Love of Bloodsuckers: LoB Chapter 10

Published Oct 17, 2008, 5:13:29 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 18, 2011, 9:29:18 AM | Total Chapters 16

Story Summary

1st pov Ongoing! 16+ (A bit smutty in later chapters) Lack of details. Please over look and use your imagation and enjoy. Nami meets the perfect man, Lin but...

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Chapter 10: LoB Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“-mi? Nami?” Lin whispered, his breath tickled my neck.
“Mmm?” I slightly awoke. His lips kissed my neck, and I giggled, “Quit it, that tickles.”. I felt his fangs on my neck suddenly, I opened my eyes and saw it was Rafe instead of Lin holding me with fog around me. I screamed, waking up from my dream. I was still at the table. I swallowed some water, when the phone rang. I looked at the clock it was 3 pm.

“Hello?” I answered the phone but got nothing but static. I hung it up and looked at Lin.

He was still sleeping peacefully as was Ken and Mori. I found myself next to Lin. I gently touched his cheek. He wasn’t hardly even breathing. Do Vampires breath? I thought, touching his lips, then caressed his fang tip that was showing. It is sharp, I thought, taking my hand away slowly.

My stomach growled, telling me it was time I eat something. I went to my fridge and prepared a meal for me. I ate it, and turned on the TV.

“There were several victims in the Provenience section of town today. Five of the victims looked to have their blood drained from them.” The TV said. That’s not far from here, I thought, watching.
“Some said that they saw a man and a dog of some kind walking the streets last night before the killings.” I wide eyed, Rafe and Gene? “Police are asking if anyone know-” I turned off the TV.
“The police? What can they do?” I asked, looking at the sleeping men. “Rafe is on his way.” I said, going to the window and peeking out. The phone rang again and I jumped.

“Hello?” I asked. Static filled the receiver, “Hello?”.
“Have you consider my offer, Nami?” Rafe asked.
I wide eyed, and gasped, “Rafe?”.
His chuckle came through the receiver, “You thought I wasn’t serious? I am.”.
“What do you want?” I asked.
“You know. You. I want you.” Rafe said.
“Why? Why do you want me?” I glanced over at the sleeping Lin.
“Why, You ask?” He said, as the static flared some, then he chuckles, “For revenge, of course.”
“Revenge?” I asked, the phone line corded around my fingers, “Against Lin?”.
“Exactly.” He said, “You see, Him and I are not only nemesis’s but we have something in common as well.”.
I swallowed, “Leave Lin alone.”
“I will, I will, as long as you do as I offered.” He said, the static got worse then quit, his breathing was smooth, and calm.
“You want me to sleep with you, right?” I asked.
“Right.” He answered smoothly.
“Isn’t there anything else that doesn’t involve sex with you?” I asked.
“What’s wrong that you don’t want me? I’m good looking, right? I know you find me attractive. I felt the spike of you heart rate when we first meet yesterday. The blood pounding through you veins, as you was getting we-”.
“Stop!” I said loudly, then glances at them, they were still sleeping. “I don’t know what you’re talking about! I love Lin.”.
“I know.” He said with vain, “Linny poo wins again. He always has ever since we were young. Father always loved him best.”.
“Father?” I asked, blinking, “What do you mean?”
“How about you come over to my place and we can… Discuss this face to face, body to body.” he chuckles, “We can make a deal, and I will leave and never ever bother Lin dear again. Come to..” He said an address and hanged up. I looked back at Lin and the others as they slept. “What should I do?” I whispered, and looked at the clock, 4:35pm.

“Come to 305 Fieldsman street. It’s the big scary mansion on the hill, you can’t miss it. Come soon, or I will come and Linny poo and I will have it out there, and you will see him turn to ash.” Rafe’s voice echoed, as I stepped in front of the mansion. The sun was still high in the sky.
“Forgive me, Lin.” I whispered as the door opened and Rafe stood in the door way.

“I am glad you came, Nami. Come in, come in.” Rafe grinned.


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