A New Breed: Stranger

Published Apr 17, 2011, 6:18:17 AM UTC | Last updated May 16, 2011, 9:46:18 PM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

(COMPLETE)After having survived the first wave of Predators, Isabella and Royce spend their days hiding and ducking from the hunters. In there travels, they are helped by a strange girl. A girl who carries a secret that can either free them from this nightmare or mean their very demise.

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Chapter NaN: Stranger

“This place looks safe enough” Isabella began as she and Royce happened upon a cave deep within the forest.

“Looks like a trap…” He commented, “There’ve been more of them lately. Like they’re looking for something…”

“So what, we can either stay out here in the open and wait for them to catch us or we can hide and maybe buy sometime before they kill us!” she snapped.

“…I guess you’re right…” Royce conceded as the two took shelter inside.

“It looks like it goes in pretty far…we could camp out in here for a few days…” Isabella began.

“…Who’s there?!”

The couple turned, from out of the shadows they could see the figure of a girl.

“Show yourself!” Isabella shouted.

The figure stepped out into the light, it was indeed a girl. She looked no older then sixteen, with shaggy black hair and eyes a deep amethyst. Her hands clenched protectively over her full round stomach.

“…Please…don’t hurt us…we’re unarmed…” she said in a quiet demure voice.

“…You’re pregnant…” Isabella began, barely believing it herself. The girl lowered her head, “…Please…don’t hurt us…”

“We won’t hurt ya, sweet heart…”Royce began lowering his weapon. Isabella lowered hers as well.

“You okay, honey?”

She nodded shyly, “…it isn’t safe here, come with me”

Royce and Isabella followed the girl far back into the cave, she paused briefly, going over to a hidden control panel along the cave wall, pressing a few buttons.

The back of the cave suddenly disappeared, revealing a calm valley surrounded by trees, a small hut sitting at the center.

“Come, they won’t find us here”

The inside was dark and desolate, the girl hurried over to the smoldering fire pit, stoking the flames.

“What’s your name? I’m Isabella and this is Royce” she began removing her gun and jacket. The girl paused, glancing at them shyly from over her shoulder.

“…I don’t have a name…”

“What did your parents call you?” Royce asked, sitting down beside her, taking the poker from her hand.

“…Don’t remember…” she shrugged, “My master always called me ‘Pet’”

“‘Master’?” Isabella began.

“I came here with him…”

“Didn’t think they’d hunt down a pregnant woman…” Royce scoffed. She absently stroked her belly, “…I’m not for hunting…”

“Then…how did you get here?” Isabella asked.

The girl looked up at her, eyes sparkling, “I told you, Master brought me here with him…”

Royce rose to his feet.

“Who the hell is this ‘master’ you’re…”

“…She’s talking about the Predators…” Royce said reaching for his gun. “This must be one of their hideouts. Told you there was a trap…”

“No…!” the girl shrank away, protectively wrapping her arms around her swollen stomach. “There is no trap! I swear to you!”

She cried out as Isabella grabbed her by her hair, holding a knife to her throat.

“If you value your life…you child’s life…you’ll tell us when your ‘master’ is coming back” she snarled in her ear.

Tears ran down the girl’s pale cheeks, “…He isn’t coming back…”

“Isabella!” Royce began. She released the girl who fell sobbing to the floor.

“…He said he would take care of us…he said he would protect us from the others…he said we were precious…” she wept.

“…What happened…?” Royce began.

She glanced at him, her eyes red with unshed tears.

“…They killed him…the other ones…they killed my master!”

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