The Master

Posted Dec 3, 2022, 12:15:57 AM UTC

Character Name: The Master (original name unknown)

Character Age: ~770 years, apears to be 50 -60 

Character Species: Vampire

Hair color: White

Eye color: Yellow on black


Height: 220cm


He's Aras' master and sire. Spends most of his time hanging out in an ice cave. He's a recluse and doesn't get out much, and nobody remembers him, so he's just "The Master". He's been in that cave for so long that his skin has turned blue. Not only does he stay away from people, he doesn't like them and doesn't like the idea of them coming to his cave uninvited and will kick them out in an unpleasant way.

He's a harsh, unforgiving master at times, but gives Aras a lot of freedom and agency. Secretly likes his blood cupcakes, but won't admit it to his apprentice.

The only time he leaves his cave is to drag Aras back home for more training or to disguise himself as some bum when he wants to feast on humans.

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