Alvar Gunnarsson

Posted Sep 26, 2009, 1:38:51 PM UTC

 --- English - corrections are welcome ---

[...]He wasn't pretty. He still was as unspectacular as he was, when I have met him the first time. He got a face, which keeps a low profile. His eyes were cavernous, his chin was energetic, the nose as dominant as of all human men. The hair fell in thick waves across his shoulders. His irides were grey like the sea.[...]

--- Deutsch ---

[...]Er war nicht schön. Er war noch immer so unspektakulär wie er es gewesen war, als ich ihn das erste Mal getroffen hatte. Er hatte ein Gesicht, das nicht auffiel. Seine Augen lagen tief, sein Kinn war energisch, die Nase so dominant wie bei allen Menschenmännern. Das Haar fiel ihm in dichten Wellen über die Schultern. Seine Iriden waren meergrau.[...]


I've tested another method of coloring :) I like the way this pic turned out.

It's Alvar, the young Norseman, again.
I wanted to draw him less beautyful than other characters, just normal looking. So he has got droopy eyes like Sylvester Stallone ^^ Nevertheless he looks nice, I think :)

time: ~8h

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  • Oct 5, 2009, 9:43:33 PM UTC
    He does have that sylvester stallone look but much hotter :3 I really love the way it's colored, only maybe blending the hair a bit. But I have tons of trouble with hair so I can't talk about hair. lol
    • Oct 6, 2009, 9:31:08 AM UTC
      The description itself is by one of his fellows - you would characterize him as elf - who hates him first and later loves him unrequited. Alvar himself doesn't know, that he looks nice ^^ he has no self-esteem concerning this matter.

      lol in fact, I hate shading hair XD my grafic pen never does what I want it to. But you're right. I saw that I have worked sloppy in some parts a few days ago. That's something I hate too XD I'll rework it soon I think.
  • Sep 27, 2009, 11:29:10 PM UTC
    I like him! Always nice to see unusual/distinctive facial features like this fellow's got.



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