Loss of Innocence

Posted Jun 11, 2010, 11:04:52 AM UTC

In those dark nights while the fog crept through the empty alleyways of the city Rivén used to think about the stories his mother had told him when he was still a child.
The stories about the Elven Lords, residing in their cities of white stone and silver, having the wisdom of millennia. He had dreamed about wandering through those fabled cities one day but when he said that his mother just smiled. A sad smile.
"You will surely see those cities one day.", she used to say.
She had lied to him. Rivén knew that now. Those days were long gone and the Elven Lords were no more, nor their glorious cities.
The Elves had moved to the cities of the humans, living their live in peasanthood or worse. Nobody cared about their former greatness anymore. They were a pleasant sight and good workers. Nothing more.
Rivén looked down the deserted alley. The shadows seemed to gather around the single light of the streetlamp, with moths trying to fly into the alluring flame. Some days ago one of the elven hustlers had gone missing, his body turning up in the river.
Rivén was afraid but he needed the money or else he would lose that filthy room he called his home. The fog grew denser while he waited for a customer to come...


Inspired by Dragon Age Origin's portrait of the Elves and by the awesome novel I'm just reading. "Der Elben Schlächter" which is something like "The Elven Slaughterer" in English. A German Dark Fantasy/Thriller novel about a murderer who kills Elven hustlers and drains them of all their blood.

Please tell me what you think ^^

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