scarf's biography: biography

Published Oct 19, 2021, 12:56:16 PM UTC | Last updated Oct 19, 2021, 12:56:16 PM | Total Chapters 1

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Chapter NaN: biography

Character Name: scarf

Character Age: 23 (similar lifespan to a human)

Character Species: space otter (anthro)

Hair color: light green fur, pale green underside, with the green mixing slightly where the two regions mix. 

Eye color: bright blue eyes, almost shiny. 



Scarf was born aboard a cruiser, a large class b vessel, made for the transport of living goods across the stars. He grew up on the ship, with its artificial gravity slightly higher than galactic standard (earth) he is slightly more durable than an average earthling, if it weren't for his diminutive height, being a mere 4’3. 

He learned to work as a mechanic aboard the ship, following after his father, and learning all that he could about the ships, and day to day technology, eventually building himself a little robotic companion, a small raven that follows him around, or sits upon his shoulder. 



His appearance makes him stand out, especially among other races, as his height alone makes him unique amongst many taller races, however, his light green fur. A result of being born aboard a cruiser, and his parents already vibrant colours, makes him impossible to miss. So long as you look down at least. Coupled with his green fur, and pale green underbelly, he has brilliant blue eyes that almost look as if they are shiny. He tends to wear his mechanics outfit, though this changes often, it usually has the appearance of a jumpsuit, with various pockets for tools. It also appears a deep blue, contrasting with his fur.


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