A scorcher: Chapter 1

Published Jul 23, 2011, 9:19:46 PM UTC | Last updated Jul 23, 2011, 9:19:46 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Momoshiro visits Kaidou. Momoshiro/Kaidou, POT, BL, yaoi

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything else except emails. There are a plenty of fics I’d like to finish, a few MomoKai as well, but at the moment I haven’t got the time to look for them from my hard drive. So I decided to write something new for Momo’s birthday. Kind of pathetic and once again summer related, but what else can I do when my holiday starts after a week?! Anyway, I’m planning to write a continuation to this with smut but I have no idea when I can post it. I’ll be back sooner or later. Thanks for reading!

I do not own Prince of Tennis or the characters mentioned in this fic. They all belong to Konomi-sensei.

Thumbnail by me, Momoshiro & Kaidou by HAIL'S CAFE


ヽ(*・ω・)ノ。・:*:・゚'★Happy Birthday to Momoshiro☆,。・:*:・゚'ヽ(・ω・*)ノ

The best thing to do on a hot day was to hop on the bike and ride over to Kaidou’s house. Especially when the air conditioning didn’t work because it always did at his place. Moreover, there was definitely going to be some delicious food, maybe ice cream with fruit or those perfectly cut watermelon slices that were so easy to eat. Sometimes Momoshiro was a little bit envious because of all that luxury, but never actually bothered to mention it to anyone. After all, he had the chance to get his piece of it since Kaidou was his boyfriend.

It was true that at first they had been all over each other because they disagreed so much and often ended up fighting about every little thing, but as time passed by the feelings had changed. And then rivalry just wasn’t enough anymore. Both of them had noticed, in the beginning more or less unwillingly, that they needed much more contact with each other than just fists punching or feet kicking various parts of the body. Fighting was alright to certain extent, but such things as hugging and kissing were so much better, much more pleasant.

However, even though they had been sort of dating each other for some time, Momoshiro knew that there always needed to be some kind of an excuse why he would spend time with Kaidou. It was an unspoken promise of not letting anyone know what was going on between them since almost everyone thought that they hated each other’s guts, and it was better to leave it that way. Sharing a secret like that with Kaidou made their relationship even more special to Momoshiro, who had recently realized that it really must have been love and not hatred, why he had started to provoke the other boy so often and why he still couldn’t stop doing it. Saying “Mamushi” was enough to get his attention which was pretty awesome. He certainly didn’t know any other person who would have reacted so promptly to a single word.

“Yo Mamushi, what’s up?” Momoshiro said cheerfully when the door in front of him opened. Here he was yet again to visit his boyfriend, although this time he had purposely left his tennis racket at home. Today he didn’t feel like harsh exercise, simply just loitering around would be brilliant, particularly with some company.

“What the hell are you doing here again?” The bandana-clad boy glared at him peevishly.

“At least you’re at home and not running outside in the absurd heat. May I come in?” He ignored the question completely.

An annoyed hiss was the only reply he got. Momoshiro walked in after Kaidou and left his sandals in the hall. It was wonderfully cool indoors. And just like he had guessed there were some snacks on the kitchen table waiting to be eaten.

“Are you sure you didn’t expect me to come?” Momoshiro asked taking a bottle of ramune from the table and started to rip off the wrapping to open it.

“You’re simpleminded and dense, that’s all.”

“What the hell? Are you trying to pick a fight with me?” The first swig of ramune was heavenly and soon Momoshiro had already finished the whole bottle.

“Not really. You just don’t have any manners.”

Momoshiro scratched the back of his neck while thinking what Kaidou might have meant, and eventually he put the empty bottle back on the kitchen table.

“Oh, I wasn’t supposed to forget, but since it seems that no one’s around...” He took a couple of swift steps towards Kaidou, wrapped his arms around him, and pressed his lips gently on the other boy’s lips to give him a greeting kiss.

For some strange reason he was pushed away and shortly Kaidou was flailing.

“That’s not what I meant, dumbass!”

“But it’s good manners to kiss when we meet, right? At least I think it’s what people, who date, are supposed to do.” Naturally he had just said what he had thought. And because of his words Kaidou had turned bright red.

“Oh... Sorry about that. But it’s true, isn’t it? Or are you going to deny our relationship here and now?”

Kaidou shook his head. After a short silence he had an important announcement to make.

“My parents and Hazue won’t be coming back in a few hours.”

“I’m so glad to hear that,” Momoshiro managed to say before he pinned Kaidou against the kitchen wall to kiss him fiercely.

Obviously, the foreplay had just begun.



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