Pluto's Journal - Mysterious Bloom: New Beginnings?

Published Apr 15, 2024, 4:35:37 PM UTC | Last updated Apr 15, 2024, 4:35:37 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

The occasional thoughts and writings of Pluto, a human sent into the world of Pokemon as a turtwig. They have a lot of thoughts, so surely the content within is going to be completely normal and not weird at times, right?

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Characters in this Chapter

Pluto Mysterious Bloom 🧑🏽 #mb220
2901 total points
706 approved points
Sunny Mysterious Bloom 🧑🏽 #mb221
2501 total points
706 approved points


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Chapter NaN: New Beginnings?

I'm finally getting a hang of writing with this body and have so many thoughts running through my now reptilian-turtle thing brain, so I got my hands on a journal to keep my thoughts together. I don't know where to start or how to process what has happened to me or why, i'm trying to take it all in stride as best I can instead of rationalizing my situation.

I was human a while ago, I don't know exactly when this happened nor do I have a lot of my original memories aside from vague ones (which is really messing with me mentally), but I'm not human anymore. I woke up in a wooded area that looked like paradise itself compared to the bits of the world I remembered from my previous life, at first I wondered if I had been abducted or I don't know, entered a fuge state? Those are freaky. Anyways, The first thing I noticed was that the world felt pretty low to the ground, then that I couldn't move the same, and then I looked down at my hands and discovered that I in fact, no longer have hands. 

A Turtwig... man, it's so ironic. I remember this little guy being my first ever and absolute favorite back when I was introduced to pokemon as a kid, now here I am stuck as one. Does this count as a genderweird allegory? Possibly. Sorry, getting sidetracked pretty badly.

After freaking out in ways that I cannot begin to describe, a Stunfisk burst out of the bushes in a fuss to come and "rescue" me, asking me all sorts of questions- TALKING by the way. The conversation we had was a very confusing one, as I had to explain to her that I was definitely not a Turtwig earlier, or I needed to get my medical records checked to see if I have a history of grand delusions or something. 

Apparently I'm not. She said that there's been a number of cases of this happening over the years and that I'm not alone. She then went on a whole spheal (get it, spiel? I'm so funny, laugh, unknowing observer of my private words) about there being this dimensional border that she theorizes humans like me come from, but no one has confirmed anything. Cool, terrifying plot point that I don't know if I want to go near. It was interesting, she seemed excited to meet someone like me, as though it was a goal. It's good to be wanted, I guess?

It was my turn to ask the questions next, I'm going to note them down with their answers as I remember them below in list format.

Q: Who are you?
A: She's a Stunfisk (Obviously) named Sunny. She lives on the outer zone of the nearby megacity. Yeah, there are cities and technology here. She's been trying to join the Stellar Guild for a long time but hasn't found someone who is willing to work with her. Poor thing. 

Q: Where am I exactly? In terms of location and all that?
A: I've woken up on the Grass Continent, as she calls it. There are several others out there. 

Q: Stellar Guild?
A: Remember those rescue team games? Yeah. It's that, but in a modern world. There are multiple guild halls across the continents from what I understand, and they function the same as I remembered in the games but on a much larger scale.

Q: Help??? Where do I go????
A: Apparently, I'm going to the Guild. Look, I have a lot of thoughts and none of them are all that good at the moment, I don't have a home to go to nor do I have anything to my name. Sunny is nice and agreeble and I've already kind of clicked with her, so screw it, I'm going with the flow.

All in all, It looks like I'm joining a rescue/explorer guild. As a Turtwig. In a Pokemon world.

I don't know how I feel, but I can't focus on that. Maybe I died as a human? Got like, Isekai'd? I don't know. We'll see, as I'll try to keep consistent with writing in here.

-Pluto, currently a Turtwig

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