The Gender Bender

Posted May 28, 2023, 8:21:11 AM UTC

I was struck with the urge to draw a host of my characters for this one specifically!


I think Abel would be a very pretty, lithe woman, but still very much his usual personality. Quiet, curious, introspective.

Reyha and Lawliette I think turned out the best and are my favorites. Their builds are outside of my norm but I REALLY loved the challenge, especially how to translate the gender swap while keeping in mind their characters and how to keep them familiar.

Etch and Gwyn are probably my least favorite. I really wasn't sure how to dress Etch for a gender swap, and Gwyn just feels dull. But it was an attempt. ^^;;

OF COURSE, I had to draw Karamei with her girlfriend, and if I'm gender-bending one, I'm gender-bending both. So girlfriends to boyfriends, and equally smitten.

Mio I initially kinda wanted to peek out of a bush and potentially look threatening, but that just wasn't looking right, especially with an otherwise empty canvas. As far as background goes at least. Soooo instead I opted for a sitting pose and playing with how I think they'd use their looks, given they're an Incubus (or for the gender-bend, Succubus) I feel like they turned out very alluring and just vibing. 


All in all, a really good challenge! Especially cause I usually avoid drawing men and male anatomy, so they always turn out a little funny. I've been slowly combating that and practicing in the last little while, but this was a really good exercise. Absolutely recommend trying to gender-swap your characters at least once because you start with a character you're already familiar with, but get to translate how they'd look otherwise, AND get nice anatomy practice. 


Side note, this probably took me 4+ hours and it was extremely relaxing. I had been hyper-focusing on how to be a fast artist and getting across the same shape language but then found myself burning out. Despite getting a lot of work out, I felt kinda like I was churning out generic garbage. While I still want to practice speed, it was nice to just relax and take my time.

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  • May 31, 2023, 3:49:56 AM UTC
    Wow! I really love the composition in this! I don’t have any good tips, only suggestion is to put the names next to each character but honestly not a problem πŸ˜… Great work!
    • Jun 1, 2023, 7:21:07 PM UTC
      Thank you so much! I'm really happy to hear that honestly. <3