Is it alright to hold you...: Chapter 1

Published Dec 24, 2007, 10:47:23 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 24, 2007, 10:47:23 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Days are passing like wistful dreams. Time stands still for one, moving too fast for the other. But is it alright to hold you through the night? The world will go away…

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1


Title: Is it alright to hold you through the night?
Author: Neurotic Engel
Summery: Days are passing like wistful dreams. Time stands still for one, moving too fast for the other. But is it alright to hold you through the night? The world will go away…
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Contains shounen-ai with a hint of lime.
Pairings: OCs Kyoji and Mokoto, with mentions of incest.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and the characters belong to Aikei-chan, Nammah, Nwoppertje and myself. Lyrics are copy write to Kinnie Starr.


Is it alright for me to feel this way?
Put my head in your lap, the world will go away…


It’s the days that he’s like this that make Kyoji wonder if Mokoto’s really aware of the passing hours. Day’s where the silvery blonde teen, whose one long red bang falls haphazardly into that pure mix, lays so quietly upon the couch. Whilst those blue eyes with flecks of lifeless gold glitter in the pale sunlight. The snake wielder was true to his word. He wouldn’t move until his skin was properly heated, even if he barely got a tan with his skin hidden in those dark clothes and long sleeves. Those thin black shirts that clung to each and every well toned muscle or soft curve of round hips. Could anyone truly rival the blonde in his laziness? The rocks maybe, but they couldn’t move unless acted upon by an equal or greater force. As stated in one of Newton’s laws.

Well… maybe such a rule would work with the boney slip of a man.

With a humph and a dramatic sigh for good measure, the white haired man lifted the limp creature, if only to seat himself on the slightly worn and abused couch. Mokoto frowned, but didn’t muster the strength to complain or do much else. He never did. It was always the same simple reaction. He rested his head on the older man’s lap. It was comforting, even if he could feel the muscles in his thighs shifting at the added weight. Those same thighs that the blonde would straddle when he demanded love and attention. Sex filled with lust. Pleasure that only he could give him.

“Is it alright?” Kyoji began slowly, in the midst of a question Mokoto didn’t understand.

“Is what alright?”

“Is it alright if I touch your hair?”

A smile crept across pale pink lips as long lashes created shadows on pale cheeks. High cheekbones that made his face so much more beautiful and delicately rounded. Mokoto didn’t have to answer; his roommate could read him well enough. Long fingers dipped into those soft locks, running down, separating parts of that light mass of hair. Fingers that were so warm and comforting. Fingers that reminded the blonde of the only other man so bold as to play with his long locks.

Domino. Oh beloved Domino.

The light to Mokoto’s darkness. The sun to his moon. Everything he couldn’t be, he couldn’t have. Was it alright to feel this way toward his younger sibling? To have played those games of lust when mommy wasn’t home and their other mother was asleep. Fingers tracing the contours of each other’s forms. Lips meeting briefly. Sin.

It was darker with Hanako. Bloody and dark. Not at all loving. Mokoto had fucked her. Hurt her to prove he was powerful. He never fucked Domino, he merely tasted his brother. He fucked the wild puppeteer though. That was their terrible secret that they never truly shared. Though Hanako had ended up telling her father. That sadomasochistic bitch. If only he could have…

“Mokoto?” Faint worry touched the older man’s voice as he looked down at the blonde on his lap. His heart sank as he saw how wet the edges of the boy’s eyes were beneath those long lashes. How tears had begun to pool. Was it wrong that he hated to see the blonde in pain? To see him like this even if it exposed how delicate he was. Mokoto didn’t answer him, but he understood. Now was not the time for talking.

Make me forget it all.

Keep touching me.

And he did. He touched his face lovingly, caressed those high cheekbones. He brushed those red and silvery blonde locks from his face. Almost colorless eyes softened as he watched the blonde relax. Hours would pass. Hours filled with nothing but silence and the occasional sigh as Mokoto was lifted into Kyoji’s arms. Enveloped in that warmth he could only receive from this elegant man. This mysterious angel he had stumbled upon while trying so desperately to save a friend.

“Is it alright?”

“Yes Kyoji, it’s alright…”

Lips met softly. Tenderness, beauty. They escaped the present, retreating within the other.


Is it alright,
Is it alright to hold you through the night

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