Published May 11, 2009, 4:40:58 AM UTC | Last updated May 11, 2009, 4:40:58 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

After getting captured by the Decepticons, Grapple wakes up to find himself in a very, very awkward position...

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Chapter NaN: POKE!!

Warnings:Implications of a most sordid sort, indeed!
Word count: 327




~ ~ ~


Slowly, Grapple stirred from the forced recharge and made to set up. Which, given the massive weight sprawled over him, wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Grapple sighed. In the sprawl of green and purple, he found it easier to poke a nearby limb and listen for the owner's voice in order to figure out who all was on top of him.


“Hey, quit it…” came the sleepy whine near his head. Well, there was Scavenger…


He quickly poked again then yanked his hand back just as fast. It was going to be hard enough explaining what happened to Hoist without having to add in that his hand had been melted off in Mixmaster's tank....


Another, more cautious poke with his toe revealed Hook cuddled up with Scrapper. With a bit of gentle squirming—because he sure as the Pit didn't dare want wake any of them up— Grapple freed his legs. Now all he had to do was figure out how to remove Bonecrusher, who happened to be passed out right on top of his chest. All the struggling and writhing in the world wasn't going to dislodge this behemoth of demolition…


Suddenly, an idea struck Grapple. Leaning into his audial, he whisper, “Crusher, baby… I wanna snuggle…”


“Aw, fuck `dat.” Grunting, the massive Decepticon rolled off Grapple.


Getting to his feet, Grapple winced at the pains shooting through his body and, stuffing his badly abused plug back inside, tried to close the panel of his codpiece. Thanks to `Crusher, it was too badly bent to shut fully so he gave up on it, instead staggering to the door in the hopes of making a clean escape.


Unfortunately, the only exit was now blocked by the tan and violet bulk of a leering triple-changer.


“And just where do you think you're going, little crane?” Blitzwing chuckled, pulling Grapple tight against his chest.


Grapple frowned as he felt the first rough kiss on his shoulder. “…why me?”

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