Haunted Woods week 5: Chapter 1

Published Nov 17, 2021, 2:22:37 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 17, 2021, 2:22:37 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Week 5 entry for the Great Harvest Haunted Woods. rnword count- 383

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

After mentioning the large pack of Anaruqs Specter had seen on her previous expedition to the haunted forest, Sorva had decided to come with the undead stryx to watch the whisps. She also insisted on going in their armor as some added protection. Specter had begrudgingly agreed, as she was as loath to let the elf put herself in danger as Sorva was to let her do the same. Sorva also advocated that they should saty above the tree tops, but Specter was not intending to listen to that one. At least not entirely.

So off the pair flew, in their black and red leather armor, Sorva had a tendency to adorn the armor with the same red patterns Specters patterns where, and also add on extra spikes the Lycan had happened to break off or lose. So they where quite the matched pair whenever they wore it.

For the first bit of tight flying through the branches and trunks of the massive trees, all seemed quiet. Other than Sorva’s insistence that they should fly higher. About that time the two both realized the sounds of the forest had fallen silent, far too silent.

A large furry creature rocketed out of the undergrowth latching on to one of Specter’s wings just at the base. The Anaruq had made a fatal error though, as while that may be an ok target for a wild stryx, and true, even a lightly armored one as Specter was. It was a horrible idea when there was also a rider with a saber at the ready. Sorva had dislodged the wolf like creature almost before Specter had released her roar of anger at the audacity of the beast. The two turned their focus towards the location it had spawned from and saw about 10 more getting ready to attack.

UP! Sorva called to Specter, for once the undead stryx agreed instantly, and they both shot straight up. Sorva was super glad she’d put on full armor, including a helmet, they definitely took out at least half a tree in their escape. Luckily none of the Anaruqs had managed to latch on, they had reacted quick enough. As they both breathed heavily from their close encounter they saw the first of the blue light of whisps fliting below them….


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