you up and getting you hard so you let me ride you like a pony.”

Cloud looked over at Rufus who was facing away from them, presumably fast asleep.

“He won’t mind and we technically didn’t get to fuck last night. Although I did enjoy having your fingers up my ass.”

Cloud yanked on Reno’s wrist so the redhead fell on top of him. “What time is it?”

“Uhm… five thirty?”

The blond glared.

“Please Cloud…” Reno murmured, remembering the man’s confession last night. “I really want you to fuck me…”

Cloud groaned as his penis twitched in response to the Turks’ plea. Why had he opened his big fat mouth? Taking Cloud’s groan as resignation the redhead grinned and moved to straddle the man’s hips, pressing their cocks together.

“The lube is by your head somewhere, Strife.”

Cloud found the lube stuffed between two pillows and handed it to Reno, still glaring.

“The bitch act won’t work anymore, Cloud.” Reno grinned, uncapping the lube. “I know you love it.”

The blond didn’t reply, but stopped glarring which made Reno laugh softly. The Turks dispensed some lube into his palms then rubbed them together. Cloud’s penis was already semi-erect when Reno’s fingers wrapped around it, pumping slowly. The blond let out a quiet moan, arching his hips against Reno’s hand. The redhead’s own cock was starting to harden and his free hand reached down to fist himself. Reno stroked both of them in sync, moaning softly. Helped along by the sight of Reno masturbating, it wasn’t long before Cloud’s dick was hard and throbbing in the Turks’ hand. With a small grunt Reno perched himself over the blond’s erection, guiding the tip into his ass.

“Fuck…!” Cloud hissed, his hands grabbing onto Reno’s hips.

“Cloud…” Reno purred, slowly impaling himself on the man’s erection.

The blond’s eyelids fluttered slightly as Reno’s familiar tightness engulfed his cock. Once Cloud was in to the hilt the redhead gave a wiggle and clenched his muscles, making Cloud groan.

“Want me to ride you, baby?” He teased, wiggling again.

Cloud glared up at Reno. “Stop talking and ride.”

Reno chuckled but did as Cloud asked, bouncing himself up and down on the blond’s cock. Cloud growled and squeezed the redhead’s hips, helping the man ride him. Reno fucked himself on Cloud hard and fast while both his hands stroked his own erection, pushing them both towards a fast orgasm. The mattress was shaking, but Rufus didn’t wake or at least he didn’t roll to face them.

“Shit… Strife.” Reno moaned.

Some time during the night Reno’s hair had come loose from its ponytail and it whipped around wildly as the redhead bounced up and down. Cloud’s balls were already tensing and he dug his fingernails into Reno’s hips. The Turks leaned back slightly, riding Cloud with total abandon.

“Reno!” Cloud growled, coming deep inside the redhead.

Reno moaned, both of his hands were moving furiously over his erection. Still reeling from his orgasm Cloud tugged on Reno’s ass, urging the man forward. The Turks shimmied up Cloud’s body, groaning as the blond’s penis slid from his ass. Once Reno was close enough Cloud wrapped his lips around the tip of the man’s cock, sucking hard and teasing the slit.

“Oh fuck! Cloud!!” Reno panted, spilling himself in the blond’s mouth.

Cloud swallowed Reno’s cum and licked the head clean before allowing it to slip from between his lips.

“Damn…” The redhead murmured, falling sideways off Cloud and landing on the bed with a muted thump.

Cloud purred softly and rubbed his hand over the Turks’ thigh. Then, in the silence, they both heard it. Rufus, who was still facing away from them, was panting softly.

“Oh ho.” Reno grinned, lifting his head up off the bed. “I thought I felt the mattress still shaking. You’re jerking off, boss. Did me ‘n’ Cloud get yah hot?”

“Shut up, Reno.” Rufus snapped. “Nnghh!”

Rufus had cum into his hands and the mattress had finally stopped shaking.

“We’re all such a bunch of fucking perverts.” Reno chuckled.


“You cheated.” Reno accused.

“I did not.” Rufus replied.

The sun was now properly up. After exchanging a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss with Reno Cloud had redressed and left on his long walk back to his hotel. Rufus had offered to arrange a ride for the blond, but Cloud refused. Currently Reno and Rufus were also redressed and having a small breakfast out on the rain-soaked balcony.

“You did so cheat.” The redhead repeated, sipping his coffee.

“It’s not my fault that you didn’t specify the terms of our bet. You only bet me that I could not get Cloud to have a threesome with us and I did. You should be glad that I am only making you pay back half of your winnings. Now, you owe me 500gil.”

Looking sulky Reno fished his wallet out of his pants and counted off 500gil, handing it to Rufus.

“I still say you cheated.”

Rufus laughed and put the gil in his vest pocket. Oh indeed, he had enjoyed his revenge immensely.

The end!

This was originally really short (only about 5/6 pages) but I decided that I hated it so I completely destroyed it and rewrote it and now it's 13 fucking pages (no pun intended *legiggle* 8D)

Oh Rufus, you cheeky bastard *dies*

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