The Snake's Lover: Encounters

Published Apr 14, 2011, 6:36:11 AM UTC | Last updated Apr 30, 2011, 1:32:37 AM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

(COMPLETE) As a child, Akebara was found by Orochimaru after her parents were killed by Ninja of the stone. Having raised and trained her, he has become her everything; Parent, Friend and Lover. First part in a three part series.

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Chapter NaN: Encounters

The child wept softly into her mother’s bloodstained kimono. This wasn’t supposed to happen, she and her parents had been out picking herbs like they usually did. That’s when the shinobeattacked.

‘…mommy…daddy…please wake up…don’t leave me!’

“My, what a beautiful child…”

Her head snapped up and she was met with a pale of golden, serpentine eyes. The man was pale and beautiful, with dark purple slashes contrasting with his pale white skin. The girl blinked the tears out of her pale, empty green eyes.

“…And what gifted eyes you have…” his own glinted maliciously. She whimpered, clutching at her mother’s kimono.

“There, there now, I won’t harm you” His snake eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. He held out a hand to her, “…Would you like to come with me?”


“An intruder?!”

“The bastard’s already taken out ten of our sentries…”

“By himself?!

“…It would appear so”

“Damn…Protect Kazekage-sama!”

“What’s going on?” Kazekage asked.

“…There appears to be an intruder in the castle, my lord. But have no fear, they will never get this far…”

“Is that what you really think?”

One of the Kazekage’s attendants rose to their feet, tossing aside the pristine white robes. Before them stood a young woman so beautiful, that even the Kazekage was rendered speechless. Her long hair cascaded down her back in a dark crimson braid, her pale, blank green eyes seemed to reach into his very soul.

“A Kunoichi?!”

She took a knee before them, “Fear not, my lord, I have no intention of harming you…”

“Did you have any intention of killing ten men?!”

“If you rush them to the medical house…they should be fine…” she replied impartially.

“What is your business with me?” Kazekage asked, intrigued.

“I wish to speak to you on behalf of my master, Orochimaru-sama”


“The rogue ninja who was exiled from Konohakure for his experimentations?”

Her eyes narrowed, a murderous aura filled the chamber. The guards swallowed audibly, the Kazekage began to sweat.

“…I assure you, my lord, I wouldn’t know…”

“…What…is it that your master wants?” he managed.

“He proposes an attack on Konohakure, Orochimaru-sama assumed you would be interested…”


“Correct. My master knows of the grudge you hold against that village. He merely proposes evening up the score” she continued.

“And exactly how does your master propose we do that?!”

“Once again, I am uncertain. I am merely the messenger, Orochimaru-sama only informs me of such things if he thinks I can be of some assistance…”

“How dare…!”

“Silence” The Kazekage spoke, unable to tear his eyes away from the beautiful, deadly Kunoichi. “I will agree to speak with your master”


She stood, handing him a scroll.

“My master will receive you at this location in three days”

The Kazekage took it from her, their fingers brushing in the process. Her eyes flinched that split second she felt his heart rate increase.

“…I look forward to it…” he replied, but she could sense something more sinister in his words.


“Welcome back Akebara-san”

The girl turned, her red hair whipping behind her.

“Kimi-chan!” she smiled rushing to hug him.

Kimimaro gazed down at her impassively.

“Did you miss me while I was gone?”


“You’re getting so big I can barely get my arms around you anymore…How are you feeling? You were pretty sick when I left…” Akebara began.

“…Better now…Orochimaru-sama wants you to report to him directly…” Kimimaro replied.

“Of course! See you later Kimi-chan!” she called dashing away. Kimimaro watched her go in reserved silence.

“This is your new sister, she will take good care of you”

The image of a lovely seven-year-old girl flashed before his eyes, he sighed blinking it away.


“The mission was successful master. The Kazekage has taken the bait” Akebara kneeled at Orochimaru’s feet.

“Excellent…You have given him the map…?” he asked.

“Yes master”

“…good…you have carried out your mission flawlessly…”

Akebara bowed her head. Orochimaru smirked, going down on his haunches, he whispered in her ear, “…Shall I reward you?”

Her eyes widened slightly and her cheeks reddened. He gently tucked a loose piece of hair behind her ear.

“…I haven’t touched you in so long, I’m surprised you’ve been able to keep it together all this time…”

Akebara began to tremble, his words brought forth a pleasurable throb between her legs. She bit her lip, unable to meet his serpentine gaze.

“…Master…please reward me…” she whispered. Orochimaru smiled, rising to his feet, Akebara watched helplessly as he began to walk away from her.

“Go bathe then come to my chambers. I’ll give you your reward there…” he threw over his shoulder.

“…Hai…” she called meekly.

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