Lesser of Two Evils: Hateful

Published Jan 26, 2006, 7:09:20 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 23, 2007, 11:49:08 PM | Total Chapters 20

Story Summary

Radditz meets still evil Piccolo - a gleeful exercise in sex and violence. Lang,Yaoi,Anal,BDSM,Bond,CBT,D/s,Lemon,N/C,S&M,Tort,Toys

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Chapter NaN: Hateful

Lesser of Two Evils
By Pixelgoddess

Pairings – Radditz/Piccolo to start
Warning – Sex, smut, violence. You know – the usual.
BDSM, Torture. Cannibalism? Possible squick. Character death – but you might like it. Yaoi – as in M/M, with hints of non-con.
Disclaimer – Don't own them, don't make money off this, don't get any payment but reviews. Pay Me!
Summary – The first person Radditz meets on Earth is Demon Lord Piccolo, resulting in a frenzy of violent sex and violent death as the pair submits to their darkest passions.

Note – A good part of the dialog through chapter 3 comes directly from the Saiyan Saga DVDs – it took me forever to transcribe, too. Until the shit hits the fan, I tried to stay reasonably close to the original sequence of events, but I didn’t feel chained to it. Just go with it – this is the way things SHOULD have happened. *g* (I did shorten the arrival time of the Saiyans – a year was just too long a time for this story.)

This is for Celipa, who helped poke this monster to life.

If you read this expecting my normal sweetness and sap, you are going to be sorely disappointed. This is not sweet, and not nice. It is (unapologetically) violent, bloody, and brutal – I had some demons to purge. These are not nice people, and if you ignore the warnings and flame me I will just laugh at you for being an uneducated moron.

Chapter 1 - Hateful

I watch my blast roaring over the earth, boring a burning path through every obstacle, and smirk. This is it. My Special Beam Cannon is an attack strong enough to destroy that bastard Son Goku. He will die as my powerful father Demon Piccolo had, his body ripped open by the force of my attack.

I hate Goku. Hate him for killing my sire. Hate him for defeating me. Hate him for laughing and showing me ‘mercy’. I was nearly euphoric, enjoying the pain ripping through me. I had never felt anything that sharp and intense before. I should have known he would take that from me as well. That bean he gave me…

He’s going to learn what a mistake it was to let me live. I train everyday, getting stronger, developing new techniques, dreaming of seeing his broken, bloody body at my feet.

Someday. Soon. But not yet. We are still too evenly matched. Challenging him now would just mean an indecisive battle that would be drawn-out and bloody. I want him to know pain, but I want him to know utter, crushing defeat as well. Someday. I am positive this new attack can kill Goku, but it takes too long to power-up. It wouldn’t work with him in combat situations unless he wasn’t moving or unprepared.

I’ve seriously considered trying to destroy him by stealth, assassinating him, but the few times I’ve begun preparations he has detected my building ki and become wary. It doesn’t matter…I can be patient…I have time.

His biggest weakness is his morals. The stupid fool missed his opportunity to kill me, refusing to do so because it would also mean the death of Kami. Someday I will find a way to safely eliminate the threat to my existence caused by that two-faced bastard as well.

And when Goku is gone…when he is dead… I will claim my birthright. This planet will be mine. These humans will be mine. The power Son Goku stripped my sire and I of will return. I will rule. I will dominate these puny creatures. I will thrill again at the stink of human fear.

I am about to return to my training when I am suddenly stunned by the strength of an approaching ki. I’ve never experienced anything like it before. The level is intimidating – almost terrifying. “It can’t be Goku,” I mutter. Goku’s ki is sharper – brighter than this. Whoever this is has a darker, heavier feel to it. After a minute I finally see the source of the disturbance flying towards me. He is huge and no one I have ever seen before.

He lands gently, his grace belying his hulking size. He is even taller than I am – and I tower over most of the creatures on this planet. There’s an almost familiar animal stench coming from him. The beast is powerfully muscled, his body brazenly covered by only the bare minimum of clothing. Maybe he thinks the mane of black hair flowing down his back is adequate coverage.

“Excuse me for dropping in. I’m trying to find a man named Kakarott. I thought you were him,” he says in introduction, his voice deep and deceptively cultured.

I scowl at him. The waves of his ki rolling over me make me want to grind my teeth. I wonder if he is doing it on purpose. If he is, he will soon learn what a mistake that type of boast is. “Well you thought wrong. Now turn around and get out of here, before I get angry!” I glare, wondering who this creature is – and who Kakarott is. How is it he mistook me for this person anyway?

He doesn’t move, just folding his arms across his chest and watching me. I feel strangely threatened by his arrogance. “Who in the hell are you? Why are you bothering me?” I demand.

He smirks, making me even angrier. I don’t like his attitude. “My name is Radditz. I did not come for you.” He studies me for a minute before cocking his head, “And who are you?”

“Piccolo – not that it is any of your damn business.”

“Someone’s having a bad day,” the stranger says, amused.

“Believe me, you have no idea. Now fuck off.”

Radditz chuckles, “Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” He looks at me, eyes trailing over me appraisingly until I feel my skin tighten at the scrutiny. I’m surprised to see a tail coiled around his waist and even more surprised when it begins to…flick at me. The stink of him is filling my nose, and for some reason I am suddenly reminded of Son Goku’s stench.

“Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve fucked one of your kind before.” He laughs, “Hmmm…maybe I should. I’ve been cooped up in that ship for quite a while.” He takes a few steps towards me, his smirk nearly a leer.

I growl angrily – I am not going to just fall on my knees for this arrogant bastard. “Do you want to die?” I begin to gather my ki – there is no way I will let him take me without a fight.

Radditz touches the device he wears over his eye and it suddenly lights up with strange patterns. I feel something vaguely electrical sweep over me and I suspect it is some type of probe.

He sighs, shaking his head with false sorrow. “This is so tiring. Your power level is only 320. You can’t keep me from taking what I want - you’d be a fool to attack me with such an insufficient power.”

Conceited bastard. I need to stall him – think of some way to defeat him, since a one on one battle is likely to fail with ki like his. “Why are you here? What do you want this Kakarott person for anyway?” Maybe if I help him with this he will leave. His power level is sure to attract Son Goku’s attention – I’m surprised it hasn’t already.

Radditz laughs, “I’m not sure you really want to know, green man. Kakarott is my brother. He was sent here as an infant about twenty years ago-.”

“You came all this way to recover a body?” I interrupt. An infant – alone? It couldn’t have survived.

He smirks. “There is nothing on this mud-ball strong enough to kill a Saiyan – even a child – especially since you have a moon. That worthless weakling was more than capable of completing his mission of terminating all life forms on this planet. I’m here to find out why he hasn’t – and make him finish the job before we leave.”

I’m horrified at this disclosure – this alien animal is a threat to my birthright – my destiny. This planet is mine to rule. I have to stop him somehow. The problem is, his ki is so high I doubt an attack will have any real impact on the monster.

I wonder why he has waited so long to retrieve his brother – and why he would want to kill everyone. What is the point of wiping out everyone – who would be left to rule over?

If I can’t kill him in battle, I need another method to remove this threat. I may have to play along with him…seem to cooperate. Maybe I can catch him with his guard down – or if that doesn’t work, get him to change his mind.

“If he was sent here as an infant, how are you going to recognize him?” I ask. I watch him carefully, noticing how his tail his coiling lazily, the more it moves, the heavier the stink of musk in the air. He really is nothing more than an animal – an extremely powerful animal. I have to find some kind of weakness in him. I adjust my stance slightly to appear less threatening. If I’m lucky, I can get him to disclose something useful. “How will you even know what he looks like? There are billions of people on this planet – how will you find one person among them?”

“He is a Saiyan, green man. His ki will be higher than any of the weak creatures on this planet. He will also have a tail like mine.” He grins. “You like my tail, don’t you? You keep watching it.”

I smirk back at him. Maybe I can lull him into a false sense of security – get him to let his guard down. He hasn’t stopped studying my body and his scent has changed. I suspect he is becoming aroused and I’m beginning to wonder if the animal thinks with his dick. Disgusting – but easier to manipulate. “It does seem to have a great deal of…flexibility.” I’ve just remembered where I’ve seen a tail like that before – on Son Goku. Is it possible that animal is the one Radditz is looking for?

He chuckles, “You have no idea how…flexible it is…Piccolo.” The way he says my name – it is almost a purr. He advances closer, much too close for comfort, and it is all I can do not to retreat. His massive fingers are suddenly twisted in my gi and he jerks me closer, my hand instinctively going against his chest for balance. “I have time for a little recreation,” he grins, “Maybe a quick fuck is just what I need. There’s no rush to find Kakarott; after twenty years, what’s one more day?”

“Let me go, you asshole,” I demand, my punch ineffective against his armor.

“Go ahead – fight me – I like it better that way.” Radditz smirks and dips his head to sniff at my neck, ignoring my attempts to escape. I swear I hear him purr before a damp tongue glides over my skin. “You don’t taste half-bad for an alien.”

He rips my gi top away and I stagger back as if in shock. He’s doing just what I expected. I take my stance and glare at him, “Now listen to me! I have no intention of fucking you!”

You’re not going to be the one doing the fucking.”

I growl in annoyance at him. He is just standing there, absently fingering the fabric, confidence rolling from him. He likes it when I fight? Good. “All right, I’m done playing games with you. If that’s the way you want it!” I charge my hand, throwing a powerful blast of ki at the animal. The attack is enough to kill any human, but as expected, means nothing to this bastard. When the dust clears, I can see him; Radditz is still standing.

“Impressive! You actually managed to singe some of my leg hairs.” He suddenly launches himself at me, the full weight of his body slamming into me, forcing my back into the ground.

“Get the hell off me!’ I demand, trying to shove him away. He’s huge, the stink of him overwhelming my senses. My angry growl is continuous and my rage triggers recognition – I know that scent – he smells just like that bastard Son Goku. The scent, the tail, the strength… this arrogant bastard must be looking for him.

His hands are everywhere, pinching and squeezing my flesh, totally disregarding my vain attempts to dislodge him. I quickly realize I am not going to be able to dissuade him – he is going to fuck me whether I cooperate or not. I have to figure out a way to use this – and quickly; he isn’t wasting any time. My pants are already shredded, mere scraps of fabric barely covering me.

“I know where Kakarott is,” I gasp as he captures my wrists with a massive hand, pinning them over my head. He has to think I am desperate, I realize, as a strange, half-formed plan begins to take shape. “I can take you to him.”

Radditz grins down at me, his entire weight crushing me to the rocky ground. I can feel his erection through the fabric still covering him, the heat pressing against my stomach. “I know where he is as well, green man.” He uses his free hand to press something on the device on his face, and it begins to chirp wildly. He points. “He’s over that way – moving, but not too fast.”

I scowl. I was right. He pointed straight at Son Goku’s ki. But they are so different – Goku would never do what this beast Radditz was trying to do. How can I use this?

“He won’t kill the humans,” I growl as he pins me, shifting his weight in order to shove his pants down just enough to free his heavy erection. “He’s nothing like you-“

“I told you, green man, he is a Saiyan. They are weak – he will enjoy killing them.”

I stare up at him, barely resisting, meeting his black eyes. I have to make him think I might be a better ally than Son Goku.

“You’re wrong – he’s different. The idiot thinks he is some kind of hero…he protects these creatures. He’s going to fight you.”

“That’s alright,” he grins, “I don’t mind. Too bad you aren’t strong enough – even two of you wouldn’t be much of a challenge. Pity. A decent fight would be fun.”

I’ll fight you,” I hiss as he flips me onto my stomach, struggling enough to make it seem like I’m trying to get away. Could this be a way to get rid of Son Goku permanently? “I can--!” I bite back my curse, gritting my teeth as the animal slams his cock into me with a grunt. If I were one of the weak humans I would be screaming in pain, but my body can change size, adjusting and adapting instantly – but he doesn’t have to know that.

“Yes,” he growls, “yes. Nice and tight, just the way I like it.”

“Bastard,” I spit, as his massive arm curls around my waist, fingers of his other hand pressed bruisingly into my hip. He grunts and groans like the animal he is, his body hot against mine. The smell of his musk is overwhelming. His hair swings and sways, tangling and sticking to his sweat covering both of us as he pounds his flesh against mine.

I debate making my passage larger, taking away some of his enjoyment, but I quickly decide against it – I need him to want me alive. Instead, I decrease my size slightly and he growls his approval. I allow myself to become aroused, my own erection hardening as he thrusts against me, repeatedly burying himself; I might have to put up with this animal temporarily, but there’s no reason not to enjoy myself in the meantime. At least he is large enough, and strong enough, to give me some pleasure. Problem is…

“If you’re going to fuck me,” I growl between grunts, “Do it right. Harder, damn it!”

He snarls, and his hand curls around my throat, jerking me up so my ear is next to his mouth. “You want me to fuck you harder? Do you want to die?”

“Try,” I hiss.

He roars and releases my throat. I barely catch myself before my face hits the ground, hands clutching at rock and sand as his ki climbs. His next thrust is brutal, shoving me over the hard ground.

“Yes!” I howl. He might be an uncivilized animal, but no one else on this planet has been able to give me this. I curl my hand around my erection, pumping myself in time to his cock slamming into me. “Rad-i-!” I can’t even finish his name before his massive hand is wrapped around my erection, almost crushing in strength. His motion is more of a squeeze than a stroke and the pain makes my body sing.

My plan is temporarily forgotten as his overwhelming size and power drives me to levels of pleasure I have never before reached. I might hate him – and his bastard brother – but he is a damn good fuck. I scream in release, muscles convulsing as he buries himself one last time with a roar of power.


“He’s not going to cooperate,” I tell Radditz, watching with annoyance as the arrogant bastard pulls his boots back on. After the first time, he had removed his own clothing and the feel of his skin against mine nearly made me forget any pleasure I had previously experienced. He was a sweaty, disgusting animal, and the heat pouring from him made me shudder. I resisted more this time, but to no effect – now that he knew it wouldn’t kill me, he fucked me even harder. By the third time, I was too sated to even put up a hint of protest.

“He’s a Saiyan. I’m offering him the universe,” he shrugs, still not understanding the creature I know as Goku. “Kakarott will leap at the chance.”

I growl and remake my clothing, scowling at the idiot for his stubbornness. It’s amazing how one-track his mind is. “You are going to be disappointed,” I say, shaking my head. “He’ll do his best to protect this planet from you. He might even kill you.”

Radditz laughs. “Not possible. His ki is barely higher than yours….and you know what I did to you.”

“Bastard. Maybe I will help him,” I snap.

He snorts in amusement. “I doubt it. It is obvious you hate him…although it might be fun.” He pulls the bracer around his wrist tight, snapping it in place. “Maybe I will fuck him too.”

“No!” I make myself blush instantly. I’ve managed to manipulate him so far; I’m still alive – now I have to make him think I actually want his attention – more than Son Goku would.

He grins and is pressed against me in one quick stride. “What?” he purrs, pinching hard and scratching me, tormenting and teasing through the fabric of my gi, “Is this jealousy I hear? You liked it that much, green man?”

I scowl and bend my neck, watching his hand. It’s working. He believes I actually want more. “I can bring him to you,” I mutter. “We can fight…”

His fingers curl around my neck and he uses his thumb to tilt my head up to look at him. I don’t snarl at him. This is a dangerous game – he could kill me if I don’t play him just right.

“Do I understand you right, Piccolo?” he purrs, “Do you want to help me?”

His hand tightens around my throat until all I can do is gasp, “Yes.” His hand shifts slightly and I can feel the unspoken message – ‘I can kill you in an instant’. I spend a heartbeat wondering if I have made a mistake; maybe he isn’t as easy to manipulate as I first believed.

Then his mouth is against mine, his tongue forcing its way past my lips. He pushes his tongue across my sharp teeth, drawing blood and I can taste the copper in my mouth. I groan into his mouth when I feel myself becoming aroused as the sensation of impending death pours through me; this is an opponent I can never hope to defeat in ordinary combat, and I’m suddenly not sure if I want to. I am light-headed at the lack of air, and clutch at his arm, trying to get him to loosen his grip. All I’m aware of is the heat of his body against mine and the thick feel of his blood on my tongue. His other hand suddenly grabs my already throbbing cock, pulling roughly, and I lose control, my nails burying themselves in the arm I was trying to free myself from as I come in a painful rush.

He laughs and releases me, letting me fall to my knees before him. I can’t meet his eyes as I shudder in reaction, gasping for air. All I can see is his smirking mouth as he licks away the blood I drew. “You are certainly entertaining, Piccolo – even more fun than Zarbon.” His tail twitches once more before settling around his waist. “I think I’ll let you live for awhile longer – I’ll find you when I’m ready to play again. You can do what you want to for now… even ‘help’ me if you think you can…but if you get in my way I will kill you.”

I’m instantly forgotten as he presses a button on the device he calls a scouter, and it chirps in response. “Kakarott has stopped moving. Good. No sense in chasing him around the planet,” he says to himself. He rises into the air and flies away at an incredible rate of speed.

This guy could be a problem.


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