For The Moment: Chapter 1

Published Dec 26, 2010, 7:13:59 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 26, 2010, 7:13:59 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

A slightly fractured, abstract look at the relationship between Kurogane and Fai pre-Tokyo.

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

A/N: Woo, two fics in 24 hours! I figured the best way to beat writer's block is to finish all my old projects just laying around before starting anything new and I was surprised to find this finished and ready to post! I guess I meant to post it, but just never got around to it...




A few bottles of beer, a few looks; just enough to finally make them crack…


Softly landing on the bed, wondering when he had lost his shirt. Rough, tanned hands wandering over him and a tender kiss.

The Ninja pulling away long enough to shed his own shirt before descending once again to kiss the Mage’s neck.

A hot mouth taking in and savoring everything it could about the blonde as it slowly headed lower. The brunette smirking at the loud gasp he gets once reaching the other’s arousal.

Pale skin – soft and smooth, hot and tight – becomes slick with sweat, thin arms wrapping around strong shoulders, holding on.


It doesn’t seem real, like a dream. And they both feel it, deep in their hearts – the situation is driven by more than just lust.


They refuse to acknowledge that emotion, because when they’re inevitably separated it will be easier. But for the moment, they can pretend.

And as they’re both panting, the ninja pulls the mage close, letting the smaller fall asleep on him. Telling himself that earlier had been pure lust and that now was just to make sure the idiot didn’t suffocate himself from laying face down into a pillow.

The ninja almost wishes he could lie like the blonde.

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