Pumpkin Snatch week 5: Chapter 1

Published Nov 17, 2021, 1:45:47 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 17, 2021, 1:45:47 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Week 5 Pumpkin Snatch entry for The Great Harvest. Specter has to help amend her earlier rampages against pumpkins. Word count- 333

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

I absolutely loath this idea. Specter mentally declared to her companion Sorva, who merely glared at the large undead stryx.

Well that’s unfortunate, I told you there would be problems if you destroyed the pumpkins that belong to the farmers. And helping them harvest the remaining ones is it. The elf continued to glare at her equally cross friend.

I just can’t stand them they must be cursed, truly I do everyone a favor by destroying the menaces… Specter mentally sighed, fine I’ll help, but when  they rise up and destroy the world I will say I told you so.

Sorva smiled at that, Specter had always hated the pumpkins. It was where she first met the terrifying undead Lycan, but somehow, they had become friends. There was a lot of terrifying chasing to start with though… She smiled at the memory.

As they approached the field of the farmer whose fields had been partially smote by the enraged stryx earlier, both where amused to note the glares of the other people. Seems they were none too happy at the loss of the perfectly good gourds.

Well, let’s get to it then, Sorva said as she attached a harness to Specters glowing form designed to carry more pumpkins. Specter for her part looked entirely disapproving, which translated to a look of rage to anyone else who observed her. On the bright side it kept the other workers from bothering or complaining towards them.

They set off in the field, Sorva could tell her anger filled companion was having to make a concerted effort to not smash everything in sight. The look only got worse with every glorious orange pumpkin got loaded into the harness’s basket. As they set off to unload their harvest Specter glances suspiciously around, and just before Sorva could say anything the Lycan sunk her skeletal claws in one of the smaller less noteworthy pumpkins.

Really? Sorva asked as the stryx merely seethed as they went to complete their task.


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