Gathering for Royals: A surprise in the seagrass

Published Dec 24, 2020, 6:31:14 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 28, 2020, 1:45:01 AM | Total Chapters 3

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Chapter NaN: A surprise in the seagrass

It was a bright morning when Malachite finally shuffled out of his kelp nest, the plants ripple and brush against his face. He huffs the kelp away as he remembered the task he had been given the night before, to go out and gather some items with Spessy. With a groan as he stretched his flippers he set off to find his mate. Spessy had been sleeping down in a thicker tangle of kelp, ever since she had sworn she had heard a young hatchling squeaking in the night. The bright female had her head tucked under a flipper, spines facing out to keep any would-be predators away. Malachite gave a soft chuckle as he carefully nudges Spessy, not wanting to startle her. Spessy hummed in confusion, blinking and lowering her fin to come face to face with her mate. " it already time to get up?" The male hums in response and starts to swim out of their little home location to get ready for the day.
When Spessy joins her mate the two plan out where they plan to go gathering. "Mal, I think we should go the seagrass meadows. There's been a bunch of shellfish there, maybe we can find some of their shells. Or we can try and gather up some of the seagrass to bring back to fix up the nests." The green male thinks it over and nods "That sounds good, we can tie the bundles to your spines for the trip back in case we find other things" With their plan in place the two set out to the seagrass meadows, unaware of what was awaiting them there.
The seagrass meadows was bustling with small creatures, the grass rippling and moving as groups of crab dig under to hide from the Aqrion. Malachite goes to chase after some of the slower crabs as Spessy watches her Reviled Sea Slug drift off her shoulder, and go into a hole in the rocks. It comes out after a few minutes, there must have been some other slugs in there. She giggles at her companion as it crawls back up to rest on her. Malachite has gotten a few crabs, setting them aside and turning to look at Spessy..only to see a figure shoot behind the rocks. With a low growl he stalks around the rocks 'Who thinks they can just sneak up on us and get away with it?? I'll put a stop to this'. 
As Malachite shot around the rocks with teeth bared and growling loudly all he got was a terrified squeaking and a little white shape shooting away to hide. He skittered to a confused stop, shaking his head as Spessy had come around. She gasped seeing the tail of the mystery Aqrion take off "That's the hatchling I've been hearing squeak! I need to go help them Mal!" Before the green male can respond Spessy takes off, finally catching up to the young Aqrion. He squeaks in fear and tries to curl up against the rocks. Spessy softly lowers her spines, clicking gently to him "Hey buddy, I'm not going to hurt you..are you okay?"
The young phin singer finally faces Spessy, showing his horn. She seems a little surprised, starting to slowly swim closer when a little white axolotl swims in front of her face. It seems to be checking her out, huffing a little before swimming back to the phin and resting on his back. He sighs gently, his voice soft as he speaks to the older aqrion "Sorry about them, they just try to keep me safe.." Spessy laughs gently as her sea slug crawled on top of her head to come into view "It's alright little one! I know how protective companions can be. What's your name?" The small phin pauses to think, before hesitantly answering "My name is Anatase, Who are you? And who was that big angry guy?" Spessy laughs at that and motions Mal over "I'm Spessartine, but you can call me Spessy. That big grumpy guy is Malachite, he seems all big and mean but he wont hurt you." Malachite snorts softly, taking a look at the young phin before nodding. "Where's your pod kid? You're too young to be by yourself"
Anatase looks down "I don't...have a pod anymore.." Spessy looks horrified "Oh you poor thing! How about you come stay with us for a while? We can make sure you're safe until you feel ready to go" Malachite nods, swimming over to gently nudge the hatchling. "Come on, we got what we came for from here. Let's get you home." Anatase clicks and follows the two elder aqrion, staying in between them as they travel.
When they arrive back to the kelp forest Spessy carefully removes the seagrass bundles as Malachite sets the crabs he collected into the pile for safekeeping. Anatase was looking at the crabs for a minute before speaking "I had been trying to grab some crabs all morning, but they kept pinching me.." Malachite laughs, a rough but pleasant sound. "It takes a lot of practice kid, don't sweat it. We'll teach you how to catch them another day, how's that sound?" Anatase nods excitedly before sheepishly asking "Can..I have a crab? I'm hungry.." Spessy grabbed a crab and quickly passed it to Anatase "You don't have to ask dear, you need your strength. Have you been hunting today?" The young phin shook his head, and Spessy nodded "Once you get done we'll go hunting as a pod, it'll be good training"

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