Love of Bloodsuckers: LoB Chapter 14

Published Oct 17, 2008, 5:13:29 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 18, 2011, 9:29:18 AM | Total Chapters 16

Story Summary

1st pov Ongoing! 16+ (A bit smutty in later chapters) Lack of details. Please over look and use your imagation and enjoy. Nami meets the perfect man, Lin but...

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Chapter 14: LoB Chapter 14

 Chapter 14

I didn’t know how many days I slept. Or where I was. I didn’t know if Lin was near me or if he hated me or himself. I was coming out of the darkness, and my eyes slightly opened. I was still a little weak. I didn’t know how much blood Lin took. Was he still here? Where ever I was.

“Nami?” That was Rafe’s voice. Where was Lin? Why wasn’t he there? I felt a hand take mine. “Nami?” He repeated.
“Lin.” I whispered, “Where‘s Lin?” I forced my eyes opened, and saw Rafe by the bed in a chair. I was moved from the other bedroom in another. This one was lighter, and brighter. It was daytime, the sun shined through the opened curtains.

“Lin, left.” Rafe said, looking far away.
“He left. Why?” My voice cracked. I was about to cry. He left. Again.
“Nami, he…. He raped you.”
“No!” I yelled, but pained ceased me, and I hissed. 
Rafe leaned over me and touched my face. “Calm down Nami. Please.”
I tried to calm, but why did he leave? “He didn’t rape me, Rafe.” 
Rafe looked at me, as his hand caressed my cheek, “Lin believes he did.”
“No. Where is he? Where did he go?”
“He went back to that house. Mori went with him. Ken stayed here.”
“He couldn’t bare the thought that he raped you, and he is shamed that you hate him for what happened.”
“I’m not. Rafe, did you tell him?”
He nods, “I told him that we are brothers, and there was nothing between us, but he still hates himself. He might do something to himself.”
“What?!” I yelled and tried to get up but Rafe held me. 
“No, Nami, you aren’t well enough yet.” 
“Let me go! Please!” I said struggling, “I need to go to him!” 
“Nami!” Rafe scowled. I stopped struggling. “Mori is with him. He won’t let Lin hurt himself.” 
I felt tears in my eyes, “Rafe, I love him so much.” Rafe hugged me as I cried into his chest. 

Rafe glanced at Gene who was by the door. Gene was wearing pants at least this time. “You’re wearing… clothes.” I said.
“I was forced to. Ken complained about it.” Gene rolled his red eyes, “He’s such a goody two shoes for a wolf.”
I smiled, and laughed for the first time. 
Gene’s cheeks redden and he turned around, “After he leaves, I’m tearing these pants off.”
“Gene, those are mine! You better not!” Rafe hissed.
I laughed, then stopped feeling my neck it was bandaged.
Rafe grabbed my hand, “No, leave it alone. It’s still healing.”.
“I’m not a vampire, am I?” I asked. 
“You. You thought you would turn if Lin bites you?” 
“If I became a vampire, Lin and I can marry. But, I don’t feel any different. I’m not am I.”
Rafe confirms it, by shaking his head, “You can’t become a vampire, Nami. Not by a bite.”.
“Then how?” I asked.
“Nami, the human versions of vampires, are wrong. A human can’t be turned into a vampire. Ever.”
“Oh.” I lowered my head and cried silently. Rafe held me.

The sun was about to go down and I dressed. I about fell when Gene caught me at the door. “Where are you going?”
Gene lifted a red brow, “Out? You aren’t well enough to go anywhere.”
“I need to see Lin.” I touched his shoulder and he jumped. “Please, Gene.”
“I-” Gene’s face redden, and it looked like he was about to sweat.
“What is wrong with you?” I asked him. But Rafe answered instead behind me,”He’s going through Heat, like Lin. If you don’t want to be raped, I advise you to let the poor guy go.” I let him go like he was a hot pan. Rafe chuckles, as Gene glared at him and left “I’m so glad I don’t go through that. One good thing about being half human.” He glanced at me, “ Now where do you think you’re going, Nami?”
“To Lin.” I stated and walked by him. He took my hand and stopped me. “Rafe. I want to see him.”

“I’ll take you.” Rafe said. I looked back at him. “Really?”
 He nodded, “Yes, Nami. I feel that I am the one more responsible than Lin is. I fueled his jealously, and made you come here. I knew he would come and get you. I caused him to go insane that moment. I also caused his bloodlust to kick in, and that nearly killed you. I’m sorry Nami.”
“Rafe.” I patted his hand. “I forgive you, Rafe.” I smiled.
“Nami?” Rafe whispered, and he kissed me. His hand touched my cheek, “I wished you loved me instead, Nami. But, as long as you are happy, and Lin is happy, that’s all I want now.”
“Rafe.” He smiled, and I wished I could love him, but Lin was my heart.
“Let’s go.” Rafe said, and helped me to Lin’s. I only hope Lin would want to see me.

We arrived at Lin’s. It was dark inside. Nobody was around. Or so it seemed. “Lin?!” I yelled as I stepped into the house, Rafe was behind me. “Lin?” I yelled again, nothing. “Lin, Please?” I yelled again, more dire. My heart thumped in my chest.

“Nami?” Lin’s voice came out of the darkness, and my heart flipped.
“Lin!” I said going to him.
“Stop.” And I halted. He was sitting in a chair it looked like but it was too dark to see.
“I did something, to you, Nami. I gave in to my bloodlust, and I raped you.”
“No!” I yelled. “No, Lin. You didn’t rape me. I-’
“What would you call it Nami? I remember, I held you down and I-” Lin choked, “I forcibly entered you. My fangs ripped through your precious skin and I drank your blood. I forced you. I raped you.”
“Lin, no. Lin, it wasn’t rape.”
“I was rough, wasn’t I?”
“Yes, but-”
“I held you down, didn’t I?”
“Yes, but Lin-”
“Why are you here, Nami?”
“I love you!” I yelled, crying. He sounded sad and my heart was breaking. He was hurting.
He was silent then. Sat there. I felt his eyes on me.
“Rafe?’ Lin said, and my heart jumped.
“Yes?” Rafe stepped beside me.
“Take her away. I don’t want her to see.” Lin said.
“What?!” I yelled. Where was Mori in all this? 
“Lin, you need to listen-”
 Lin growls, Rafe stops, “Take her away.”
Rafe stood staring at Lin. I knew they saw each other plainly. “No.” Rafe said.
“No?” Lin repeated.
“This is my fault, Lin.”
“You wasn’t the one who was on her and raping her while he fed, Rafe. I was. I gave into bloodlust and jealously.”
“Lin, I wanted you!” I said shocking them both. 
“Nami?” Lin asked.
“I wanted you. I wanted you to bite me. I thought I could be turned, but..”
“And the rape? Did you want that?”
“It wasn’t rape, Lin! I liked it!” I gasped as the words left my mouth. Rafe was surprised and he gaped at me, with a flushed face.
“I be damned!” Rafe said.

I blushed and forced myself to look at Lin. I couldn’t see him but I knew he could see me. My red face. “It wasn’t rape…” I said softly, and covered my mouth. I didn’t know if I was to giggle or cry, maybe both.

“Lin if you don’t want her, I’ll take her.” Rafe joked, laughing. I busted out laughing and crying at the same time. I’ve become much of a pervert as Rafe. I didn’t know Lin was next to me, until he grabbed me and hugged me to him. My face buried into chest. I was crying “I love you, Lin.”
“I love you.” He choked, from crying or laughing, maybe both as well.
“Rafe you can leave now.” Lin said. Rafe nods, smiling and winked at us and left. “Where’s Mori?” I asked as he picked me up and was walking up the stairs. “I forgot.” Lin smiled and kissed me.

Where was Mori? That was never answered until morning. I found him tied up in a closet. “MMMMM! MMMM!” He struggled against his binds and gag in his mouth. I laughed, I couldn’t help it. Mori stopped and growled, glaring at me. ‘You Bitch! Get me outta this! And where is that son of a bitch Lin at?!’ I untied him, laughing, “He’s asleep.”. Mori spit out the gag, “You mean he didn’t off himself? Good? Cause, that’s my job now!”. I laughed, falling over. Mori turned to me, “I’m glad you think this is funny!”. Mori suddenly smiled and was laughing with me.

“So, you and Lin made up?” Ken asked, back at the house. “Yes, we made up.” I said, taking his cup of tea he offered. “All night long.” Rafe said sitting beside me. I strangled myself, but I really wanted to strangle him. I glared at him. Rafe grinned, and took a sip of his tea. Gene was sitting in a chair on the other side of the room. Glaring at me, or Rafe, probably both of us. “Is something wrong with Gene?” I asked Rafe lowlike. 

Rafe glanced at him then back and said, “He’s just a little cranky from his heat. He never released himself from it while in heat”. “Oh.” I blushed. Release it? “How could he release it?” I found myself asking. Rafe smirked. Gene growled, “Don’t you dare tell, Rafe.”. Rafe chuckles, “You’ll have to, find out for yourself next time.”. I blinked, that wasn’t an answer, and how could I find out next time? “He’ll go back into heat soon, since he never had his release.”. I blushed, and glanced at the glaring and fuming Gene. His red hair matched his red face. He was very hot. I laughed at that inside. I was wondering how he released the heat. Oh my god, I’m becoming more of a pervert than Rafe! I laughed out load, while they gaped at me.

I never did found out how Gene released his heat. They went back to their house, and I stayed with Lin. It was dark again, and we sat on the back porch, holding each other, looking up at the moon on the swing. It was romantic. I looked at him and found he was looking at me. We kissed.
“Yes, my love?”
“How do you release yourself from heat?”
He choked, “Wh-what?”
“well, Rafe and Gene was here early, and Gene was very cranky. Rafe said he never released himself from his heat. I asked how but he never answered. Gene wouldn’t let him.”
Lin laughed.
“I wouldn’t blame Gene. Nami, I’ve never been in heat before that was my first time. Wolfs go into heat every so often, I believe. Vampire goes into heat once a year, from their first heat. It varies.”
“Oh. That complicate?”
“Yes.” He chuckles and kisses my head. “And if you are still curious about how one releases himself. I am more than willing to show you.”
I Blushed, “Really?”. 
Lin lifts a brow, “I see hanging around Rafe has influenced you too much. You are forbidden to see him so much.”
“Lin?” I love slap his shoulder. I laughed, as he pulled me on top his lap. We kissed. I wanted this to last forever. Our happy time. Will it last? That thinking flew out of my mind as Lin lays me down on the swing. Yeah, forever. Lin covered me and I hoped no one was watching.
Thump, Thump. Mori and Ken sat at the dinner table. Mori drinking his blood from a wine glass, and Ken drinking Tea from a glass. 
“I swear.” Mori said, sitting down his glass, “Do they have to have sex so much?”
Ken laughs, “I thought you would be happy for Lin, to finally have a woman?”
“I am. But this.” Thump, thump, he pointed to the ceiling, where Lin and Nami was, “This is ridiculous! I mean, they just had sex right on the back porch an hour ago! Is Lin still in heat or are they rabbits?”
Ken laughed, then said, sitting his glass down, thump, after thump, Ken glanced up, “Rabbits, defiantly.”
Plus. That’s what it said. Plus. I sat it down and paced my bathroom. I missed my period for last month, since Lin and I made love, and I never thought about it. 
I’m pregnant.
And I will have to tell Lin. How will I tell him? And when?


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