The Witching Hour: The Witching Hour

Published Jan 31, 2011, 9:11:21 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 31, 2011, 9:11:21 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Just a random roleplay we did in the space of two hours. Not quite our best… But interesting to say the least. May have revisions later. Also: Always make sure to read your directions carefully. You may find that you’re actually standing in the offering circle, not the casting circle.

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Chapter NaN: The Witching Hour

Marik finished casting the intricate summons circle. While nervous he couldn’t wait to try the summoning spell he had found. He already had gifts for his summons so he hoped they wouldn’t get too pissed. All he needed to do was chant — he just hoped he understood the Latin well enough.
As he started to cast the spell the circle glowed. The dark haired amateur mage closed his eyes as he focused on the rest.
What should have happened that his summon should have appeared inside the circle. However what happened was he was no longer in his room. He had appeared… in a kitchen.

In front of him was a rather tall… canid anthro. He was standing on two legs, completely nude in the kitchen, which was done in whites and golds. He had charcoal fur, but swirls of an almost neon blue decorating the neutral colors. His hair was short but a bit shaggy and the same color. Blue eyes blinked at him as blue and charcoal wings – half fur and half leather flicked behind him, similar (albeit smaller) ones on his head twitching as his ears perked forward at the strange human. In his hand he had just a plain white mug filled with coffee that he had, apparently, been about to enjoy.

The human blinked a few times. “There’s.. oh god, it’s a furry…” was all the human said before laughing nervously and fainting.

The strange, furred male blinked at the human as he passed out. “Huh. Normally they pass out after the fun starts.” He sipped the drink thoughtfully before walking forward and nudging the unconscious hume with his foot. He sighed, letting tendrils come from his wings and passing the cup off to one of them as he picked up the other male, carrying him through his house, heading downstairs and gently depositing him on a bed of blue silk sheets.

The dark human didn’t stir for a few minutes, and when he did he was blinking. Did what just happen happen…? He froze when his body noticed the sheets. Looking down he blanched. Yup.

At the foot of the bed the taller male was standing there, drinking his coffee as if it was completely normal to have a human in his bed, and to be in a dark bedroom with his eyes glowing. “Afternoon,” he said cheerfully.

Marik eeped a bit and backed up. “Um.. um… h-hi,” he squeaked. “Um.. where… am I?”

“You’re in the realm of Farin. You’re currently in my abode, in my bedroom, underground. You were in my kitchen before you decided you fancied a nap.” He finished off the drink and set it on a table nearby before moving to the bed, crawling toward him until he was positioned over him. “Luckily for you I haven’t had breakfast yet.”

Marik panted softly as he moved back until he pressed against the headboard. “W-What do you mean?” His gray eyes were as wide as saucers and he was panting softly.

He chuckled, wings extending. “Silly Mage. Didn’t you do your homework?” he purred, tail swishing behind him. “Tell me, did you mean to come here? Or did you botch your summons?”

He flushed a bit. “I… I was trying to summon something that would listen and had time…” he said, his eyes glancing to the wings. “What.. are you?”

The winged male snorted and chuckled at that. Instead of answering right away the male leaned down and stole the other’s lips in a heated kiss, only letting him have that small amount of touch.

Marik’s eyes widened and he groaned before he could stop himself. When he did hear himself he pushed the other back, panting once more. “What are you doing?” he tried to demand. It was hard given how breathy his voice was.

He chuckled. “Feeding,” he purred. “As for your question…” He leaned down and licked a hot line along the human’s neck. “I’m Cubi.”

“Cu-Cubi?” came another squeak that quickly turned into a moan.

He nipped his neck next. “Mm. I think your race calls us incubi?” He nuzzled him. “Why don’t you just go ahead and submit to me now.”

The other pushed at him futilely. “C-Can’t,” he whined, trying his damnedest not to give in. “S-Submitting means…”When the teeth grazed his neck his breath hitched. “Oh god… mm… ah! No.. can’t submit!”

He shifted to cup him, this time sending a shock of power through him to make the male extra sensitive. “Means pleasure,” he purred.

The human keened and bucked into the hand once before a hand grasped Balcor’s own. “But.. demons eat souls,” he managed to get out.

He blinked and chuckled, leaning down to kiss him roughly. “Nn… Only if they’re really, really,” he rolled his palm over the human’s clothed erection, “hungry. Fortunately for you, I’m well fed.”

He mewled softly, his resolve crumbling with the kiss and grope. The next thing he knew, his legs were wrapped around the incubus and his body begging for attention.

He chuckled at how easily the human complied, lowering himself to grind roughly against him. He kissed him roughly, fingers moving to the human’s shirt and ripping it off of him, palms moving to slide over the bared flesh.

As the fur hissed over his chest Marik arched into the hand as he gave a suck to the tongue in his mouth.

He groaned and ground harder, fingers finding the hume’s nipples and rolling them with his thumbs before pinching.

That caused him to roll his head back with a cry of pleasure. If Balcor were to look down he’d notice a wet spot on the front of Marik’s pants.

He didn’t quite have to. While his hands were busy, tendrils came from his wings to swiftly rid the human of his clothing – the charcoal male having to shift back to let them remove the other’s pants before he slid back between his legs.

Marik’s legs trembled as his cock seemed to weep precome. When the kiss had stopped his was flushing from arousal and eyed the incubus hungrily.

He chuckled, the tendrils moving to take the human’s arms and pin them above him as he slipped down, nipping and licking as he went. When he reached the other’s weeping cock he chuckled and licked it. “Mm… Wet aren’t we?” he rumbled, nosing the human’s balls.

He bucked slightly then whined loudly when he passed over his need. Above him his arms struggled. “P-Pleeeeeease,” he begged.

“Calm, you’ll get your release,” the winged male purred, lapping at his balls as his hands took hold of the male’s legs and pushed them up, face dipping down even further. He glanced up to the other as he slowly licked over his entrance.

He bit his lip as he felt the tongue over his entrance. God, that felt so good.. His eyes rolled back in his head when he felt the tongue enter.

He pressed his tongue into him, lapping at his insides slowly. He gave a rumbling growl before pulling out, moving to grind his own heavy erection against his entrance. His cock was slick as well, and fully slipped from his sheath.

Marik’s mouth went dry when he realized what was about to happen, but right now he wanted this more than anything.

He nuzzled his neck, licking it gently as if reassuring him before he slowly pressed into the human, coaxing a leg over his shoulder and the other around his waist.

Eyes closed as he took a slow breath, forcing himself to relax. Still, the feeling of fur over him caused him to moan softly.

He pressed into him steadily, slow enough that he didn’t rip the other though there was some discomfort. Once pressed fully into him he nipped his shoulder sharply as he rolled his hips.

The pain in his shoulder caused him to forget about the discomfort. Still, he tried to move his arms but to no avail — and that just turned him on even more. “Ffff… ahm….” The rolling of the hips had him seeing white spots of pleasure.

The dark male rumbled deep in his chest, rolling his hips harder, hitting the same spot as he nuzzled his way up to the other’s mouth and kissed him.

He mewled into the kiss as he returned it hungrily. He thrust up against the cubi, meeting him as well as he could for the thrusts.

He growled then, pulling out almost fully before slamming back in. He broke the kiss as he started up a fast, rough pace.

Marik’s eyes closed as his back arched as he cried out. Just a few more and he’d come!

He pulled out abruptly, the tendrils around the human’s wrists unraveling and disappearing back into his wings. The furred male grabbed him and flipped him over, hoisting his hips up and thrusting back in roughly. He leaned over his back, fur brushing along it. “Scream my name,” he commanded as he gave a sharp thrust.

Marik tried to get his mouth to work for more than just moans. Had he heard his name? He howled in pleasure when he his his sweet spot. What to call someone so dominating…? He licked his lips and moaned loudly, “Master!”

The male actually paused at that before giving a very deep rumble, slamming into him. A hand went and grabbed a fistful of Marik’s hair, pulling his head up toward his own. He nuzzled and nipped his ear. “Say it again,” he said. “Master Balcor,” he demanded. He’d stilled his movements as he waited.

The human shivered at the rumble, then moaned at the rough treatment. “Nng… M-Master Balcor,” he murmured. Then he shuttered a bit. “P-Please fuck me…!” He needed it. Needed it more than he needed to breathe.

Balcor growled and let go of his head, sitting upright and grabbing hold of his hips. He started hammering into him, claws digging in to leave marks on his hips as he abused the human’s ass.

Marik allowed himself to settled back onto his hands as the other started to fuck him in earnest now. Hands clawed at the bedding as he struggled to ground himself. As that thick cock rammed against his prostate again he knew it was futile. His back arched as he screamed his release.

Snarling, the canine slammed into the human one last time, spilling his own seed into the clutching depths of the Mage. His hips continued to grind into him throughout his own climax before he slowly pulled out.

Marik panted as he relaxed, his rump still in the air but his shoulders were resting. Oh god, if sex could be like that every time he doubted he’d ever leave…

Balcor rumbled and pulled him down next to him in bed, nuzzling his shoulder as he panted. “I’ll take you back after we rest,” he rumbled. “Though, feel free to stop by any time.”

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