Lesser of Two Evils: Contemptible

Published Jan 26, 2006, 7:09:20 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 23, 2007, 11:49:08 PM | Total Chapters 20

Story Summary

Radditz meets still evil Piccolo - a gleeful exercise in sex and violence. Lang,Yaoi,Anal,BDSM,Bond,CBT,D/s,Lemon,N/C,S&M,Tort,Toys

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Chapter 4: Contemptible

Lesser of Two Evils
By Pixelgoddess

Pairings – Radditz/Piccolo to start
Warning – Sex, smut, violence. You know – the usual.
BDSM, Torture. Cannibalism? Possible squick. Character death – but you might like it. Yaoi – as in M/M, with hints of non-con.
Disclaimer – Don't own them, don't make money off this, don't get any payment but reviews. Pay Me!
Summary – The first person Radditz meets on Earth is Demon Lord Piccolo, resulting in a frenzy of violent sex and violent death as the pair submits to their darkest passions.

Chapter 4 - Contemptible

“You’re a bastard,” I mutter, regenerating my hand. I suspect I’m going to be doing this a lot more often. It’s an annoying waste of ki, but the thrilling surge of pain Radditz triggered was worth it. I’m almost going to regret having to kill the animal.

Radditz smirks and stops chewing on the fingers of the hand he still holds. “You taste like shit, green man. I can’t eat this.”

“No one asked you to,” I snap, disturbingly intrigued by the image.

He tosses it aside and swaggers over to his ship to inspect the damage caused by the runt. I take advantage of his absence to rush to Goku’s body. I need to find the radar before the animal comes back. I finally have to roll the carcass over.

I hesitate a moment, checking on Radditz’ location. He’s still over by the crater, cursing loudly. I grin; sounds like the brat caused some problems. One of my first objectives will be finding a safe, more permanent home for this. Knowing Radditz’ tendency to fuck first and talk later, he might accidentally destroy the radar in one of his animalistic frenzies.

I turn on the device, relieved to find it undamaged. It instantly picks up a signal, and I glance around in surprise, understanding when I see the little brat’s hat. I scoop it up and conceal it beneath my cloak. One down, six to go.

“That fucking little bastard!” Radditz screams, stomping over to the brat’s body. He kicks it, sending it flying to roll across the dirt, coming to rest on the rocky ground. “It’s useless!”

I quickly hide the radar and watch him warily. He’s in a rage, and as a result, even more unpredictable. It might be better if I say nothing – attracting his attention could cause problems.

“Kakarott’s brat destroyed my ship. Now I’m stuck on this piece of shit mud-ball until they can arrange pickup.”

I suppress the urge to smirk. If he can’t leave, then he won’t be destroying my planet; I have more time to get rid of him for good.

“Who’s going to pick us up?”

He raises an eyebrow and grins. “Us? I don’t remember saying I was bringing you along, green man.” His tail flicks and I suspect he is just testing me.

I shrug and grin back at the animal. I need him to trust me long enough for me to get away and retrieve the dragonballs. “You did say I was more Saiyan than your idiot brother. And I do find you…invigorating.” He smirks and I wonder if I have flirted with the beast too much. If he fucks me now, there is a chance he will discover the dragonball and the radar.

Fortunately, discovery is delayed as his scouter emits a signal.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he mutters, “Are these creatures that stupid?”

I laugh, “You have no idea.” Goku’s idiot friends have arrived in an aircar; their loyalty is going to prove suicidal. Radditz raises his hand, about to blast the vehicle out of the air. “Wait…don’t you want to see their faces when they see the bodies?”

He chuckles and I feel my cock twitch, “Nappa’s going to love you.”

I smirk. “Does that mean I’m coming with you?”

“Maybe…if I don’t get tired of fucking you by then.”

The ship lands and the fools get out. I can’t help but laugh when the woman trips over the body of the brat, so covered in dirt and gravel it was hardly visible. The wail of anguish and horror makes me shudder with pleasure. I haven’t gotten to cause fear like this in years – I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed it. She scoops up the broken little body and cries like the weakling she is.

“Enjoying yourself?” Radditz chuckles.

“Immensely. Are you planning on killing them or playing with them?”

I watch as the midget and the old man hurry over to Goku’s bloody remains. The cries of disbelief are something to treasure – their perfect hero has been defeated – ripped open just like my sire was.

He flicks his tail, brushing it against my cock before coiling it around his waist. “I kind of like playing with my food – besides, it helps me build up an appetite.”

I glance at him – he’s serious. I shrug. “Whatever.” It’s been years since I felt the need to consume anything but fluids – I don’t even miss the taste of meat anymore.

He begins to stroll over towards his prey. I stay at his side, calculating just how long it will take the weaklings to realize they are in danger. The midget won’t be the first to notice, I’m sure. He’s too busy weeping over the body of Son Goku. From the sounds of it, they were lovers or something.

Surprisingly enough, the first to notice our presence is the woman; she alerts the others with a piercing scream that threatens to drive me to my knees. If Radditz plans to keep this one, he had damn well better gag her.

“Shut up, bitch,” he growls, sending a pinpoint of ki straight through her forehead. The silence is blissful after that shrieking.

“Very nice,” I nod admiringly. That concentrated a beam is hard to focus quickly.

He grins, ignoring the shouts from the other two. Apparently they aren’t too pleased with her death. What did they expect? What kind of fool deliberately comes to a battlefield? “Thanks. I learned that from our boss, Lord Frieza.”

“Really? Is he good to work for?”

“He’s okay - a real perverted bastard, though. But he pays well – and we get to eat as much of our kill as we want. Not a bad deal.”

I return my attention to the weaklings. From the looks of it, they are torn between attacking and retreating. I hope they stay. I’ve done most of the killing so far; I’m interested in seeing Radditz at work.

Radditz chuckles and solves their dilemma – a burst of ki and their vehicle is reduced to shrapnel. I grin – he managed to direct the major part of the explosion at the humans. He hasn’t touched them and they are already wounded and bloody. I close my eyes and inhale the heady scent of terror. This is what I have trained for my entire life – to smell that aroma every day.

“Piccolo! You bastard!” the midget shouts, “I knew it was a trick! I knew you were lying!”

I laugh, “So?”

“Goku spared your life!” I’m not sure, but I think the little thing is actually crying.

“Are you that stupid? That sentimental fool spared Kami, not me.” I scowl. If this idiot mentions the dragonballs I’m going to have to kill him myself. Fortunately, Radditz has grown impatient. He shoves a tiny burst of ki at them, just enough to knock them on their asses.

“Enough talk,” he mutters. “Fight or die. Actually,” he smirks, “you’re going to die, but I might as well have some fun while I’m at it.”

I drift back, hovering so I can see this slaughter with an unobstructed view.

The old man makes the first attack, drawing on a decent amount of ki for an insect. He wastes so much of it though, sending it into his body, bulking up his muscles. I shake my head as he throws the same lame attack as the more powerful Son Goku had used to no effect. Don’t these fools know any other way to fight? If he hadn’t expended so much ki on himself, he might have made a Kamehameha worth acknowledging. As it was, Radditz just stood there, eyebrows raised, as it brushed against him.

“That tickles,” Radditz grins. “I liked that. Try it again.”

I snort. He really is a bastard.

The old man tries again, but the wave he throws doesn’t even disturb the animal’s mane. The weakling stands there, gasping and wheezing with exhaustion after just two attacks. Such a waste of time – Radditz is going to be bored with him quickly.

“Is that it? Is that all you’ve got, old man?” Radditz demands. “Hell, I don’t even know why I bother.”

“Hey – Radditz,” I call down, “I doubt he is going to be edible – too tough and stringy. I never got to see your special attack. Why don’t you demonstrate it?” I never take my eyes off the midget. As he realizes what I’ve said…

“Edible?” he squeaks.

Radditz grins. “Sure. But green man is right – eating the geezer is going to be like chewing jerky. You might make a decent appetizer, though. The female is the main course.”

“You’re sick! Disgusting!” The runt launches himself through the air, punching and kicking with no effect. Radditz snatches him out of the air by his leg, holding him upside down. The little thing keeps struggling, throwing ki at the big animal, but Radditz ignores it.

I shake my head. I have a suspicion what he is going to do – and the runt won’t enjoy it like I would. Radditz grabs the weakling’s arm and makes that chuckle that makes my cock hard. A twist and a pull and he is holding the little creature’s arm, ignoring the blood pouring from the ragged stump. The screams of agony from the midget nearly make me come – I don’t think I have ever been so hard in my life.

He tosses the moaning little thing away, taking a bite out of the arm he is still holding. He turns to me with a bloody smile. “Want some?”

I scowl. I can’t stand the midget – why would I want to eat it? “No. You go ahead and enjoy your snack.”

He laughs and turns to the horrified old man. The geezer seems frozen in place, unable to tear his eyes from the whimpering midget. “Alright green man, here it is…” Radditz is suddenly holding two huge balls of ki, which he throws at the old man with a shout, incinerating him instantly, “Double Sundai!”

Sunday? Sundae? What kind of stupid name is that? “What the hell does Double Sundae mean?”

He turns and glares at me, angrily ripping another piece of flesh from the arm he retrieved from the grip his tail had on it. “Not sundae, you moron – Sundai!”

“Like it makes a difference!” I’ve never heard such a ridiculous name for an attack in my life.

“Sundai is Saiyan holiday – it’s the day we celebrate our kills, you uncivilized green heathen.”

“Fine,” I mutter. “It’s Saiyan. Fine.” It is still a stupid name – these humans are going to laugh when they hear it – just before they die from it.

I glance over at the little weakling – apparently it hasn’t bled to death yet. “Your appetizer is trying to crawl away,” I tell Radditz.

“It won’t get far,” he says, returning his attention to his snack. “These little animals taste a hell of a lot better than you do.”

“Then considering you are stuck here for awhile you should be glad there are so many of them.” If he consumes them one by one, there should be more than enough of these weaklings to rule when I finally eliminate the animal.

Radditz stalks over to where the midget is and pushes the weakling with his toe, rolling it on its back. He squats down next to it and dangles the bloody hand before its eyes; he’s already eaten the rest of the arm. “Hey, appetizer. Where do you think you are going? I’m not done with you yet.”

I listen with pleasure to the screams and moans the little thing makes as Radditz begins eating more limbs of his snack. The more I hear, the more aroused I become, groaning along with it in ecstasy. I catch his eye and scowl when I realize he is deliberately taking his time, just to drive me insane. The hell with it, I growl. I remove my cloak and set it aside, carefully concealing the dragonball and radar.

He flicks his tail at me and grins. “You want something green man?”

I quickly strip myself bare, smirking at him, my arousal evident. “As if you don’t know. Are you planning on fucking me anytime soon?”

He takes another chunk out of the flesh of the midget, watching me with amusement as he chews.

“Well, appetizer, it appears I am wanted elsewhere… so I have to finish with you before my little green pet passes out from the excitement – or lack of blood flow to his brain.”

I’m surprised to realize the little creature is still alive, eyes wide with pain and terror as the last of his blood pumps sluggishly into the sandy ground. It finally dies with an agonized gurgle when Radditz rips it open, pulling intestines out of the way to get to the tastier organs. The sight and sound triggers my own aroused groan. Radditz smirks and stretches his tail, coiling it so tightly around my cock I collapse to my knees with a gasp of welcome pain.

I’m held like that, my cock being ruthlessly crushed, trembling painfully near orgasm, unable to come as he takes his time, slowly devouring the last of the organs.

I nearly beg, wanting him to hurry and fuck me. I can hardly bear to wait any longer – my eagerness for the pain and pleasure he can give makes me shudder. I’m on my hands and knees, waiting, wanting, but I can do nothing when I am trapped by need.

I inhale shakily when he rises, and slowly circles around me, his tail pulsing around my purpling cock. I moan when his sharp nails claw a path down my back, cutting deep gouges in my flesh. I arch my back, silently pleading with him to do it again. He chuckles and my cock twitches in its prison. His hands are on my back again, and I shiver in anticipation, afraid to take a breath that might disturb his concentration. My patience is rewarded with a scream inducing rip of his claws. I feel the blood pouring over my flesh, dripping down in a circle around me.

“Damn it,” I tremble, “Fuck me.” I wonder for a split second if I have lost control of the animal, but for the moment, I don’t care. Once I have the dragonballs I will be in charge and rule the entire planet.

He chuckles, the deep rumble going straight through his tail into my captive cock. “Not until I’m ready, green man.” He shifts his tail’s hold on me and I groan with anticipation. “If you come before I tell you to, I’m going to rip your dick off – and kill you quickly before you have a chance to enjoy it.” He kicks me hard on the ass, sending me face first into the ground. “Do you understand me?” he demands, the toe of his boot pressing down on my balls.

“Yes,” I gasp, my body singing with the aching pressure on my cock and balls.

“Yes, what?” he growls, grinding his boot down even harder.

I groan, trying to get enough control to follow his orders. “I won’t come.” His tail suddenly releases my cock and I arch from the ground, nearly screaming from the blissful agony of blood and circulation returning. It’s all I can do not to orgasm right then; even the friction of the sand against my cock is painfully arousing.

He laughs and bends to curl his massive hand around my throat, jerking me roughly to my knees. I gulp a desperate breath of air, so aroused I can’t resist the powerful animal’s brutal handling.

“Suck me,” he growls, shoving my face against his still covered dick.

I scowl and try to pull free. I am not about to put this animal’s dick in my mouth; he’s gone too far. I try to refuse, but the vise around my throat has taken my voice away. I struggle harder when his free hand shoves his pants down, the stench of him so strong I want to gag.

“Do it, green man,” he snaps, enforcing his order with a kick to my gut.

My vision turns grey as I try desperately to suck in air, my lungs aching with starvation. I can’t concentrate enough to draw on my ki and I’m struck by the horrific vision of dying with this thing’s dick down my throat. I feel my erection beginning to soften as fear overpowers the electrifying pain. I realize I’ve lost control over the animal and a terrified moan escapes.

He chuckles and the grip around my throat eases just enough for me to gasp in a relieved breath. “If you want to live long enough to get fucked again, Piccolo,” he purrs, “you will suck my dick – and do it well.”

Any further thought of resisting is erased when his tail loops around my cock, pulling and tugging it back to hardness. I’m helpless against his massive strength and my body’s unwilling response to his perfect cruelty. My cock is aching again, yet I know I dare not come. I’m gasping for every breath, weak and dizzy, trapped in his unyielding grasp. His hand curls around the back of my head, pulling me closer to his already leaking dick, and I realize this is a battle I cannot win.

I open my mouth.


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