PaperDemon Art RPG

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Fostering more positivity in our community

  1. Posted on Apr 17, 2017, 2:39:11 AM UTC
    ID: 28812 | #2
    Level 65

    ...I like it. I guess everything evolves some with time, and there will probably be occasion to expand it at some point in the future, but it sounds like a good start.

    And I'm glad to be on a website where Administration is actively involved and benevolent as well. ;) I've loved FAC for awhile now but they've... not been very active in policing themselves lately, and it's getting discouraging. <.<

  2. Posted on Apr 17, 2017, 9:50:42 PM UTC
    ID: 28813 | #3
    Level 66

    It sounds pretty good to me, I'm glad that there will be measures taken to stop people from being butts to one another, though what exactly do you mean by banners? Places on the page where the guildeines will be posted, like to the side, or so you mean something else? I don't know what Ngconf is, so the references to it are lost on me, unfortunatrly.

  3. Posted on Apr 21, 2017, 3:05:47 PM UTC
    ID: 28815 | #4
    Level 281 ADMIN

    Thanks MaskedDragonNamedLin. I was thinking of just pieces of text that would randomly appear at the top or the bottom. I haven't quite figured out the details yet.

    ngConf is a developer conference for the Javascript framework called Angular. The new frontend that I'm building for PaperDemon is written in Angular. I hope to launch that by end of the year.

  4. Posted on Apr 22, 2017, 2:22:04 AM UTC
    ID: 28817 | #6
    Level 13

    What's brought this about? I feel we already have enough of what we know with is and isn't acceptable here. There's a place being safe and then there's policing people. If someone says something crappy or people get into an argument let them have it. If someone's being racist or homophobic that's clearly not ok. And, really, is this place even active enough for these lesser offenses to be glaring issues? I'm just saying if it ain't broke don't fix it. At the same time, who cares? No one's really here so it doesn't matter either way.

  5. Posted on Apr 23, 2017, 6:59:44 PM UTC
    ID: 28818 | #7
    Level 281 ADMIN

    Hi Inuyoujo.

    I went to a conference a few weeks ago that had very similar guidelines. And I found that those guidelines had a positive effect on myself and those around me. I was much more inclined to be inclusive of others and help others out.

    For example, I had joined a group of people for dinner and as we were walking to dinner, someone behind us was following us. He asked us "Are you guys going to the movie?" and we said we weren't. It turned out he assumed we were going to the movie, got separated from his group, and followed us instead for several blocks. I could sense the panic he was feeling about being separated and not knowing where to go. In the spirit of inclusiveness, I invited him to join us for dinner and we all ended up having a good time.

    So these guidelines worked at the conference. It's worth a shot here.

    I find your comments quite hurtful actually. Saying "who cares" and "no one is here anyway" really hits me hard right in the gut. And both Firiel and MaskedDragonNamedLin are here and supportive of it.

    If the guidelines don't work, well then we're no worse off than we were before. I'll keep trying until I find something that works. And it may take several things working together. Any positive support you can provide would be helpful.

  6. Posted on Apr 24, 2017, 3:16:26 AM UTC
    ID: 28819 | #8
    Level 65

    We do have kind of a small active population right now, yes, but there's potential for growth as well as for old members to come back visiting, and I like to have a safety net - as well as to feel like I personally am protected and welcome. In an intimate community even one or two new members (or one newbie with Problems inviting along a similar-minded friend) being toxic can have a massive effect on the mood of the whole group, and it's good to know that if somebody did get out of line (eg anti-LGBT or racist slurs incorporated in a lot of their artwork, political cartoons portraying opponents and/or feared minorities as ghouls to be slain and stereotypes of mental illness, yes I am thinking of someone particular in another community) there would be a rule to point to, and an admin who would potentially back it up if things escalated. Murphy's Law absolutely applies to open communities on the internet. Like... I would hope that being decent to one another and respecting eachother's personhood is common sense, but common sense isn't always common.

  7. Posted on Apr 25, 2017, 2:21:42 AM UTC
    ID: 28821 | #10
    Level 281 ADMIN

    Thanks so much Firiel. You're absolutely right. One bad apple can sour the whole bunch, as they say.

    I'll be posting these community rules more officially soon. And if you ever do come across someone getting out of line, please let me know! I'm not afraid to swing the ban hammer.

    Also yes things haven't been that active here compared to other communities but it is getting better and I'm making a consistent effort to improve it. But it will be a slow process. I'm mostly relying on social media and SEO for traffic and building those up takes a while.

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