...Good Morning.

Posted Jan 19, 2023, 5:06:32 AM UTC
Prompt #47 Whether it is their morning cup of coffee, their afternoon tea, some freshly warmed motor oil, or a discreet mug of the red stuff, show your character cozied up and enjoying a warm beverage.


Luis has always been a fan on coffee. To say he survived these 23 years on caffeine alone, would hardly be a stretch. Every morning, the same ritual... More or less. He's been comversing in the Adventure Guild for a while now.


These last few mornings, Luis had been waking up to work on his side project: an experiment to run a condenced fire gem-powered mechanical arm. He had Tact to thank for that little gift, as well as his endless fount of knowledge. Tact, his newfound.... friend, maybe. Ally? Brother...? Hm. He'll figure it out later.*



Of course, there are those saying that caffeine is poisonous to dogs, but those people would be wrong. Luis is not a dog, goddammit... Symptoms be damned.


It is perhaps that, because of this little factoid, most sweeteners are also coincidentally lethal... but Luis likes black coffee.


It's only a matter of time before he builds an immunity, anyway. His stomach can handle it.

It has up to this point.

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  • Jan 20, 2023, 7:18:23 AM UTC
    I LOVE this piece. The contrasting weight of the characters, their expressions and intensity… the colours are so rich, too. You did a beautiful job.