PaperDemon Art RPG

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Uploaded on Dec 20, 2023, 2:58:53 PM by Horrorboros . Player adding portrait to draft.

Anarith #pd3765

100 / 100
Character data
Date addedDec 20, 2023, 2:57:39 PM
Date last editedFeb 23, 2024, 3:26:40 PM
Owner Horrorboros
Designer URL

Character Full Name: Anarith Dansher (alias: Asher Pike)

Character Age: in appearance late 20s/early 30s

Character Species: elven (demigod)

Hair color: Green

Eye color: Light blue (right eye has glowing crosshair mark over it, purple light)

Height: 2m

Masc leaning bisexual


Brief biography: It's one thing to be a son of a deity. It's a completely different thing when that man is a mentally unstable god of destruction, and his divinity flows through your veins. 
For his childhood, Anarith spent his time mostly with his mother, Itta and his older sister, Sina. An unremarkable bunch in his eyes now, their presence provided him with care and shelter until he learned how to work things out himself. And once that was learned, the two... vanished from his life. He doesn't care, though. Nor does he feel remorse. Perhaps a sliver of pity, but that's all.
The elven was drawn towards stardom, a yet unknown craving for an audience setting eyes on him. It didn't take long for him to take up up the role of a singer and dancer to climb the ladder, one way or another. Finding love for the flamboyant as he did so. At the same time, he was also drawn towards curiosities, towards the underbelly of entertainment, his unchecked aspect driving him to eventually become a performer and commentator. During that period, he also conducted an unlucky experiment, which failed in the process and damaged his ears, his hearing, leading him to adapt until he could find the right person to comission hearing aids in his taste.

With time passing and garnering an audience, he picked out a partner for himself - more of a tool, really. It didn't take long for Anarith to warp the girl's mind into complete submission, eventually becoming a father of a son. Well. Only technically speaking, he did not seem to care about Ivariel, say for how he reacted to... untested injections.
Incidentally, Ivariel's presence brought to light the existence of a few particular folk, namely Dee and Disare. Knowing his father's obsession of the latter, he was curious what was so special about either. Well, nothing much, in the end, that he'll admit. But the way he messed with them, teased and taunted to get a rise out of the two, eventually landed him with a bitten off hand and later on - death.
Yet he lingered on. Spite, unfairness, feeling of revenge, a mix of them, likely. But he didn't put them out front, no. With his position, he began to sweet talk Dee, telling him empty promises of improvement, and going out of his way to pretend it all. Soon he learned Disare won't budge with his verdict, but Dee - Dee was cracking. Out of his kindness, he gave Anarith a new body - only for it to nearly be his mistake, as once Anarith gained back his bearings, he made an attempt to assassinate, which Disare thwarted. With that loss, he made escape before the demon did any major damage in retaliation.

Years passed, one test tube baby turned living weapon turned ex son later, he began to cool down. Focus on something other than the pair. He picked up new hobbies, new passions, new companions, even. He learned of his aspect, finally found a word for his past behavior - control. Something he started to work on as soon as possible. Even reconnected with Dee, much to his own surprise, and now the two hold a friendly relationship (say for An's hostile jabs towards his partner). Even snapped up a new partner of his own. A draconid sky pirate, Il'zaar.

One day, overhearing a request for Gate testing, Anarith decided to join in, leading him to find the new realm of portals. New faces to explore, new opportunities to snatch, even some surprising old faces - 

- Disare was also there.

  • 10
    Ability Points
  • 1
  • Charismatic Talisman Ability

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