
Posted Apr 3, 2023, 9:02:37 AM UTC

Well yeah, sometimes we saw ourself on a reflection and noticed that we've already change so much. Sometimes changes are for the better and sometimes it just made it worse.


I rushed it and turns out it already passed the deadline lol. I tried water reflection instead of a mirror but it the reflection on the water doesnt really appeal that much /cry

I dont know will this count or not.

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  • Apr 3, 2023, 11:24:48 AM UTC
    Holy moly, the amount of improvement between this piece and the last one you posted is astounding!

    I like how warm the painting is even though you used mostly cool colors. And the background is really well done and brings focus to the foreground and character.
    • Apr 3, 2023, 8:19:09 PM UTC
      Woah, thank you. Tbh I didnt really notice that, thanks for pointing that out :>
      I dont really know art theories
  • Apr 3, 2023, 9:26:37 AM UTC
    EYYY welcome back! ♥ your art has improved so much, this looks amazing!



Violet PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #PD217
231 total points
4 approved points



  • It's about to rain
  • 🦈
  • "This is your idea? Really?"
  • Sea Bunny!!!
  • Going to the beach
  • Golden fish accessories
  • Who are you?
  • Escape attempt?
  • Water?


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