Nameless: Nameless

Published Jul 30, 2007, 11:21:28 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 30, 2007, 11:21:28 AM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

A young girl lives with her psychotic mother who is battling with depression. Soon the attacks and weeping becomes too much for the youngster and she feels the only way she can really be free and safe s if she runs away.

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Chapter 6: Nameless


“Mum?” The girl stated as she looked at Mary-Anne. She could see the crazed look in her mothers eyes. The girl sat by Josh, seeing that even though he was severely injured there was still some life in him. Mary-Anne went to lunge at Josh one last time, but the girl prevented her from hitting him. She shielded him from the blows, taking the glass in her back. Screams of pain could be heard around the block. Still her mother didn't stop, stabbing her only daughter in the back, time after time. Not caring she was causing her immense pain. Finally the frenzied attack stopped, the girl lay, still, seemingly lifeless. Her breathing light, so light that Mary-Anne believed she had finally killed her daughter.

She left the broken bottle near the body of her daughter and Josh. Both still alive, but only barely. They clung on, the thought of being together the thing that was keeping them both alive. Collectively they must have lost around 7 or 8 pints of blood in the frenzied attack by the girls own depressed mother. The girl got off Josh, she moved only an inch but then collapsed on the floor in immense pain. She screamed for help, somebody had to have heard. They were in a road with many houses.

“Help me please!” The girl screamed, there was nothing. Complete silence. She realised it was a waste of time, and lay on the floor, crying her eyes out. Josh's breathing became quieter and quieter, the girl could sense this. She moved so she was looking at Josh. “Please, don't leave me. Please.” She said, tears falling down her blood stained cheeks. She could see Josh's strength was depleting rapidly.

It seemed like hours before help came, a woman was walking past the scene. The girl was barely alive, and her love Josh had died due to wounds sustained in the attack. He didn't have a chance of life. The girls breathing was shallow, the woman picked up her mobile phone and called the police and an ambulance.

“Ambulance please...I've found a young girl and boy who have been severely stabbed. The boy is dead, but the girl is still alive. I'm on Richmond Road. Ok thank you.” The woman disconnected the phone and sat with the girl. “Hello. Hello can you hear me?” The woman said, the girl beside her stirred. She opened her eyes a little, looking up at the woman. “Hello, what is your name?” She asked, the girls breathing became more and more shallow. Her wounds were still bleeding, the immense pain she felt was dying though, she knew that this would likely be the end of her life.

“My name…is…” She stopped talking, her eyes closed, her head fell lifeless to the floor. The woman checked for a pulse there was nothing. The young girl like the man besides her had died of severe wounds. If only somebody got to her sooner.

Mary-Anne opened the door, and fell into her house. She was covered in blood, blood that wasn't her own. She had fatally stabbed three people, Rita, Josh and her own daughter. All three dead because of her psychotic depression. Because she wanted to be alone, she hated herself for what she done, and wanted to get rid of any evidence that proved her daughter was even alive. Mary-Anne ran to the desk where she kept all the important information, she took it out of the draw and burned it. The birth certificate of her child among the flames. Mary-Anne sat, looking as the flames destroyed the evidence that her daughter was in fact hers. The only piece of paper, the only person that knew the name of her daughter, and it was being destroyed right before her very eyes. Her daughter was officially nameless.

The ambulance arrived to two bodies, the woman told the paramedics that the young girl was arrived when she phoned but she had lost her battle. The police had come with them, they had to, it was a stabbing incident. Most likely a murder, the police asked the woman questions and cordoned off the scene so that there was no contamination. They had to try and find out who done this hideous crime. They had been called to a stabbing earlier, they found a woman who was alive but barely. She later died in hospital, the circumstances were the same, the stabbings identical. The instrument used was a broken bottle in both cases. It could have only been the same person who done the crime. The police officers took the woman away from the bodies, and took her to the car, so that they could ask more questions. They didn't believe it was her, but they had to be sure.

The forensics officers had been called, they started to get to work. The police didn't believe they would find anything though, the likelihood was that this crime was going to go unsolved like many in the area that they live. Whoever this people were, they suffered immensely, the number of wounds collectively were around 120, this being on all three bodies. The police officers knew this wasn't a random attack, somebody set about killing these three people, and making sure it was done properly. The forensics allowed the bodies to be moved, they worked on the scene, trying to get as much DNA evidence as possible off the scene of the crime. They all wanted to nail the bastard that done this to these poor people. Made them unrecognisable. The police would never rest until they caught the killer, until they made sure he or she was put behind bars for the rest of their lives.

“My name is Mary-Anne Jeehan, and I have come to confess to a murder.” Mary-Anne said as she went to the front desk of the police station. She hadn't wiped the blood off her hands, or her body. She wanted them to have the evidence, to know that she was deadly serious. The receptionist buzzed to the detective to come to the front desk, she had one look at the woman and called the uniformed officers to take her into the interrogation room. She didn't follow them in, instead she walked to the other side and looked through the two way mirror. It was a thing she couldn't face, the killer of a girl that was only a child. But she knew she had to face her fears, she went out of the room, and walked into the interrogation room, she sat down opposite Mary-Anne. Just as she was about to ask what happened, Mary-Anne spoke.

“I killed them, Josh Wight, Rita Wight and…my daughter.” Mary-Anne said not looking at the detective.

“What was your daughters name?”

“She didn't have one…” The detective moved back onto her chair, looking perplexed at the killer of the girl. “She was nameless.” The detective called in the uniformed officers, she had got a confession on tape and the blood stained clothing. She didn't want to spend a minute longer with this woman. The woman who ensured her daughter died alone and nameless.

You did all you could. To ensure I died without a name, to ensure your depression overshadowed my life. I was nothing by the end, people walked over me. They pretended I wasn't alive, all because of you. The only one to care about me was Josh, and that was cruelly taken away by you, my life also. You never cared about me, you wanted me dead. You have your wish now mum, I am dead, just like my father. I have died, with no name, with no soul. You took everything from me, including my depression. You saw I was ill, yet you pretended you were the one ill. You weren't ill though, in fact…you were the one who was well.

My depression was overshadowed by your stupidity, my name taken by you. I am now nameless, your real name is Makayla Riane Jeehan. My name…was Mary-Anne Jeehan You took my name, now my name is…


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