Lost Again: Chapter 1

Published May 26, 2010, 1:00:37 AM UTC | Last updated May 26, 2010, 1:00:37 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

A poem of mine...Just another bending of the words, nothing more, nothing less.

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

The dark tightens its grip around my beating heart

Once more the darkness seeps into my no longer sane mind

The world has lost its shimmer again, and once more is no more than a dull speckle

My lights have been blown out, only the silence remains

The silence is the loud ringing of music, silent to me but not to any other

My mind is a dull buzz, no thoughts to go zooming around

My body just a cage for a weary and damaged soul

The people who surround me only push me closer to the edge of the abyss I look upon

The arguments are getting on my very last nerve; the sheer feel of tension is weighing on my shoulders

I’m not sure how much longer I can take this; my resistance has fallen weak over time

The dark found me in the light of day, when no hate lay upon my heart

It found me when I was weary and susceptible

Its hold quickly took me in, an old friend of mine

In its familiar arms it cradles me, persuading me to let it skip down the graveyard’s lane with me

Easing my fear and telling me simple nothings

I feel the pain of living return; I push it away, helpless against it

I try to summon up the friendly memories that I find myself fond of

Try to be happy again, to lose the dark

I’m falling you see, into the endless space again

I’m clinging to the rocks, the crevices

The top is so near but so far away

My words echo in the night

My screams unheard by the common eye

Fear runs through me, I can’t get up

The day is running short, the sun’s brilliant light leaving me again

The last ray falls behind the horizon, and I feel myself let go

No scream emits from my mouth as I plummet down and down

My hands do not grope for something to hold onto, I simply cross my arms over my chest and shut my bloodshot eyes

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