Wisps: Chapter 1

Published Nov 2, 2021, 9:37:53 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 2, 2021, 9:37:53 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Bonbon seeks the Wisps of the Haunted Forest Bonbon https://www.paperdemon.com/app/g/dracostryx/character/1260 325 words

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

The Haunted Woods were aptly named, eerie and dark. Moonlight stole in between branches that were fast losing their leaves. The quiet flap of a chiro's wings stirred the piles of leaves already fallen. She alighted and peered about. It was said that the woods were full of Wisps, glowing ethereal shapes of animals, believed by the people of Sol to be the spirits of the dead.

Bonbon wasn't sure if there was any merit to this theory, or if the Wisps were something else altogether, but hoped to spy some and learn for herself. She crept along the forest floor on the knuckles of her wings and her feet. It was awkward, slow going, but flying through she'd be likely to miss sighting any of the glowing forms.

Tiny lights danced about in a clearing that opened out in the moonlight. Fireflies, spinning and swirling in the air, celebrating the night, greeted the chiro. While not exactly what she was looking for, she found herself watching their elaborate dance, fascinated. The lights dipped and glided about, circling around her, bringing her into their merriment.

Then, a larger bit of brightness caught her eye. At first, Bonbon thought it was moonlight reflecting off of some creature, but as she looked more carefully, she saw the source of the light seemed to come from within. Prancing on air, a few inches above the ground, was a diminutive stag. Its form was perfect, down to the smallest details. Bonbon gasped in awe as she watched its movement, bounding forth, frolicking beneath the sky. Not only did it glow blue from someplace deep inside, but the trail of its passing was lit by a stream of glowing mist.

The chiro breathed in deeply, savouring the vision before her. Whether it was the spirit of a deer long dead, or a mystical being all its own, she couldn't be sure... but she also was no longer certain it mattered.

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