Vander Evren

Posted May 29, 2023, 6:08:49 AM UTC

Name: Vander Evren

hair color: silver/white

eye color: black/devoid of existence

personailty: think retired warrior who's just enjoying life. For cannon Philza Minecraft. Laid back, sometimes goofy, good listener- can and will kill you for making their adopted children cry.


bio: Vander Evren used to be named Donati Cravor, but that was when they were alive. 
Donati and his spouse lived a simple life before their house was robbed, during the robbery Donati's spouse was killed followed by them. 
within Purgatory, the Void between life and death their soul cried out for revenge and the void answered. With the promise to forever fight for the void, Donati could go back, they agreed. 

Reborn, Vander found those who had killed them and their spouse finding them and burning their crimes into their very body and soul before leaving.

Vander than traveled the world, and many others to complete different tasks for the void, both peacefuk and bloody in nature. But that was years ago. The lovely entity in charge of the void has given Vander a much more laid-back job, one that lets them live a peaceful life again in a kind of placebo retirement. Simply guard a large entrance to the void.

Having found the entrance they were suppose to guard and they stayed there for a long time before deciding to simply build a house over the crevice. Now every so often they venture out to see the world they had missed out on before, always to return to their home, their gate, and the entity that gave them life once more. 


Vander has an interesting ability where they can pull items or creature items from their blackened arm. These items cannot be bigger then them and the larger the item the longer and harder it is to pull it out. Think of their arm like a bag of holding but they can create simple things from it as well.

Vander might also have a small silly crush on one of the very pretty entities from the void, specifically the one that brought them bacl to life, but you didn't hear that from me. (They are married and in an open relationship, your honor)

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