Favourite item of Vargahaxen: Vargahaxen's linden talisman

Published Feb 5, 2024, 6:25:59 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 5, 2024, 6:25:59 PM | Total Chapters 1

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Vargahaxen PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4020
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Chapter NaN: Vargahaxen's linden talisman

It was a lovely morning in the woods. Vargahaxen was picking the berries and also the herbs. The birds were singing and she could also hear the argument of two foxes in the distance. She was humming some song to herself, when the trees started to talk to her: “Save him! Save him!”. “Who? Who are you talking about?”: she asked them with furrowed brows. No one really went to this part of the forest, for villagers it was too dark and scary. Young birch whispered to her: “A man. He is laying near that old grumpy oak. He is injured.” Vargahaxen thinks that it could be some robber or poacher. “No, my dear! He is a good man! He is brave and honest. I saw him fight those fools from the village. They think you caused the crop failure. He saw them and wanted to protect you.”: old pine told her with a worried voice. “They are really stupid. I told them the cause was the drought. Oh gods!”: Vargahaxen didn’t hesitate and rushed to find him. She knew where he was.


When she found him she saw the place of the fight. The grass was trampled and the branches were broken. According to the tracks there were at least six of them. And under the oak he was laying. His long blond hair was dirty from his wound on head. “Fool, what did you think? One against six.”: Vargahaxen whispered to him, when she was looking for more wounds. But she didn't find another. “Good, now we will need to take you home.”: she said and took his arm to lift him. “You guys from the north. Of course you need to be as big as mountains!”: she cursed when she lifted him. Even though she looks like a weak little woman, her strength is reinforced with magic.


When they got into her cottage, she put him on the bed and started healing. She put the healing oils and herbs and the wound on his head and massage bruises on his arms. She also used her magic power to help the wound on his head to heal. Later that day he woke up. He immediately wanted to stand, but Vargahaxen stopped him: “Stay in the bed. And eat this. Don’t worry, it’s just soup.” He took the bowl and started eating. In the morning his wounds were healed and he decided to go. “Dear witch, I want to thank you and also give something.”: he said and searched his pockets. “No, I don’t want money. It was my duty to help you.”: she declined his offer. “No, it is not money. Here it is. It is a talisman my friend craved for me. It is from old sacred linden and it should protect you from dark power.”: he showed her a little talisman in the shape of a leaf. “He said its true power will start when you give it as a gift of gratitude. And you saved my life today.”: he put the leaf in her hands. She immediately felt the power from it: “Thank you, warrior. I hope you will not miss it on your journeys.” He just smiled: “No I won't. I will have the other one.” He showed her the other on a silver chain around his neck. Vargahaxen gave him some food and fresh water for his journey. She also showed him the best way through the forest to the nearest village. She stayed on a little hill to watch him on his way and when he turned they both waved goodbye to each other.


Since that day she always wears this talisman and it scares the dark souls aways. In the times of darkness and despair she holds it and the talisman shines and brings her worried mind peace.


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