Haunted Woods week 6: Chapter 1

Published Nov 24, 2021, 2:33:14 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 24, 2021, 2:33:14 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Week 6 for the Great Harvest 2021 Haunted Woods prompt word count- 412

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

Once more Specter was flying to the Haunted Woods, no Sorva this time, but with Draugur flying right besides her. She was off to go watch the wisps again, though she was going to go a fair bit away from the suspected range of the Anaruq pack’s territory. They would deal with them a different time. Draugur silently flited beside her, somehow the spirit could dance all around her and still keep up, he never seemed to tire either, it was uncanny. She was glad she had managed to bond to the wisp, she had been trying for so long to befriend a wisp, but all the normal ones just ran from her corruption. Even other corrupted wisps seemed to not care for her, though they didn’t run. But Draugur had just started following her one night when she had come to watch the wisps. She had been failing to find any all that night until the caught sight of hos glow from the corner of her eyes. He refused to leave after that and, she had learned to be able to communicate with him, though even Sorva hadn’t been able to.

She grinned happily at the thought while the pair kept flying over the Haunted Woods, watching the flickering blue lights through the trees.

What? The rasping voice of Draugur invaded her thoughts.

Oh, nothing, just thinking about things. Specter responded

The wisp merely dimmed and brightened in a pattern she had come to know meant he was thinking as well.

Friends? He suddenly called and dived towards the woods.

What!? She called after him as she dived to follow. He was going straight towards one of the darker parts of the forest she usually avoided unless she needed to be there. As the pair burst through to a clearing she found the largest collection of corrupted wisps she had ever seen. And they where all glowing an angry red at her intrusion. Well all save Draugur, who was a more neutral red. He started flashing a lot and they started to as well, at which point she realized they much be talking then they all gathered up and left. Draugur turned back a sad dull glow emanating from him.

No friend.

We’ll find more, don’t worry. Specter attempted to console the saddened spirit.

He glowed brighter and hovered over to ‘sit’ on Specters shoulders and they set off into the night again. Looking for yet more wisps to maybe befriend?


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