Paine's Past: Chapter 1

Published Jan 22, 2008, 5:19:56 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 22, 2008, 5:19:56 PM | Total Chapters 1

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Who's the assassin? Is she from Paine's past? Paine past is revealed. Please R&R!

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1


Author: usc_inu

Editor: MoonStarDutchess (


Chapter 1

Intro Title: Nice Day Turns to Chaos


It was the preseason to BlitzBall and the Aurochs were going to a practice game. The little town of Besaid was very excited, because they were invited, along with the Gullwings. The game was taking place on the beach at one o’clock pm. The people were anxious to see their team practice.

Finally, it was one o’clock, the team was divided into two. Wakka was captain of one team, and Tidus was captain of the other team. Wakka was surprised at the amount of people that showed up for only a practice game.

He was stunned when he saw Rikku and Gippal, and he was blown-away to see that Paine and Baralai were here.

“Man, I should do this more often, ya?” said Wakka to his wife Lulu who had to constantly keep closing Wakka’s mouth ,which was wide from the shock of the turnout. She finally heaved a sigh, gave up and let it drop.

“You’ll do well,” said Lulu. She then whispers in Wakka ear, “my moomba.”

She then walks away from him to join the others, leaving Wakka with a deep blush on his suntanned skin.

He then went to gather his part of the team to make a game plan.

As the games finally start, they people placing bets on who would win. Lulu placed 20Gil on Wakka’s team, which consisted of Beclum, Letty, and Keepa. Lulu meant no offense to Tidus or Yuna, but she said she had to support her husband. Yuna places 20Gil on Tidus’s team, which consisted of Botta, Jassu, and Datto.

The sun is hitting the water as the game begins. Everybody cheers for their favorites as Botta passes the to Tidus. Score for the Zanarkand Apes! Score for the Besaid Aurochs!

The crowd is excited as the game intensifies. But, little did the audience know that this BlitzBall game was going to end abruptly.

Wakka gets ready for the corkscrew shot, when he suddenly feels a sharp pain in his chest. He falls down, clutching his chest, feeling very dizzy. Wakka lifts up his hand from his chest and almost vomits at the sight, his hand is covered in blood. Many thoughts go through his mind as he sees Lulu run to him, fear and worry written on her face, and then all he sees is black.

Lulu arrives at Wakka, but is cut short as she falls, feeling like there is a thousand daggers going through her wrist. She screams in pain. Rikku is shot in her arm, Yuna is shot in her ankle, Tidus is shot in his stomach, Paine is shot in her knee, and Baralai is shot in the shoulder.

Gippal sneaks out and attempts to stop the stranger, who is on the cliff.

The assassin throws power in Gippal’s face and he starts to cough and sneeze.

He then gets his hands on the assassin’s mask and starts to pull it off, but before he can, the assassin gets out a knife and stabs him many times.

Gippal then trips on a rock, dizzy from the loss of blood, and he starts to fall down the cliff toward the beach, but not before he notices the assassins figure. The assassins figure was too slender and curvy to be male it... was...a... girl!

As the villagers were loading Wakka on the stretcher, tears start to run down Lulu’s face. Unable to see Lulu cry, Wakka places a shaky hand on her face, wiping away her tears.

“Lulu,” whispered a wounded Wakka. “I’ll be fine ya. Don’t worry, my love.”

After everyone was bandaged up, Rikku heard something come from outside, near the bushes, so she went outside to investigate. As she turned the corner she went pale as a ghost and screamed.


Gippal lay there on the ground, plastered in dried blood, dirt and leaves. Rikku started yelling for help; only she was cut short as a Dual Horn appeared. The Dual Horn looked annoyed, as someone had found his lunch. He would not allow his lunch ticket to be taken away from him. The fiend got in his fighting stance, waiting for his prey to make the first move. Rikku strapped on her Godhand and threw at least a dozen grenades at the dangerous fiend. Dual Horn quickly dodged the grenade and attacked Rikku, making a gash in her arm. Rikku screamed in pain as blood started to ooze from her arm. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Paine emerge.

"Rikku, can't you stay out of trouble for at least 5 minutes?" asked Paine.

"Hey! It wasn't my fault!" answered Rikku. "He found me."

Paine just rolled her eyes and changed to Dark Knight, which was her strongest Dress Sphere. She lifted up her deadly sword and quickly sent the troublesome Dual Horn to the FarPlane.

"You called for help?" smiled Paine.

The assassin looks around and smiles an evil grin, happy that she unbalanced the peaceful life in Besaid. Then she walked back to the beach, and got on her plane, heading back home.


Author notes: My Moomba is the name of one of her little dolls that she fights with. That would symbolize to people that even though she can protect herself, she somewhat considers him her protector.


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