Nameless: A place to stay

Published Jul 30, 2007, 11:21:28 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 30, 2007, 11:21:28 AM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

A young girl lives with her psychotic mother who is battling with depression. Soon the attacks and weeping becomes too much for the youngster and she feels the only way she can really be free and safe s if she runs away.

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Chapter 3: A place to stay

The young girl and Josh arrived at his house not long after, he opened the door and let them both in

The young girl and Josh arrived at his house not long after, he opened the door and let them both in. The house wasn't very large, in fact it was a lot smaller then the one that she and her mum live in. The girl couldn't understand this, she and her mum lived on disability benefits, Josh was a doctor. Yet the house she lived in was larger then his.

“Make yourself at home.” Josh said to the girl as he put his keys down on the coffee table. The bottom floor of the house was open plan, as soon as they walked in you came to the living room, the dining room and kitchen were also attached, the only thing separating was a small counter where Josh obviously ate his dinner.

“Thank you.” The girl replied as she sat down on the sofa, placing the holdall down with a thud next to her. She looked around the room trying to take in her new surroundings. This would be where she would be spending the night, in the doctors' home. She never thought she'd finally see the home that Josh lived in. She would cherish this moment as she knew another one would never come. If Josh had his way, by tomorrow she would be back in her home. Fighting off her depressed mother once again. The social services, the doctors, the psychiatrists, nobody believed her plight. Nobody believe her mother to be a dangerous woman, only when she was dead would they really believe her. Would they really take notice, not only would one person's life be destroyed, but two would as her mother wouldn't be able to take the strain of having to answer to the police.

“Are you ok?” Josh asked the girl, she came back from her own thoughts and looked at him. Slightly teary eyed, she wiped away the salty tears from her cheers.

“I was just thinking…will you phone up my mother tomorrow and tell her…I'm here?” The young girl asked Josh. He looked at her, not wanting to answer her forth-right question. She knew the truth, so there was no point in even lying to her.

“I have to, your mother is a patient at out hospital. Also they would investigate me for kidnap, and I just can't be dealing with that at the moment.” The girl looked at Josh. She didn't want to get him into trouble, he was a really nice person. Nicer then most people that she has ever met.

“I don't want to get you into trouble.” The girl said to Josh, he looked at her and smiled. If she just did everything she was told she wouldn't get him into trouble in the slightest. He could handle her staying at the house for one night only, but he also knew that if his mother found out she was a runaway she would be out of the house as fast as possible.

“Don't worry, just…don't tell my mum you ran away. She'll flip.” The girl looked at Josh, surprised that he still lived with his mother. She thought that a man like him would have left his family home by now and moved onto bigger and better things. Josh walked back into the kitchen where he put water in the kettle, ready to boil for a nice hot cup of brew. The girl got up from the sofa and walked around the room. Looking at the many pictures that were on the mantelpiece, tables and desks. Most of the pictures were of Josh and a mystery woman who the girl had never seen before. Josh walked back into the room, carrying two cups of hot tea. He gave one to the girl and proceeded to drink one himself.

“Who is that girl in the pictures?” The curious girl asked. Josh looked at the girl, and she looked back at him. He was doing his best not to cry, the girl could see it was a subject he was uncomfortable with. “I'm sorry if I upset you. You don't have to…” She started to say. Josh stopped her from talking.

“It's ok, don't worry. The girl was my fiancé, when we were just 18 years of age. She…killed herself. Commit suicide. It was depression that finally killed her off. She just couldn't take the pain anymore.” The girl looked at Josh, it made sense as to why he thought she should stick by her mother. She now understood why he didn't want her to leave her mother alone, the chances of her killing herself were more minute when she was there with her.

“That's why you think I should be with my mother. To stop her from killing herself.” The girl said to Josh, he slowly nodded his head. Tears rolling down his face as he thought of his dead fiancé. The girl put her tea down and hugged Josh, she didn't realise asking such a question would upset him so badly.

“I'm sorry I upset you.” The girl said, Josh shook his head and they broke away from one another. The girl looked at the sadness in his eyes, the same sadness she looked at her mother with when she had freaked out.

“It's ok, don't worry about it. You have enough on your mind.” Josh replied. “Are you hungry?” The girl nodded her head, she hadn't eaten anything properly during the day. She only had one thing on her mind, which was getting out of the house as soon as physically possible. “I'll make us something to eat then.” Josh replied as he walked into the kitchen. The young girl walked over to the sofa and once again sat down. She felt awful about making Josh cry, it wasn't the impression she wanted to make on him. She thought he was a lovely person, she could hear the sound of pots and pans out in the kitchen as Josh began to make their dinner for the night. The girl sat and stared, thinking about her next plan of action. She couldn't stay with Josh as she knew he would tell her mother, but she also knew that she had to be there for her mother. She had to make her feel better, she couldn't just abandon her in her time of need.

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