Washing the Dog: One Shot

Published Nov 16, 2007, 7:56:34 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 16, 2007, 7:56:34 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Kagome can't seem to concentrate when a certain hanyou is downstairs

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Chapter NaN: One Shot

Inuyasha characters (manga and anime) belong to Takahashi-san


Washing the Dog




Kagome sat at her desk, busily writing notes in preparation for her next exam. Or so she had hoped.

She had spent most of the day chasing her friends for the vital class notes for the exam and, after bribing them with a whole tray of cheeseburgers – at her expense – Kagome had gotten everything she needed. Even Hojou had asked if she needed any help with the upcoming exams, which the young woman politely declined, knowing very well that spending time alone studying with him would have been the most awkward experience she would ever have to live through. Kagome had run home, ready to take advantage of the remaining hours to study. Yet with all the materials she needed to study lying there in front of her, she could not bring herself to pick any of it up to look through it.

She sighed, the noise sounding unusually louder, making her realise how empty the house was when she was alone.

When she had arrived to the modern era in the early hours of the morning, excited to be home at last, she was met with a note on the table and a white envelope containing money.

The note read:

 Dear Kagome,

If you are reading this note, Souta, jii-chan and I, have gone to the onsen which I won through the lottery. I’m sorry that you are not here to join us, but know that I hope you are doing well in Sengoku jidai. We will be back tomorrow evening at the latest. Here is an envelope with money if you need it. And if Inuyasha-kun is with you, say hello and hug him for us.

Love mama.

Kagome blinked at the noted in her hand, cursing that she did not get the chance to spend time relaxing in the onsen. It’s not fair…I wanted to go too…

As a result, the miko had no choice but to sit at her desk, hoping that her brain would listen for once and start the process of memorizing the equations for the exam. It had started off well, the numbers and words she written down on the paper were making sense to her, and the problems were being solved easily enough.  

After three hours however, her pencil began to wonder about the page. The pencil drew a few lines in one corner of a page and, before Kagome could stop, she found that she had drawn a pair of ears adorning a mop of hair, an outline for the face and two dots for eyes. A smile grew on her face as she looked at the picture on the paper.

You’re cute, but not as cute as the real thing… Kagome giggled, a bout of silliness overcoming her as she neared the page with her lips. But you’ll have to do for now.

All of a sudden there was a sharp tap on her window, causing the miko to jump out of her chair and land on the tatami floor with a thump. Immediately her face went a bright shade of red, embarrassed that she had nearly been caught kissing a picture of her hanyou. She breathed in deeply to calm herself, darting her eyes around to see if she indeed had been caught.

The tapping grew louder and an irritated voice was heard through the glass.  

“Oi, Kagome. I know you’re in there, let me in.”

The miko felt a wave of relief wash over her. Who knew what Inuyasha would say if he ever found out that she had attempted to kiss the picture on her note book, if she had not locked the window. When she was about to ask what had brought him to this era, she noticed that his clothes and hair were soaking wet.

“It was raining pretty badly.”

“But surely you would have gone to Kaede’s hut to take shelter?” She asked, letting her fingers lightly touch his face.

“Yeah well…Sango and Miroku were in there talking to ba-baa about something. I didn’t want to disturb them; it looked pretty intense in there.” He squeezed one of his haori sleeves attempting to wring out some of the water. “Can’t I stay with you for a while?”

That simple question alone made Kagome’s heart flutter and she felt her face getting hotter once again. She suppressed a silly smile from growing on her face while she indicated him to go through the bottom floor of the house to take a bath and dry off, as she really didn’t think it was a good idea for him to walk around wet and cold on the tatami mats.

“D-do you need help with anything, Inuyasha?” She asked while getting the bath ready for him, trying to make it sound like an innocent question, even though her ever emerging dirty mind laughed at her poor attempt. The hanyou did not seem to notice, shaking his head to indicate that he would be fine. “Oh…all right…,” her face went red again. “I-I’ll be in my room if you need me…”

“Wait…” He grabbed her hand and Kagome felt the tempo of her heart increase. Amber eyes stared at her with heated intensity, causing Kagome to succumb under his spell. “Your face…it’s all red. Are you coming down with a fever?”

The spell was broken and the miko turned away in disbelief. “No, it’s just from all the hot water, I guess...” And she walked away miserably while Inuyasha could only stare at her back, confused about the woman’s sudden change in mood.

Sometimes I wonder about her...



Kagome sat at her desk, her head leaning on the table. A sigh escaped her. Inuyasha probably thinks I’m weird now. For some reason, she had thought that the hanyou was going to say something romantic to her, with the way he was staring at her. She should have known that sometimes he was just too oblivious of their relationship.

Inuyasha had always been somewhat of an enigma to her. Ever since she had released him from his sealing spell, she had spent most of her time trying to understand him, failing most of the time. His behaviour would often change, from being absolutely rude to someone who was gentle, even affectionate. The only problem was, was that his erratic swing of moods always took her by surprise and in the end, there would be a misunderstanding between them, and the whole cycle would begin all over again. Their relationship always made her wonder if the pursuit of romance was really the fairytale her friends made it out to be.




 A clawed hand ran through locks of white hair, combing out the tangles of his mane while allowing the water to fall down his face and body. Inuyasha sat on a small wooden stool, thankful for the shower to wash away the blood scent off his skin. He had lied to Kagome about exactly why his haori and hakama were all wet. Although he didn’t mean to, he didn’t want to bother the miko because of his carelessness, especially when he saw the many books she had on her desk. It was obvious that Kagome was just too busy dealing with her own things to want to deal with someone like him.

He remembered his day starting with rumours about a few youkai stalking around Kaede’s village and he went out to hunt them down, sending Shippou to warn the others. It was a short fight with him only having to use his fists and claws, but one of them had managed to sneak past his striking range, resulting in nasty slash marks across his back. Ignoring his pain, he had gone to the nearest river to dip himself into the freezing waters attempting to wash off the blood from his haori. However, his sensitive nose still detected the smell of blood and so; he had come to the miko’s home to use her soaps to get rid of the stench. Truthfully, no matter how many times he had fought over the years, he still hated the stench of blood, especially from his slain enemies. It was a cruel reminder of how easily his hands could drain away the blood that gave a human or youkai life.

His musings were interrupted by the opening of the sliding door. Looking up, Inuyasha was more than surprised to see the red faced miko standing there with only a towel wrapped around her body. He barely heard the words: “C-can I join you?” And his mouth suddenly became dry from the almost mystical sight before him. He watched her as she turned off the water and then kneeled behind him, her voice shaking. “Can I wash your back?”

Inuyasha found that his voice had utterly failed him; this was not something he had expected to be asked of him. So he nodded, not knowing what else to do.

The miko smiled when she saw him nod, and picked up the wash cloth to do the task. She did not know what compelled her to walk from her room to the bathroom where she knew the hanyou was having a shower. Yet here she was, washing the naked hanyou’s back, her hand refusing to stop its circular motions. But she was determined not to let their time alone be wasted by mere misunderstandings and arguments. She was going to take the advantage. She wanted to love him like a woman would love a man. A blush crept back on her cheeks before she noticed the marks on his back, and she stopped.

“Does it…look bad?” He asked tentatively.

“Is this why all your clothes were wet? You could have told me.” She gently chided but glad that the slashes were healing quickly. “It was a good thing you came here to wash it off, or it would have become infected.”

“I know. I was fighting with some youkai, you can guess the rest. I just wanted to use your soaps to get rid of the smell of blood. But I didn’t want to bother you because I was careless.” A tiny smile formed on his face, and then they both lapsed into a comfortable silence with Kagome continuing to gently wash his back.

A while later and the miko had finished, and she put the wash cloth to one side. Then, summoning her courage, she wrapped her arms around him, her cheek leaning lightly on his shoulder. She heard him gasp when she neared him, but Inuyasha did not do anything else to signify he didn’t want her to touch him.

“We should do this more often.” She whispered against the warmth of his skin.

“Have a bath together?” was his answer, suppressing a shiver from her close contact. It was then Inuyasha began to comprehend that the soft towel Kagome was wearing was the only barrier stopping their bodies from intimately touching each other. But was it necessarily a bad thing? He was never sure.

He felt small puffs of air on his shoulder as he heard her laughing.

“No silly, I meant spending more time with each other, like right now.”

He turned his head to stare at her, his face burning red. “You mean...spend more time naked together?”

“Honestly, you are so dense sometimes,” and Kagome threw a handful of soap suds on his face. “Only someone like Miroku-sama would say things like that.”

“I’m not dense, you just always say things that have double meanings, and it confuses me.”

The miko giggled and picked up the wash cloth again, a devious idea forming in her mind. “Well...maybe I should be more direct.” She whispered into his ear.

This time Inuyasha did shiver, even though he felt the temperature around the room was rising rapidly because of her closeness. He could feel her soft hands running down his back, and then across his chest where they began to alternate between washing his skin and lovingly caressing it, until his senses were overcome by her sensual touches and her wonderful fragrance. Her kisses were featherlike yet numerous, and he allowed her name to escape through his lips from the intense sensations.

The miko smiled, knowing that her plan was working, and knowing that the hanyou was powerless to stop her as she held him against her so that he could not move. Her chest was right against him while she washed his body; her fingers delicately running up and down his muscled abdomen.  â€śDoes that feel nice?” She asked him teasingly, starting to move the wash cloth down to his lower legs, dangerously close to his groin area.

“You bitch...” he replied, his mind now far too hazy to try and even attempt to stop her delicious ministrations. “Just you wait...”

However, Kagome did not listen nor did she stop her fingers from exploring. She enjoyed the feeling of his skin against hers – the wash cloth now forgotten – and the way his breathing would change every time she caressed a sensitive area. His head lolled on to her shoulder, his breath now hot, searing at her neck. Her warm, soapy hands began to work into an easy rhythm while Inuyasha followed the same tempo, with one of his hands finally managing to hold her cheek so that he could kiss her. Their lips met, tentative and daring, the taste of the moist, supple lips only making them want more.  But the hanyou could only kiss her, Kagome’s grip around him not losing their strength or pace. It was beginning to become too much for him to control himself while under her enchantment.

“Do you want me to stop?” Kagome spoke heatedly, still refusing to allow him to turn around to overtake her.  She heard him whisper hoarsely, “No...” She kissed him, her whole soul and body embracing him as his own body finally shuddered under her. Her name fell from his lips as the wave of euphoria washed over him, the cleansing for his very being.

After a while, when Inuyasha felt that he was composed enough, he raised a hand to touch the miko’s face, drawing the thumb down to her soft lips, and he found that she was grinning. He frowned.

“You think that very was funny, Kagome?”

“Maybe...” she replied, her tone blissful. “I just wanted to do something for you, besides arguing all the time. I wanted to show you how much you mean to me.”

“Seems like a funny way to show it.” He found his arms embracing her and his nose nuzzling against her neck. Then, lifting his head to look at her, he saw how her blue-grey eyes sparkled and how her cheeks were flushed. Was it desire, love? Love...? Padded fingers ran across her cheeks, over her closed eyelids, and through her dark, silky hair. He touched her with his lips.

The towel fell limp onto the floor.

Their tender kisses continued, never noticing that the towel had fallen, their only barrier stopping them from their intimate contact. Hands glided with ease, feeling the smooth textures of skin, savouring every curve beneath their fingers. Inuyasha began to move his head downwards, his kisses still plentiful, as was his desire. His ears picked up the sounds of his name being said so lovingly, he almost thought that he was in a daydream. That was until he felt something wet stroking at the inner part of his ear. “Please don’t stop now, Inuyasha.” And the miko licked his ear once again, proving to him that it was not a dream.

Kagome quivered under his shy, yet tender embraces on her skin. Her back arched in response to the tingling wetness of his tongue on her breast, while the other hand seemed to marvel at the softness of her nakedness. Her want of him was becoming stronger every minute that passed and, with a shaking hand clasping his, she guided him down to her warm, and very wet inner folds. There was a curious look in his darkened amber eyes as he noticed where his hand was now placed. He moved his fingers around the dampened area, massaging it to see what sort of reaction it would have on his miko. Much to his surprise, Kagome suddenly fell forward, and a feminine purring sound echoed into his ears. It was a sound that he had never heard her make before, but there was something about that purr that wanted him to hear more. And so he continued to rub at the place where he heard her make that enticing sound.

Gripping his broad shoulders to prevent her from falling off the stool from the exquisite pleasure from Inuyasha’s fondling, Kagome’s body began to react, her heavy pants for air almost in synchronization with the fevered movements of her lower body. She felt her whole body perspiring from his actions, but did not want him to stop. Subconsciously, she moved in such a way that now the hanyou’s fingers were rubbing inside of her. A heavy sigh escaped her, the feeling of his movements so arousing that she could not hold it in any longer. With one last thrust, she climaxed, her whole being trembling, just like her voice as she called out his name.

Inuyasha held her close when Kagome had slowed down her jerking movements. Gradually, he drew out his fingers and licked them, her taste making him giddy. He smirked, laughing, “Did that feel nice?” But she could only answer with a whimper. He then lifted her chin so that he could look into those blue-grey eyes, to see if they still held those same emotions he saw before that made his heart flutter.

“Kagome…I…I…,” the words failed him as he was lured into the miko’s warm aura. He tried again, but instead he found that her finger was placed over his mouth.

“Show me,” her fingers playfully stroking along his skin.

A low growling sound was emitted from under his breath as he watched Kagome move from him to lean herself a little over the edge of the bath. She then looked over her slender shoulder, her eyes beckoning him. He complied.

 Lying over her back, he trailed his hands along the curves of her body, every part singeing from her body heat. Kagome sighed in contentment; the feel of his nude body over hers was something that she was unable to describe, and she did not want it to end. So she reached for him while he rubbed against her. She pushed her hips down in one thrust while Inuyasha did the same, their voices coming out in muffled gasps from the contact. It wasn’t long until they started to move in unison, hesitantly at first, but with each thrust, they became bolder, their actions more certain as their passions continued to rise. Kagome felt her soul being surrounded by his aura, and she embraced him, as her hanyou, her love, embraced hers. Inuyasha closed his eyes, their unrelenting motions taking their toll on his rationality, his reactions now based on his instincts.

Slender fingers gripped the edge of the bathtub, while the changing sounds of the miko’s purring and breathing pattern were not left unnoticed by the hanyou as he picked up his pace. Kagome felt something wet licking on the base of her neck, causing her to moan even louder. Inuyasha leaned closer to her ear, his breath hot, alluring. “You’re mine…” And with those words, Kagome cried out, her orgasm running through her entire body, her wild reaction causing Inuyasha to start his climax as well. The hanyou gritted his teeth as he felt the sudden tightness and the spasms coming from his miko. He knew he was losing control and, with the final push, he gave in to his desires.




When everything had calmed down, Kagome nudged at Inuyasha, giggling, “Had enough?”

He wrapped his arms around her, not wanting to let her go, “Maybe…how about you?”

 Turning to face him she replied. “Not right now.” And then she kissed him softly, picking up the wash cloth once again. “I need to wash you again because you’re sticky all over.” But in an instant, the cloth was hurriedly snatched away from her.

“Oh no, you don’t,” Inuyasha said, his lips smiling. “I’m not going to fall for that trick again. This time, I’m going to wash you all over.”


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