Pumpkin Snatch Week 4: Chapter 1

Published Nov 6, 2021, 4:45:29 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 6, 2021, 4:45:29 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Specter once again destroying her old nemesis, pumpkins. For the week 4 of the Great Harvest Pumpkin Snatch, 316 words

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

Specter circled above the demonic orange spots, carefully planning her attack on the fall invaders. Luckily these pumpkins where in an abandoned field, so Sorva wasn’t likely to complain about her destruction of them. Ah, that one! Specter went to a dive straight for one of the larger clusters of the evil orange gourds. Snapping her wings out at the last possible second, she hit the first one of the few at full speed. She reveled for a moment in the way it disintegrated into a million fragments covering the surrounding area. She then spun to crush another in her skeletal jaws, while smashing another with her tail. Having now laid waste to the few in the immediate area, she crow hoped to land on the next nearest pumpkins, again enjoying the way they crushed and oozed in her claws.

After a while of her destructive rampage, she paused hearing a familiar voice in her mind, Really? It would seam Sorva had figured out where she had been.

What? These aren’t anyone’s… right? Specter checked with her exasperated elvish companion.

No but still, must you demolish all pumpkins?

Yes, they are demons. You never know when one will strike…

That’s not how plants work, unless enchanted.

How do you know they’re not?

You can sense magic as well as I, you know these aren’t.

True I suppose, but its still fun. And removes the potential.

Fine, I guess, just make sure you not destroying anyone’s fields of them.

Never fear I, mostly, checked this time.


Well they are mostly overgrown and definitely not being tended to. And no one lives around here, at least not within a reasonable distance for these to be theirs.

Good, carry on then I suppose.

With a mental grin directed toward the elf, Specter launched back into the sky to do another dive attack and start her pattern over again.


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