Just Close Your Eyes: All You Have To Do

Published Jan 8, 2010, 12:30:36 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 8, 2010, 12:30:36 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

A story of the end of an era.

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Chapter NaN: All You Have To Do

Show me the world that you see

Of dreams and skies and the morals you so hold


Show me the world, your world

and the meadowlarks sing in the mid-morning sun

and the wind across the fields

and the crash of waves against a deserted shore

and the beating of black wings under grey skies


Sing me a song of the hearth so warm

the air so cold

your breath, gaze forward into the dark

the sun as it sets on our encounter


For spring has sprung and the time has come

to wake from sleep

give rise to the end of an era

to begin afresh

with new materials


And music, stories, beautiful stories

for my ears and my ears alone

of the world where you dwelt, your old home

where the meadowlarks sang in the mid-morning sun

and the wind across the fields

and how the waves crashed against deserted shores

and of the last time, when you carried me, singing and presenting your world,

upon your black wings and under grey skies


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