Communion [Arsenal/Nightwing]: oneshot

Published Apr 4, 2009, 5:40:25 PM UTC | Last updated Apr 4, 2009, 5:40:25 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

[full title: Communion at the Church of Badonk-adonk] If there was ever one thing that existed on God’s green earth Roy Harper thought would be worthy of being worshipped, it would have to be Nightwing’s ass.

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Chapter NaN: oneshot

If there was ever one thing that existed on God’s green earth Roy Harper thought would be worthy of being worshipped, it would have to be Nightwing’s ass, all firm and beautiful beneath his Kevlar costume. The way Dick always seems to *sway* his hips only accentuates the aphrodisiacal behind that Roy can’t stop groveling over. Even during meetings, when Nightwing is chastising the Outsiders for some foolish mistake or just debriefing, he can’t stop *staring*. He is so glad that Dick took him up on the team leader offer.

The rest of the team is busy bitching as usual, fighting among themselves as Dick twitches all the way down his spine and he rubs his temples. “If you all are not going to be *mature* about the situation, then the meeting’s over.” Roy’s mildly impressed Dick didn’t pop a gasket and start yelling, the man just stands there and watches the other members of the Outsiders shuffle out of the conference room, ready to head home.

Roy just swings his chair halfway, back and forth keeping his eyes on the prized posterior. He runs a finger over his lip and watches Dick move his bottom again, almost eliciting a sigh of pleasure from the archer.

“Roy, if you don’t stop looking at my ass, I’m going to punch you very hard in the face.”

“You wouldn’t do that.”

Nightwing turns so instead Roy only gets a look at his front, which isn’t bad at all either. “Roy!”

“What?” The redhead looks up innocently and gives a little smirk at the edge of his lips, Dick looks on, annoyed.

“Now you’re looking at my groin.”

“It’s such a *fine* groin.”

“*Roy*…,” Dick holds out the syllable, says it with a tone of warning in his voice.

“You know I can’t help myself, Dick. Maybe if you didn’t wear such a *tight* costume.” The man raises one eye behind the domino mask. “Okay yeah, call me what you want--”


Arsenal sighs but continues, “But if you didn’t wear that costume like a second skin, I wouldn’t be looking so much.” He gives a little shrug and leans back in the chair.

“The others don’t look.”

A laugh emits from the man’s throat, “*Seriously*, Dick…who doesn’t look?”

“You’re saying--,” there’s an expression of almost worry across the night vigilante’s face as his long time friend shrugs again.

“You could get whatever you want with an ass like that.”

“I really…*really* don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

“How ’bout you come ov--”

Nightwing gives Roy once of the biggest death glares he’s ever seen before the acrobat walks out of the room, swaying bottom and all. Roy just sighs and watches his wet dream walk away.


When Roy walks into the rec room early the next morning, he’s surprised to find Nightwing working diligently at one of the monitors. It’s everyone’s off day, but the acrobat works like a bat should, shuffling through files at amazing speed. Nightwing doesn’t pay any attention as the archer walks up beside him and plops down on the console, Starbucks coffee in hand.

“You mad at me or something?” He raises one red eyebrow; Dick merely glances at him before turning back to his work. “You *are*. You’re pissed about my butt spying, I know you are.” He points an inquisitive finger into the man’s face who swats it away in the next instance. “*Dick*.”

 “I’m not mad.”

“Yes, you are.” Roy calmly takes a sip of his coffee as Dick tenses in the chair.

“I’m not.”

“Dick, we can fight about this all day, and not get anywhere, or you can just tell me that you’re p.o.’ed.” He sets the steaming cup down and gives his full attention to his childhood friend. Dick really is tense, shoulders rigid with energy that’s just waiting to get out.

Nightwing sighs and pulls his hands away from the keyboard. “Okay…I kinda am.”

“Ah hah!” Roy smiles and leans forward into the brunette’s space. “Knew it.”

“*But*…only that you did it in front of the team.”

“What?” His eyes widen under Dick inquisitive gaze, a slight blush starting underneath the sharp angles of the domino mask.

“You know I don’t mind you’re…flirtations…but it’s different now.”


“Like you said, this is a team of strangers, and I don’t want them getting the wrong idea. I don’t need them to know about our past.”

Head perched in his hand, Roy watches Dick’s body carefully; there’s almost a nervous twitch underneath the Kevlar, and if he could see the man’s eyes underneath the mask, he’d know for certain that they’re looking away from Roy, past him.

“You want them to see you as a leader and that’s all. Someone they can look up to.”


“Does that mean I can’t look when they’re *not* around?”

“No, you horny bastard,” Dick smiles and looks directly at the man, quietly lifts the white out lenses and reveals the bright blue of his eyes. He grins and leans forward to grab Roy by the shoulders of his jacket and pulls him into a kiss.

Dick’s tongue is as skillful and athletic as the rest of him, licking the man’s teeth before he plays circles around Roy’s own tongue. He sucks hard at the archer’s lips and presses further, Roy pushes back and almost tumbles into the chair and onto Dick’s lap but saves at the last moment by pulling the brunette up until he’s resting blue and black hands on Roy’s thighs.

Those sneaky hands start working, moving inward and stroking the inside of the archer’s legs. Roy leans back a bit, but Dick catches his lower lip between his teeth and pulls him into another breathtaking kiss. Roy can feel Dick’s saliva on his lips and around his mouth, the acrobat never ceases in his further onslaught of the archer’s mouth, pushing forward. Arsenal takes one shuddering breath through his nose and grabs hold of the rear he loves so much.

Dick is squirming in a good way, a wonderful way, pushing himself further into Roy until his protected crotch his rubbing against the redhead’s. Roy gives a good long squeeze, thinking about how much he missed having the awe-inspiring rump in his palms.

Nightwing grins out of the kiss, lips reddened and wet from both of their spit. “I almost forgot how much you love my ass.”

Roy squeezes again, pulling and rubbing each cheek, getting a wonderful loss of breath out of the owner. “*Mmm*, I missed you so much. So beautiful, Dickie bird!” The archer’s lost in insatiable lust, pawing the fine keister as much as he can, “Such a work of art!”

The molested acrobat lets out a chuckle as Roy pushes him in as close as he can get and begins to run his thumbs through crack as best he can. The man sighs and halfway frowns at Dick with bright green eyes, “Too much clothing.”

“I thought you said I wear this costume like a second skin?”

“But it’s not as good as bare skin,” he kisses the man quickly before pushing him away enough to get off the console. “Put your hands down and stick your ass out.” Dick complies happily, backing away just enough from the console to make the other man blissful.

“Perfect. Are your suit defenses deactivated?”

“Yeah, I figured we would get to this and that you wouldn’t want to be fried.”

“Mmm, wonderful, let’s just get your suit off.” Roy quickly takes care of the catches at the back of the suit and helps Nightwing slip it down and off, discarding gauntlets and boots along the way. “You’re clean?”

“Of course, Roy, you *were* the last person to fuck me.”

“You don’t know how happy that makes me.” Somewhere along the line of Dick getting naked, Arsenal had discarded his jacket and gloves, leaving cool, calloused hands to touch at the warmth of the acrobat’s buttocks. “God, I love you,” he crouches down and rubs his thumbs against the perfect skin, getting another nervous twitch out of the owner.

“Are you going to do what I think you’re going to do?”

Roy kisses one cheek innocently, lovingly, before knocking Dick’s legs wide and spreading the curves of his behind. “It’s been a while since we’ve done it, and I love the way it makes you squirm.” He kisses the pucker of Dick’s anus gently, lays another few short pecks before he licks it once.

A tremble travels through Dick’s body, a gasp emitting from his throat; he can feel his cock awakening at the wonderful contact of Roy’s tongue. *God, So--so good* is all Dick can think, complete and intelligent thought seems to be beyond him by the time Roy wiggles his slick tongue *in*.

It feels odd and so wet and wonderful at the same time. Roy’s hands are still squeezing the plush of Nightwing’s ass, making wet slurping sounds where the acrobat can’t see. He fists his hands on the console and pushes back onto Roy’s mouth, gets an appreciative groan from the man.

“*Fuck*--!” Dick’s back arches beautifully and he wants to much more then this and just this for as long as can be allowed. He can feel the tongue moving inside him, licking him open and Roy’s thumbs spreading him just the same.

He’s already dripping pre-come by the time Roy decides to take a break and rest his head against the acrobat’s thigh. “Damn, Dick…you’re good at this.”

“Huh?” Dick really doesn’t want to ask or answer questions right now, he wants to come more then anything.

Roy lets out one breathy laugh, “Turning me on, bastard. Those sounds…fuck.” He leaves a kiss at the inside of the opposite thigh before he gives the reddened, wet sphincter another lick.


“Hope this isn’t too much torture.”

“Just…come on.” Dick backs up against the man’s closed lips, feels the scratch of Roy’s facial hair along his buttocks. The man dives back into reducing Nightwing to shakes and whimpers with a shove in. And it’s perfect again; Roy is sucking, moving his tongue in and out until Dick’s muscles are contracting around the wet invader. Arsenal keeps going, licking faster and faster until the brunette screams and releases against the console keyboard. His muscles shake all the way down to his ass and Roy lets him go, until his orgasm fades.

“So fucking *talented*, Roy.” Dick slouches against the computer, thoroughly spent, grinning like a little kid on Christmas day.

“You got my keyboard dirty,” he stands up, kissing a long line up the acrobat’s spine.

“Your fault for being so…convincing.”

“Mmm, I’ve always been quite charismatic.” He wraps an arm around Dick’s sweaty, naked chest and pulls him into an open mouth kiss, “Now it’s my turn.”

Dick can hear him unzip his pants, feels Roy run his other down until it’s curling around one ass cheek. Pushing in, the brunette whimpers, takes it, muscles tightening and relaxing until the head of his penis is in. Roy moves in slow, little by little, watching Dick writhe against the messy console, hands fisting and un-fisting.

When he gets in as far as he can, Dick is panting heavy. He looks at Roy over his shoulder and gives a little nod for the man to continue. The friction isn’t as bad as it could be, Dick’s had it worst and Roy’s keeping the rhythm to a slower pace until he’s sure the acrobat’s okay with it.

The stretch is amazing, Roy finally moving in the speed Dick loves, hard and fast. He can hear the sound of the man’s testicles slapping against his ass. He pushes back harder and wins a loud groan from Roy, his grip tightening on the one buttock.

He wraps himself tighter around Nightwing and pushes until he’s coming hot deep inside of the acrobat. Roy moans and almost collapses against the brunette, removes his hand from Dick’s chest at the last second to save himself. His grip’s so tight on Nightwing’s rear, he’s pretty sure there’s going to be an odd bruise there for a few days.

Dick lets out a small laugh as Roy regains himself post-fuckingamazing-orgasm. “God, Roy, you can let go now.”

He removes his hand from Nightwing’s bottom only to put it around the man so they fall back into the chair together. Dick finds a comfortable position on Roy’s lap and rests his head against the man’s shoulder. “Have you had that in mind for a while?”

“Very long time.” Roy shifts a bit to wrap his hand around Dick’s waist and pull him in close. “Ever since I saw you again after--”

Dick quickly lays a kiss on the man’s reddened lips, succeeding in making him breathless again. The acrobat gives a fulfilled little sigh before breaking apart and wrapping himself up in Roy. He feels Arsenal’s jacket laid over his naked body before he’s falling half asleep in the man’s arms.

Roy seems to notice and runs a finger through the curling hair cemented by sweat to Dick’s forehead. “You can nap if you want, nobody will come in. We’ll talk when you wake up.” He gets a nod out of the brunette before he’s falling asleep and snuggling closer.

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