One Piece PETs: Scars: Chapter 2

Published Oct 5, 2013, 9:25:00 PM UTC | Last updated Oct 5, 2013, 9:25:00 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Sumary: Physical, Emotional, Psychological, etc., stories about them. Takes place Post-Timeskip. The PETs AU, as well as Nami's Booted Puss design belongs to TyrackWolfII, who gave me permission to write my own version of PETs. The Straw Hats belong to Eiichiro Oda The fic belongs to xfangheartx & moonlitinuyasha1985.

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 2

One Piece PETs: Scars Ch. 2
(I do not own One Piece, Eiichiro Oda owns this wonderful series.)
It was a quiet day in the New World, surprisingly, on the Thousand Sunny. In the library, Robin was reading one of her books, and Nami was working on one of her maps.
Zoro was up in the crow's nest, lifting weights as usual, and Brook was practicing his violin. Sanji was in the kitchen, getting lunch ready.
Usopp was in his factory, making some armor for Chopper. Chopper was making more medicine; Franky was down below deck, working on a secret usual.
And where was Luffy, one might ask?
Well, he was sitting up on his special seat, napping. What could the dear Straw Hat Captain possibly be dreaming?
Becoming the Pirate King? His favorite food? Nami, the love of his life?
Lord, if only he were dreaming about all three of those...
   He was actually having a nightmare about Ace's death. It was horrible. Far worse than how he actually died, why? Because in this dream...Akainu went after Luffy next...and he actually did kill him.
Outside of his dream, Nami had finished her latest map.
Suddenly...she heard a terrified scream! Robin heard it, too.
'That sounds like Luffy!' she thought.
"Did you hear that?" Robin asked.
"Yeah." Nami answered.
"It sounded like Luffy, didn't it?" Robin asked.
"Yeah. I'm worried." she said as she ran outside to where Luffy's screams were coming from.
Up in the Crow's Nest, as Zoro was still lifting weights, he heard his captain screaming. He was so surprised, he accidentally dropped one of his weights on his foot!
Sanji came outside next.
"What the hell's going on out here?!" he questioned.
"It's Luffy!" said Nami.
Nami ran up to the figurehead and found Luffy.
"!" Luffy cried in his sleep. "Stay away from me! Stay back! STAY BACK!!"
"Luffy, wake up! Wake up!" Nami shook him.
Luffy awoke with a jolt.
"W-what happened? Where am I?!" he questioned.
"You were having a nightmare, and you're sitting on your special seat. Luffy, what were you dreaming about?!"
Luffy was silent for a bit, then smiled.
"Oh, it was nothing, Nami!" he chuckled.
Nami looked at Luffy in concern...because she knew that smile was fake.
"Luffy, what's really going on?" she asked.
"Nothing's wrong, I'm fine."
"...ok, if you say so." she said, even though she didn't believe him.
Usopp, Franky, Brook, Chopper, Robin, and Zoro, who was limping, all came out on to the deck to see what was going on.
"Luffy, are you okay?" Usopp asked.
"I'm fine, Usopp!" Luffy smiled.
"Luffy-san, we heard you screaming." Brook said, concerned.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Chopper asked. "Maybe I should give you a check-up."
"I told you, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Luffy said. "Hey, Sanji, is lunch ready?"
"Uh...almost," Sanji answered.
"Great." the captain said.
Everyone looked at Luffy with worried expressions on their faces.
'I know he's lying,' Nami thought. 'Why can't he just tell us straight out?'
   Lunch was not as lively as it usually fact, it was really quiet. Luffy wasn't trying to steal anyone's food, and this troubled everyone. Luffy wasn't even eating meat. Meat! And it's his favorite food! He just sat there, eating those cherry tomatoes on the side, AND HE HATES THOSE!
'Man, this is awkward.' thought Franky.
'Luffy-san eating cherry tomatoes? Now, I know something's not right.' Brook sipped his tea, watching Luffy.
Nami looked at Luffy before she cut up a piece of steak and held it out to Luffy.
"Luffy! Look what I have!" she said. "Here! Have some!"
He looked at it and said,
"No, thanks, Nami. I'm really not all that interested in steak, right now."
Everyone's jaws literally hit the floor when he said this.
Just then, Zoro lunged at Luffy and pinned him to the floor!
"Who the hell are you and what did you do with the real Luffy?!" he asked.
"Zoro, what the hell are you doing?!" Luffy shouted.
"Nice try, you impostor!" Zoro snapped as he pulled on Luffy's face.
"Zoro, what are you doing?!" Robin questioned.
"Trying to get this mask off!" Zoro answered.
"That's clearly not a mask!" Robin pointed out.
Zoro looked and saw Luffy's face stretching, and that's when he realized that it really was Luffy.
"Uh...sorry, Luffy," Zoro apologized as he let his captain go.
"Don't worry about it." Luffy said as he got up and went back to finishing his meal.
"Luffy..." Chopper said, worried.
'Something's definitely not right.' Usopp thought.
Everyone continued on with their meal after that. After a while, Luffy was finished with his food. Well...not exactly finished. The only thing he didn't eat...was the steak.
"Ok, now, I'm really worried." said Sanji.
"I know! Luffy not eating his steak?! Has the planet gone mad?!" Usopp exclaimed.
"I'm worried, too," Nami said.
"Same here." said Robin.
"Wonder what's troubling him." Franky spoke out.
"Maybe he's sick?" Chopper asked.
"I don't think so, Chopper," Nami said.
He turned to look at Nami.
"Then, what's wrong with him?"
"I think it might have something to do with that nightmare he had," Nami replied.
At night, everyone was getting ready for bed. Except Luffy. He was sitting up on his special seat. He was watching the twinkling stars and the big silvery moon.
"Luffy!" Zoro called.
"Huh?!" Luffy questioned before he looked back and saw Zoro.
"Everyone's turning in for the night. You coming?"
"Uh...yeah," Luffy said. "I'll be there soon."
"All right." Zoro walked off to the Men's Quarters.
Luffy looked back up at the night sky, thinking of his older brother, and of the terrible dream he had earlier today.
***Later, in the Men's Quarters***
All of the men were sleeping soundly in their beds...well, all except one. Luffy lied in bed, wide awake.
'As long as I don't go to sleep,' he thought, 'then I won't have that nightmare anyway.'
That was exactly what he did.
***The Next Morning***
"Luffy, you look terrible!!" Nami cried.
Nami was right. Luffy looked absolutely terrible. His hair was messier than usual and his eyes had dark circles underneath them.
"What're you talking about? I look fine!" he lied.
Nami held up a hand mirror so Luffy could get a look at himself.
"Ook, maybe I do look a bit bad, but I still feel fine!"
"Are you kidding me?!" Sanji questioned. "Luffy, you obviously hadn't gotten any sleep, you're not fine!"
"Luffy we know something's bothering you," Robin said. "So why don't you just come straight out and tell us what's wrong?"
"Don't you trust us?" Usopp asked.
"O-of course I do!" Luffy answered.
"Then tell us what's bothering you!" Nami said as she put her hand on Luffy's face. "Please, Luffy. I'm begging you!"
Luffy stared at Nami...but then, he sighed.
"...I'm sorry, Nami," he said. "But...I can't."
Nami's eyes went wide, then she started seething in anger.
" ASS BASTARD!!!" she shouted before she brought her hand down on Luffy's face. In an instant, Luffy was down on the deck, screaming in pain and clutching his face.
"WHAT THE HELL?!?" he cried. "AAAAAAUUGH, GOD!!"
"Oh, get up, you big baby!" Zoro snapped. "She only slapped you!"
"No, she didn't," Robin pointed out.
Nami looked confused at first...until she looked down at her hand and gasped. There was blood...on her claws.
"Oh my god..." she gasped. "Luffy, I'm so so--"
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Luffy questioned as he got up, the right side of his face bleeding. "YOU F***ING SCRATCHED ME IN THE FACE, YOU CRAZY BITCH!"
"But...but Luffy--" Nami started.
"NO! JUST STAY WAY FROM ME!!" Luffy shouted.
"LUFFY, WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU?!!? SHE DIDN'T MEAN IT!" Sanji spoke out, in Nami's defense.
"No, Sanji!" Nami said. "It''s okay."
"But, Nami--"
"Just let it go." she told him.
Seconds later, Luffy stormed off.
"I've never seen Luffy snap like that before." said Usopp. "Just how bad was that dream of his?"
Nami didn't say anything. Instead...she sobbed and ran to the women's quarters.
"Nami!" Robin said as she ran after the Cat Woman.
***In the Women's Quarters***
   Robin opened the door to her's and Nami's room, once she entered, she saw Nami. She was one her bed, crying in her pillow. The Crane Woman walked over to her, sat down next to her, and gently pet Nami with her wing.
"...What have I done?" Nami asked. "I...I didn't mean to scratch him! I only meant to slap him! I didn't even realize I had my claws out the whole time!"
"I know." Robin said.
" the same time...I'm mad at him, too!" Nami said. "Robin...why won't he open up to us? Why won't he open me? I thought he loved me!"
She then burst into sobs, once again. Robin pulled her in for a hug.
"I'm really worried about him, Robin..." Nami sniffled.
"I know, Nami," Robin said. "We all are."
Nami wiped away her tears.
"What if he never forgives me?"
"He will." Robin said. "He won't stay mad at you forever."
"...I hope so," Nami whimpered. "I really do."
Luffy was sitting on his special seat, again, fuming over the cuts Nami gave him.
"Damn Nami," he grumbled. "What the hell's her problem?! She didn't have to scratch me!"
Soon, his expression changed from angry to somewhat sad.
'She did look a little angry when I refused to talk to her about the nightmare I had,' he thought. ' won't understand. None of them will.'
He covered his face with his hat.
"I'm so stupid." he said.
"I could've told you that."
Luffy sat up and saw Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, Chopper, Brook, and Franky, behind him.
"Wanna tell us what all that was about?" Zoro asked.
"Not really." Luffy replied.
"Luffy, you gotta get whatever's bothering you off your chest," said Usopp. "Nami's in her room, crying her eyes out because she thinks you hate her now!"
"...It's not that simple."
"'Not that simple'? Luffy! The poor girl cares about you, and yet, you snap at her!?" Sanji barked. "Sometimes, I wonder why she ever fell in love with you."
"Luffy, why won't you tell us what's wrong?" Chopper asked. "We're worried about you. Nami's worried about you!"
"Don't you trust us, Luffy?" asked Franky.
"Of course, I do!" Luffy answered. "I trust you guys!"
"Then tell us what's wrong." Zoro demanded.
"I can't." the Monkey Man spoke, softly.
"Luffy-san, why can't you tell us?" Brook asked.
"I just can't." Luffy replied.
"Dammit, Luffy, just tell us what the hell's bothering you!" Sanji yelled as he grabbed Luffy's shirt.
"I CAN'T TELL YOU, ALL RIGHT?! SO, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Luffy roared as he shoved Sanji off of him.
The guys watched in shock. There was silence for about a minute.
"Fine." Sanji said as he walked away.
"Whatever you say, captain," Zoro said as he walked away, too.
"...That hurts, Luffy," Usopp said before he left with Chopper. "Really."
"Not cool, Luffy." said Franky.
"I really hope you deal with whatever is bothering you, Luffy-san." Brook added as he left with the guys.
Luffy turned around and sat back on the Sunny's figurehead. He didn't speak to the whole crew for the remainder of the day.
***At night***
Once again, Luffy was wide awake.
'Can't sleep...' he thought. 'Don't sleep.'
   His eyelids were getting heavy. Luffy tried his hardest not to fall asleep, to no avail. As he slept, he began dreaming. In his dream, he was with everyone: Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Robin, Chopper, Brook, Franky, and Sanji. Someone else appeared...Ace.
"Ace?" Luffy questioned. "You're okay?!"
Ace looked at Luffy...but for some reason, he had a look of sadness and disappointment on his face.
"What's wrong, Ace?" Luffy asked.
"Luffy...I'm very disappointed in you," Ace said. "I can't believe that you don't trust your friends enough to tell them about the nightmare you've been having!"
"It's not that simple!" Luffy spat.
"Look, little bro...I know that losing me hit you hard, but this is your crew! They care about you, man!" Ace explained. "Especially that navigator of yours!"
"I can't burden her with what I'm going through..." Luffy looked down at his feet.
"'re not a burden," Ace said.
Luffy looked up at his older brother with a look of confusion.
"I didn't say that I was a burden."
"But you were implying it." Ace pointed out. "Listen to me Luffy, talk to your crew. They'll understand."
"Great!" Ace grinned.
Luffy couldn't help but smile a little. He turned to his crew and said,
"All right. I'll tell you guys everything." he turned back to his brother. "Thanks a lot, Ace--"
Ace had disappeared.
"Huh?" he blinked. "Guess he must've went back to the other side."
In his dream, Luffy explains to everyone why he's been acting the way he has, and for the rest of the night, he slept pretty peacefully.
***The Next Morning***
Luffy awoke from his tranquil slumber, got out of his bunk, exited the Men's Quarters, and walked over to Nami's and Robin's room. He lighty knocked on the door. The door opened, revealing...Nami.
"Hey." she said.
"Hey..." Luffy said. "...I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, too," Nami said. "I didn't mean to scratch you. You're okay, right?"
"Of course, I'm okay." he smiled.
"Will you please tell me what your nightmare was about?" she looked at him with worry in her eyes.
Luffy heaved a sigh.
"Actually Nami," he said, "I want you to get everyone together. They all need to know."
Nami gasped silently, but then she smiled, eyes shining with hope.
"Ok." she nodded.
As Nami called everyone out on to the deck, Luffy then said,
"Everyone, I wanted to personally apologize to all of you for my behavior, I never should've snapped at you guys, you were just worrying about me, and--"
"Just skip to what your damn nightmare was about, already." Zoro interrupted.
"Zoro!" Robin elbowed him.
"I was getting to that." Luffy said through his teeth.
   He took in a deep breathed and told them all about how he ran to Ace's rescue and managed to save him, then about how Ace was attacked by Akainu...and Akainu turned on Luffy in the end. They were all shocked at what they had just heard.
"So...that's it," Luffy said.
"Luffy..." Nami teared up. "I'm so sorry."
"You must've been in a lot of pain," Chopper said with tears in his eyes, as well.
Franky started bawling.
"That's so sad~!"
Nami hugged Luffy. Luffy hugged her back...before he broke down in sobs. That was when everyone else joined in and hugged Luffy, as well.
"That's right, Luffy," Robin said. "Let it all out."
"We're all here for you, Luffy." Usopp added.
"...Thank you...!" Luffy said, hiccuping. "I...I guess I forgot...that I have such a great crew. I'm sorry, guys."
"Don't worry about it." said Sanji.
After about maybe 10 more minutes, Luffy stopped crying and felt much better.
"...Hey, Sanji?" Luffy asked.
"I know the drill." he said as he walked over to the kitchen.
   In the kitchen, Luffy's appetite returned, immediately! He kept stealing everyone else's food, much to their annoyance and joy, because they were happy their captain was back to his normal self. He even ate some of the meat Nami fed him. Chopper even helped heal the scratches that Nami gave him!
Even though Luffy is plagued with the terrible memory of losing his brother, he at least has his crew with him. Yes. All was right with the universe.

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