Written Boss Battle Attacks: Bryndis | Role to Fill

Published May 7, 2024, 11:59:05 PM UTC | Last updated May 7, 2024, 11:59:05 PM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

Any/all of my characters may be included at some time in this story post, each mini story separated by their own chapter.


I'd duocast for writing but am terrified to get someone else's oc wrong:,D

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Chapter NaN: Bryndis | Role to Fill

5. Family Matters. You’ve probably had your own problems with family flaking on you for whatever reason. Draw or write your character in a time where their family went back on their word… or when they went back on their word to a family member! No one’s perfect, after all.

- - - 


She stands in an almost empty room, posture defensive and stiff, looking down at the floor with a cold stare. She wants so badly to just walk out, to avoid the discomfort, the pain… but… if she did it will only cause more problems later...


Standing across from her is a Drákaíma with deep red scales, flecked with gold. He's got a broken horn and missing wing. His scarred arms are crossed and his brow furrowed. Purple-black eyes look down on her with barely controlled anger. 


“You still have nothing to show for in all the time you've been gone. Why you set out to leave in the first place.” 

When Bryndis doesn't react he makes a ‘tch-ing’ sound between his pointed teeth.

“I think you've been wasting time. Having some kind of ‘vacation’, while we all still work, while we all still fight to build back the lives that were stripped from us. I knew you shouldn't have been chosen to be a scouter, but everyone else…” Your stepfather. “They're too lenient with you. You're still undisciplined, even now.” You're lazy and ungrateful.


“You can come back. Train for something that matters, do something that matters. You were great at fighting. You could practice the spear like your brother, or the hammer like me.” What you do doesn't matter if I don't approve.


Her tail flicks across the ground in annoyance. Her brow has furrowed, and she clenches her hands at her sides. She speaks out, voice subdued and hoarse.

“...I'll think about it.”


“Will you?” His eyes narrow.

“I've yet to hear any kind of plan. I know your…” the corner of his lip turns up in a sneer, “I know your ‘da’ hasn't heard anything either. You don't talk to anybody about it, about your future. Me, him, or your brother. Nobody in the village.” Now is the time to say something. Your chance to.


But she's got nothing. Her mind feels like it's gone blank. Emotion swirling in her core, her mind. Getting caught in her throat. She's heard this all before, but it never changes anything. He's not yelling this time, but he might as well be.


He turns away, letting out a growling sound that does little to hide his own annoyance. The end of his tail curls and uncurls on the ground as smoke begins to escape the corners of his mouth. It's always the same… and her silence is always the same frustrating result.


She makes to leave… and when he doesn't say anything she completely exits that room. That cramped little space on the corner of the training field. Field where her disappointments began. Waste of his blood.

She never feels at home with him. 

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