The Elven Magicker's Resolve: Encounter with a Slime

Chapter NaN: Encounter with a Slime

A bright green, jelly-like creature was bounding towards Fayen. 

There was little time to think. Fayen whispered an incantation, coaxing thick roots to burst from the path and ensnare the slime in a botanical cage. 

A moment later thick green ooze began to seep through the cracks.

Fayen wanted to scream out of frustration. Slimes were harmless, to a point, but their skin-irritating goo made them a nuisance best avoided. Running away wasn’t an option, either. There wasn’t an alternate route back to the village, unless they intended to scratch themself by scrambling through thorny, untamed thickets.

Fayen had no desire to hurt the creature, but what could they do…?

Glancing around them, Fayen recognized several bushes with delicate yellow blossoms along the edges of the path. Guldrum, or as it was colloquially called, β€œGolden dreamer”, both for its color and for the mild anesthetic effect of its pollen. 

Fayen dashed to the plants and laid their fingertips on them. Another incantation passed through their lips, willing the flowers to grow, grow, grow… 

The flowers, once as small as their thumb, unfurled to be as wide as their arms. The sudden disturbance released a rain of yellow powder into the air that coated everything nearby.

Fayen covered their nose and mouth with the fabric of their cloak. They listened carefully for the slime’s hopsβ€” surely by now it’d inched its way out of the trap? As the dust clouds stilled, they continued to wait for any sign of movement.

None came.

There was only a translucent green mound, almost like a puddle, where the slime had stood. Was this how slimes appeared when they slept?

Fayen gently stepped past and continued ahead, leaving the creature in peace.


--- Author's Note ---

Word count: 287 words


1 - How does your character's elemental power manifest? Draw or write them using their elemental powers.

3 - Draw or write about your character trying to stop the boss without fighting it. 

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