Lesser of Two Evils: Despicable

Published Jan 26, 2006, 7:09:20 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 23, 2007, 11:49:08 PM | Total Chapters 20

Story Summary

Radditz meets still evil Piccolo - a gleeful exercise in sex and violence. Lang,Yaoi,Anal,BDSM,Bond,CBT,D/s,Lemon,N/C,S&M,Tort,Toys

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Chapter 13: Despicable

Lesser of Two Evils
By Pixelgoddess

Pairings – Radditz/Piccolo to start
Warning – Sex, smut, violence. You know – the usual. BDSM, Torture. Cannibalism? Possible squick. Character death – but you might like it. Yaoi – as in M/M, with hints of non-con.
Disclaimer – Don't own them, don't make money off this, don't get any payment but reviews. Pay Me!
Summary – The first person Radditz meets on Earth is Demon Lord Piccolo, resulting in a frenzy of violent sex and violent death as the pair submits to their darkest passions.

Chapter 13 - Despicable

I leave the bloody remains of the three-eyed freak and the clown behind for scavengers and continue on to the remains of Radditz’ ship. Butchering those insects was entertaining, but now just the thought of being fucked by the monkey again has me hard. And after that…I can’t wait to reveal my surprises.

As I approach, I see he is working on his ship, tail flicking in agitation or frustration. I hesitate for a moment, sure I hear voices. I wonder if he is trying to use his damaged equipment to make contact with his prince since I have his scouter. As I land, I hear him say, “What if he’s worse than the lizard? This could be tricky.”

“Who are you talking to?” I ask suspiciously. I don’t want to kill him before reaching Namek, but if he has betrayed me I will.

“Piccolo!” he shouts, snapping his head around in surprise. He studies me for a moment, probably wondering what I’m going to do to him after his ‘giant monkey’ stunt. Apparently it only takes him an instant to make up his mind and he rushes over. “By the gods, I never expected to see you alive.”

“Answer the question,” I growl.

He lands and, ignoring my glare, wraps his arms around me in a bone-crushing hug. “You found my scouter! Now I don’t have to try to fix the ship after all. That’s what I was doing – trying to get the piece of shit radio to work.”

He’s as much of a fool as his brother was. How dare he hug me? “I heard voices.”

He chuckles, obviously not realizing how close he is to death. “Yeah, I can pick up some signals, but the brat fried the transmitter. That’s why I’m glad you found the scouter.”

“And what you said about being worse than the lizard…?” I prompt, still not convinced.

He hesitates a moment, the fur in his tail rippling, and I can see him replaying his lines in his head.

“Oh – that. I was just talking to myself. If I lost any more equipment, there was a good chance Prince Vegeta’s punishment would be worse than Lord Frieza’s.” His teeth scrape across my neck, drawing blood, and he purrs into my ear, “With that scouter and armor on, you look totally fuckable.”

“Release me, you damn monkey,” I snap, shoving him away. “You nearly killed me.”

He steps back and grins, “Aw, don’t be like that, Piccolo. That was Oozaru – I kind of lose control of myself when I change. Don’t forget, I did tell you to leave. It’s not my fault you didn’t get away in time.” My glower does not stop him from continuing, “When I returned to normal I was still holding your arm. I really thought I ate you…even if you do taste like shit,” he smirks.

“I can tell how much it bothered you,” I say sarcastically.

“I think almost getting killed is good for you. You look better than ever.” He smirks at me, “That was a neat trick you pulled with your size. I didn’t know Nameks could do that.”

He has no idea what I am capable of. “Will you just shut up and fuck me already?” I have to admit he is talented; just because I can destroy him, there’s no reason not to enjoy what he can do for me.

“I thought you would never ask.” He laughs and rips my pants away, “And just to show you what a nice guy I am, you can come whenever you want to.”

I snarl at his arrogance, but allow him to take control for now. His mouth is demanding against mine, teeth scraping and biting until my blood is flowing freely down my chin. I was right - can’t give this heady sensation up. The scouter chirps a warning and lights flash before my eye as our kis rise and clash. I’m slammed against a rock wall, and instantly he pins my hands above my head, locking them in place with ki so I am dangling from my wrists. I could free myself effortlessly, but he doesn’t know that yet.

He spreads his palm wide over my chest, pressing hard, sending ki flowing over the armor I still wear. He chuckles when I gasp in pleasure as I feel the armor respond, tightening protectively around my ribs. I’m already breathing heavily when my legs are spread wide to be lifted, suspending me in a web of ki around my thighs and ankles. He licks his lips appreciatively at how exposed and vulnerable I appear, his tail lashing. I’m trembling at the ache of gravity pulling me down, the rings of ki around my limbs tight and burning. I moan in anticipation at his hungry growl.

Radditz brushes his tail lightly over my cock, chuckling when I hiss with pleasure at the feather touch. He is an expert at extremes, keeping me off balance each time he changes tactics. His tail glides teasingly around my cock before tickling the sensitive flesh below. I can’t help but groan helplessly at the agonizing contrast between what I expected and what I am experiencing – this careful gentleness is almost more than I can bear. I know how to cope with pain, but this tenderness will be my undoing.

The pull on my wrists isn’t enough to distract me from the teasing touches and soft caresses tracing my body’s contours. He’s driving me mad, watching me writhe and squirm as his fingers and tail touches me everywhere, but never with the force I crave. I moan in denial. I don’t want this – I don’t… I want, I need… I don’t know why I let him do this to me; I don’t want to examine my motives that closely. I can stop this any time – but for some reason I allow this tender torment to continue.

I whimper and groan, straining against my bonds, wordlessly begging, trying to drive him to give me more, but he just chuckles. “You are so impatient, Piccolo. Savor this. It doesn’t always have to be about how much pain you can take.”

“Bastard,” I hiss, annoyed how well he understands me, before his tongue sweeps up my chin to my lips, licking away the drying blood. He laughs into my mouth, sucking and biting my lips again, drawing fresh blood.

Without warning he drops to his knees before me, and not even giving me time to anticipate it he takes my leaking cock into his mouth. I shout and arch into him, my hips involuntarily thrusting against him. He doesn’t even try to restrain me, allowing me to fuck his mouth, the head of my cock pounding against him. I can’t hold in the sounds as he sucks and purrs around my erection, his teeth scraping over the sensitive skin. Just when I think I couldn’t be anymore aroused I feel his tail pushing into me, rubbing against the delicate bundle of nerves and I scream, jerking erratically into his mouth as I come.

He leans back on his heels, grinning up at me and licking his lips. I can only stare at him in a daze. “How’s that for an apology, Piccolo?” he smirks.

Good monkey.

“It will do for a start,” I smirk.


He groans in discomfort as he strains against his bonds, trying in vain to relieve the unyielding tension. I’ve used my ki to construct pillars, stretching my pet between them, adjusting them until his muscles are twitching painfully trying to ease the pressure. One of his hands is purple and bloody, and his other arm is bent and twisted. I almost wish we could trade places - he has given me this pleasurable agony before, although the gag had muffled my ecstatic moans.

“Damn it, Piccolo,” he gasps, struggling for air with the collar fastened tightly around his throat, “This is too fucking much. At least let me breathe.”

I laugh and bury my fingers in his hair, twisting until a little cry of pain escapes before he bites it back. “Good. It’s supposed to be. I like it when you are too busy trying to remember how to breathe to resist.”

He glares at me, recognizing his own words. I tighten the ki wrapped around his body, chuckling in appreciation at the blood seeping from the wounds it causes as it slices into his flesh. Even though he has been complaining bitterly about the way tables have been turned, I can tell he is getting pleasure from this in the way his cock twitches and hardens.

I had allowed him to fuck me, watching as his face twisted in ecstasy as he screamed his release. A heartbeat later, I freed myself, smirking as the shock erased his pleasure. I didn’t give him anymore time to react, turning and slamming him back against the wall where he had just fucked me. He recovered quickly, swinging a massive fist towards my head. I caught it effortlessly, crushing the bones in his hand to splinters. He roared in pain, but that didn’t stop him from trying again with his other arm. A single strike at his shoulder and that arm was useless as well.

He groans and shifts uncomfortably, trying to ease some of the pain, “It’s still too much. I can’t heal like you can.”

“Don’t worry pet – I’ll make sure you are healed before the others arrive. You’ve had your turn – now it is mine. We have a few hours yet.” I’ve allowed him to test my limits – now it is time to find his. It’s a pity he can’t heal himself, but if he behaves I am willing to give my pet a senzu when we are done playing.

“Wh…” he gasps, before being struck dumb when I bury my teeth into the flesh around his nipple. His body isn’t sure if it wants more, simultaneously trying without success to pull away from the pain and arch into the pleasure.

I draw on enough of my ki to increase my size until I am looking down at my pet. I can smell his fear and bare my teeth in amusement. “What were you planning on asking, pet? How this happened – or if I’m going to fuck you?”

He glances down at my cock with alarm, “You are not-.”

“Yes, I am, pet,” I purr, nails lightly stroking his tail. “You might as well relax and enjoy it.” I see him tense at the contact, before a shuddering breath of relief escapes as my touch remains gentle. I’ve changed my original plans to destroy Radditz; my power allows me to be magnanimous. I’m aware I could cause him nothing but agony by torturing his tail, but whether he realizes it yet or not, I need his cooperation for now in order to achieve my goals.

I locate a particularly sensitive area of his tail, noticing with pleasure how his attitude seems to change in an instant. Even as the tip of his cock becomes wet, I can see his entire body relax into the pleasure of my touch. He curls the end of his tail around my wrist and licks his lips. “How did you get free? You weren’t strong enough before.”

I chuckle and draw a nail down his chest to his navel, watching as blood wells up along the path. “Things change, pet. Thanks to you, I was able to get my wish. I’m the most powerful being in the universe now.”

He groans and shivers as I glide my tongue over the cut, teasing even more blood from the wound. “That’s not-,” he gasps, “That can’t be true. You’ve done something to me.”

I glare at him. “If you keep this up, I’m going to gag you. And then I will show you just how powerful I really am. You won’t enjoy it pet. Especially when I heal you and do it again just because I can.”

I watch his eyes as he absorbs this, trying to make sense of what I have told him. He finally seems to come to some decision and bows his head in submission.

“I’m sorry Lord Piccolo. Please forgive me. I’m just trying to understand how such a miracle can occur. Are you really powerful enough to free us from Frieza?”

I chuckle, amused at his instinct for self-preservation. “Pet, you really must learn to read ki without toys like this,” I say, taking the scouter off and placing it on him. “This isn’t even a tiny fraction of my power,” I tell him as he gasps in disbelief at the way the device is shrieking at him.

“And when I reach Namek I will make another wish and become immortal.” Maybe I will stay there long enough to get a second wish – the ability to heal myself at will. Then I can enjoy Radditz’ torture and not have to rely on the beans. “Without radar, it is impossible for Frieza to locate the dragonballs before I do.”

I stroke his tail again and he moans in pleasure. “Can you just see it, pet? Demon Lord Piccolo ruling the universe for eternity.”

I press against him, sending my ki arcing through his shuddering body, kissing him violently, teeth sinking into his lips and tongue. We moan together as his blood fills our mouths, his chest heaving as his body realizes the only air he can breathe is mine.

When I finally release him, he sucks in air with desperation. His cock is turning purple, swollen and hard in the prison of ki surrounding it. I watch him, enjoying his distress, knowing the dizzying ecstasy of feeling so close to death, especially when survival is simple – all you need is air. His muscles strain against his bonds and collar, slashing his bronze flesh, causing his warm burgundy blood to flow over his sculpted muscles.

“M-master…please…” he begs desperately, “Can’t breathe…”

I smirk. His groveling is wonderful to hear, but it doesn’t mean I am going to go easy on him because of it. If anything, I may hurt him even more.

I’m enjoying the names he is calling me – I hadn’t realized how aroused I would become at the word ‘Master’. I’m very close to just fucking him now – I’ve been anticipating finding out what it would feel like to thrust my cock deep inside my pet. I wonder which I will end up preferring with my little monkey – fucking or being fucked.

I curl my hand around his cock, releasing the ki imprisoning it, and stroke it with deceptive gentleness. “Don’t you dare come, pet,” I purr in warning. He moans, surrendering some of the oxygen he fought so hard for.

“What are you going to do to me?” he whispers roughly.

“Anything I want to,” I smirk, biting the tender flesh of his inner thigh. He moans and shudders, pulling against his bonds. I chuckle and wave my hand, using my ki to create a blindfold over his eyes.

“Piccolo,” Radditz whimpers helplessly as I circle him, watching him arch and writhe in painful ecstasy as I slash his bronze flesh. His tail thrashes wildly when I squeeze his ass, piercing the firm flesh with my sharpened nails. My pet dances and squirms under my touch, his cock twitching each time I bite or scratch him. He nearly passes out the first time I strike him with a ki whip, forcing me to lower the intensity. I want him to experience pain, not death.

The wounds are minor compared to the damage he inflicted on me, but I soon realize my pet cannot tolerate the pain I can, although he can take more than any of the weaklings on this planet. I sink my teeth deep into his hip, and he shrieks in agony when I pull a bloody chunk of flesh free.

I cannot wait any longer. I free his legs, lifting them from the ground. He cries out in agony as his full weight hits his damaged limbs. Radditz quickly wraps his legs around my hips, trying to relieve some of the strain, his dick pressing against my stomach. I growl and ram the full length of my cock into him.

Radditz screams.


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