Flight of the Foxes: Disrupting the Peace

Published Nov 16, 2006, 1:57:04 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 1, 2006, 3:43:50 AM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

The story of a 13-year-old as she travels in the world of the online RPG Game The Pumpkin Kingdom.

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Chapter 2: Disrupting the Peace


What is living? Why do we live?


Is it even necessary?




I remember when I was first introduced to the game. My cousin, Amanda and I had been walking home from school when she told me what happened that morning…


“You guys, you guys!” her friend Lindsey had called, running to the table she and her friends sat at in the morning or at lunch. “She's gone, Brittany is gone!”


“Well yeah she's gone, she's at a dentist appointment,” Amanda had said.


Slamming her hands onto the table Lindsey screamed, “No, she was sucked into my computer! I was too, but for some reason I was able to get out.”


“Of course she was sucked into the computer,” Amanda rolled her eyes.


“No listen to me! Brittany and I were playing this game called The Pumpkin Kingdom and we were sucked into the computer and…” She was interrupted by the security guard.


“Ma'am, you're disrupting the peace, I think you should come with me.” Lindsey struggled to get out of the guards' grip but it didn't work. She was taken away.




“The Pumpkin Kingdom, c'mon Amanda, let's play it! I want to be sucked into the computer too!” I joked around.


“Okay then,” Amanda smiled mischievously.


When we got to her house we went onto the computer and found the site on the Internet. “Do you dare enter The Pumpkin Kingdom?” It said. We clicked on the glowing Jack-o-lantern in the middle of the screen. Then it happened; all of a sudden I was in the game.


The first time I was “sucked in” I couldn't remember what it felt like, after I was sucked in a few more times I learned to open my senses and I could see and feel everything around me as it happened. It was like a cold green mist came out of the computer and crept around my body. It was a thick mist that blocked my vision and chilled my body to the point that I felt nauseous. Then a sharp jolt pierced me along my spinal cord, with a tugging sensation in my gut. The next thing I knew I was falling through the mist hearing screaming and maniacal laughing. Then I reawaken in The Pumpkin Kingdom.


After all of my adventures in The Pumpkin Kingdom, I'd have to say that my first journey there was my favorite. The game asked me all sorts of strange questions, like what my favorite animal and color was. What my hobbies were. Finally when the questions were over, my character was born.



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